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The day was slowly getting prepared to transform itself into a dark and stary night. Throughout the ice glaciers, the sun was almost completely gone from the sky. Snow sprinkles across the sea and the new ship along with its shivering crew that shook from the freezing temperatures. Besides the brutal cold, it was a beautiful sight. It was peaceful and quiet; there was no war, gunshots, or chaos. No battle had to be fought to cross this section of the sea. It was gentle, allowing the crew to relax, not being on their toes and watching their backs.

Even with the crew laying back, they still suffered from the freezing cold. Ice and snow covered across the ship as well as the crew themselves. Everyone, including the ship, looked as if they had fallen in a large pile of snow and sat there for many hours.

Towards the back of this unique ship, Evelyn sat, embraced by Leo behind Captain Barbossa as he steered the ship. She bent her knees across Leo's lap, snuggling into his chest while he held a big blanket around them. Shivering, she buried her nose in the blanket trying to get as warm as possible. Internally she wished it was Will being the one who was holding her but Evelyn knew he was too busy studying the map, trying to understand it.


So instead, she had to get warm with her best friend instead.

"I hate the cold." Evelyn's voice muffled from under the blanket. Her head snuggled against his shoulder, trying to rest it in the most comfortable spot.

"Hmm?" Leo hummed, not understanding what she had just said.

A little pout came from Evelyn, not wanting to lift her face up from under the blanket. "I said, I hate the cold." She said quickly before hiding her nose again.

"Ah." Leo let out, looking out at the ice caps that floats on the water. "Have you heard from your parents?" He furrowed his eyebrows, turning his head to look down at her.

"No I haven't. I told them about what happened with Jack and what Tia Dalma said. I said that we are going to be traveling to a lot of places and deal with certain things for a while which meant I wasn't going to be home anytime soon. I told them not to write me because I knew it wouldn't be safe for them if they tried to contact me or even tried to do anything that involved any of this..." Evelyn's voice trailed off. She stared off into space. "I miss them, Leo. I miss Marie; I bet she's a full grown cat now. I miss home." An odd hollow feeling began swarming in her chest. "I even miss Martin, our quiet doorman." She paused for a second. "You know, if I die I would never get the chance to ever hear Martin speak. I tried to get him to say something to me when I was a child but it never happened." Leo's chuckle freely entered her open ear but rumbled against the other.

Leo rubbed the little part of her back that he could reach. "Don't worry, this will be over before you know it and then we can go home." His gentle sentence caused her look up at him. A little smile was plastered on his face causing Evelyn to give a little smile as well.

"But." Evelyn let out, her voice trailing off.


"But I know I would miss this." Evelyn's expression softened.

"Miss what, love?" Leo furrowed his eyebrows.

"Miss all of this." She moved her hand from under the blanket to gesture to the ship and the crew within it. "I'll miss these adventures and this freedom, the sea...being something more than just a girl from Port Royal." She looked down for at the blanket. "It's stupid I know." She added, shaking her head.

"It's not stupid, Evelyn. I understand what you mean." Leo used his fist around the blanket ends to bump her thigh, causing her to look back up at him. "I'm not going to lie, these months have been some of the best months of my life." A smile grew on Leo's face. "Even if we've almost died...repeatedly." He shrugged causing Evelyn to laugh, nodding in agreement. "But you are so much more than just a girl from Port Royal, Evelyn. You so humble, you don't even realize how amazing of a person you are. I wish you could be in my shoes or even Jack's or Will's just to see what it's like to be around you." Leo's face softened as he looked upon Evelyn's sweet face, slowly turning pink.

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