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The Black Pearl had slid across the ocean's surface right where the group had remained floating. Coming to a stop, it's massive belly rested ten feet from them. Will let go of Evelyn, exchanging a quick glance at her before swimming ahead of her. She waited for a second before following after him, Jack and Leo coming closer behind her. Evelyn let the cool ocean water lick her chin as she kicked her legs. Her eyes flickered between the ship and Will just to be sure she didn't swim  into him.

The group swam from out of the sunlight and into the shadows of the ship. Evelyn watched as Will reached the out to touch the ship, pulling himself up to climb. She waited for a minute before climbing up as well. She gripped each handle, securing herself as she rose higher and higher. Her eyes watched Will climb over the top; a sigh slipped past her nostrils. Will turned around and extended his hand down to Evelyn. She reached the top and grabbed his hand, carefully climbing on to the deck of the Pearl. Turning around, she waited for Jack and Leo to step up as well. Jack the monkey had jumped off of Leo's shoulder, running off across the ship as Leo was helped on to the deck by Mr. Gibbs.

"Not even a thank you, ungrateful." Leo shook his head at the monkey.

An amuse smile grew across Evelyn's lips, her eyes sparkling with amusement as well. She reached out and pat his shoulder.

Mr. Gibbs helped Jack up on to the deck. "Thank goodness, Jack. The armada's still out there. The Endeavor's coming up hard to starboard, and I think it's time we embrace the oldest and noblest of pirate traditions." Mr. Gibbs edged on, pointing a shaky finger in the opposite direction.

Jack stared off. "Never actually been one for tradition." He walked across the ship, looking at Endeavor and the armada behind it, waiting for the pirates to make their move. He snapped his head to look back at his crew. "Close haul her. Luff the sails and lay her in irons." He shouted his order, beginning to walk towards the nose of the Pearl.

"Belay that, or we'll be a sitting duck." Barbossa stepped out from the crowd, raising his voice over Jack's.

Jack froze looking at Barbossa. He gave him a look before looking back out to the crew. "Belay that 'belay that.'" He fired out.

Mr. Gibbs stood there with a his eyebrows contorted and his mouth parted. "But the arma..."

"Belay!" Jack cut off.

"The Endeav..."

"Belay! Belay! Stow! Shut it!" Jack continued to cut off Mr. Gibbs until his friend grew silent. He walked past Evelyn and the others, giving her a few pats on the head.

Evelyn blinked each time patted her head. She narrowed her eyelids and tilted her head to the side, watching him walk off. "He truly is a unique man."

Will shook his head at the pirate. He turned around to look over the railing, Leo joining him.

James walked through the crowd over to where Evelyn stood. "Oh thank god you're alive." He breathed out, walking past her to look over the railing.

Turning around, Evelyn joined in the others to look over the railing. "I could say the same about you. It was a close call on our part." She looked out at the Endeavor. The ship began moving at full speed to where the Pearl stood.

Suddenly, right beside the Black Pearl, the Flying Dutchman rose up on to the ocean's surface. Water splashed everywhere, pouring out of the Dutchman's sides. A gasp came from Evelyn followed by a smile, she looked to Will and seeing a similar expression. He turned his head to her, sparkles shinning in his dark brown eyes. They turned back around, looking out at the Dutchman. Right behind the vessel's wheel stood Bootstrap Bill Turner back in his human form. He looked out at Will and Evelyn, giving a bright smile.

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