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Evelyn's leg crossed over the other the bounced as she sat slouched in her chair. Anxiously, she nibbled on her thumb nail, staring off into space, completely lost in a thought. She slept through the night perfectly in Will's arms but as soon as she had woken, anxiety poured through her entire being. When she woke, her mind went right to Will. Her eyes had flickered to his sleeping face turned right to her. He had looked so peaceful, so content with the world while he dreamed. Her mind had gone back to look on Will's face when he realized his father sacrificed himself for them all. She knew as she watched him sleep, that she had to start doing something about his father's curse.

"There you are." A raspy, sleepy voice spoke softly behind Evelyn. A strong, rough hand laid on her blush silky shoulder. Evelyn's eyes flickered up to Will walking around her chair to sit in the one in front of her. He pulled out the dinning room chair and turned it to face her, sitting himself in it. "I woke up and you were gone from my arms." He said, leaning back into the cushion.

Evelyn dropped her hand from her mouth, a little smile twirling up on her face. "My apologies, my love." She dangled her arm over the arm of the cream colored chair.

Mirroring her smile, Will ran a hair through his loose brown locks. "What are you doing up so early?" His dark eyes shined almost caramel due to the sunlight streaming in the dinning room. Flickering his eyes over her body language, his smile faltered. "What's wrong?"

She felt her smile begin to falter as well. Evelyn pushed herself up to sit properly in the chair, readjusting herself before she met his beautiful eyes once more. "I was just thinking about you and your father." Evelyn bit her lip nervously. "I just.." She let out a breath, glancing up at the ceiling before blinking back to him. "I just want to make you happy, Will. I feel like helping put an end to your father's curse will help restore some happiness." She felt like a child saying such things but it was the truth.

Will's lips curled up into a soft, warm smile while his eyes glowed in love for the woman sitting in before him. "Evelyn..." He breathed out her name, nearly locking her in a trance just by his voice. She watched as Will leaned forward, reaching out to grab her small, delicate hands in his large rough ones. "You are my happiness." He gave her hands a reassuring squeeze, eyes locking with hers. "Don't ever doubt for one moment that you're not. I also don't want you to have my father's burden to weight down on your shoulders."

"But I want to help." Evelyn protested, leaning forward, still holding his hands.

"I know you do and I love that you do." Will let go of her hands to cup her face, Evelyn trailed her feminine hands up his arms to hold his wrists. "But don't let it consume you." His eyes harden against hers.

"I won't but I'm going to help as much as possible and you can't stop me." She gave him a pointed look with her eyes, his face drawing closer to hers. Before Evelyn had gone pirating and sailing around the seas, she would have never been so bold and daring to someone. Now she felt like she had so much freedom with herself, even if the little things were small.

A grin worked its way on to Will's lips. "I know I can't stop you." His eyes glanced down at her lips. "But I can thank you." His words caused a grin to tug on Evelyn's lips as he closed the space in between their lips. His kiss was gently and fully met his words, a sweet thank you kiss. Will pulled back, faces only inches a part. "I love you." He whispered, eyes staring right into hers.

"I love you." Evelyn repeated, staring lovingly at the man of her dreams.

"Thank you for always being there for me." He whispered, thumbs slowly across her now blushing cheeks.

"Always." The word came out as a whisper, as if it was her soul that had spoken and not her.

"Good morning, children!" Amelia's cheerful voice rang all around the room. The two instantly pulled back from each other, laying back against into their chairs. A cheerful Amelia appeared into view, coming into the dinning room with a cream casual gown on. Her smile reached her sparkling eyes.

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