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Evelyn pushed the wooden to close with all her might, causing the loudest sound that would be produced from her. The slamming of the door echoed the emotions she was feeling-breaking and hurting. Pressing her palms flat on the door, Evelyn's face contorted into pain as she rest her forehead against the door. Soft cries emitted from her while her shoulders shook. The echoing of Will's words swarmed her mind causing her to slowly shake her head side to side against the door. She could feel the pain in her chest, wondering if any of her heart strings would break.

Squeezing her eyes tight, she let tears race down her cheeks, dropping her eye down from the door. Sniffling, she let out a few cries before lifting her head up. She opened her eyes and looking at the door, eyes trailing down to her left hand. Her stomach dropped at the nakedness of her ring finger. Pushing her hands off the door, she slowly moved her hands to circle her right forefinger around where the ring once rested. Pursing her lips, she turned around and looked at the cabin. It was still the same as before. The bed was pressed in the front right corner near the door. A full length mirror sat from across where the bed stood. The bookshelf remained in its rightful place as well as the small port hole window near the back of the room, lighting the room entirely.

Memories filled this cabin. If most of them weren't so sad, Evelyn would have tried to focus her mind on them. Yet, déjà vu hit her, realizing this wasn't the first time she's cried over Will in this space.

With puffy eyes, Evelyn looked around the small cabin, moving inches away from the door while observing the small space around her. Her eyes moved to the full lengeth mirror. It felt like only yesterday she and Anamaria were in the cabin where she felt like a woman, standing in those pirate clothes for the first time.

Moving to the mirror, Evelyn looked at her reflection. Puffy, red eyes and a tear stain face. A sad expression she hated to see about herself. Too many times has she looked at her crying reflection, despising just how weak and torn down she always felt when she cried.

Evelyn wondered what Anamaria would would say to her if she still had been around. Her words would probably be "you are no longer the girl you were when you first came on this ship, wipe your tears and embrace the woman who have you become. Don't let some man make you feel this way, girl."

She missed Anamaria, even if she had only known her for such a small time. She looked up to her in some ways, often wishing she could be just as fearless and head strong as the female pirate. There aren't weeks that pass by when Anna Maria's presents hasn't slipped her thought.

Evelyn blinked at her reflection, glancing down at the corset belt that hugged her waist. She placed her hands on the fabric, feeling the crosses of the string. Glancing up at the mirror once more, Evelyn imagined Anamaria standing over her shoulder.

"...get up off of your ass and fix your broken heart on your own." Anamaria once said to her.

Taking in a deep breath, Evelyn nodded as if Anamaria had just spoken those words to her.

Glancing at her sad reflection once more, Evelyn turned away from the mirror to look at the bed like cot. She looked at the bed and noticed it had been made. The sheets and brown wool blanket had been perfectly tucked in under the small cot. The single white pillow laid perfectly flat at the head of the bed, looking perfectly fluffed.

Never taking her eyes off of the bed, she slowly turned and sat down on the little bed, wandering who had made the bed. Reaching out, she ran a hand over the wool blanket. It felt oddly comforting beneath her finger tips. Evelyn wanted to destroy it's perfect condition and wrap her body in the blanket and sheets.

Her eyes moved down toward her left hand resting on top of the blanket. Her hand froze in place as she stared at it. Slowly, she pulled it up closer to her to observe it again. She flipped her palm up and down to look at the naked ring finger until her vision began to blur with more tears.

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