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Evelyn leaned on her forearms against the railing of the sleeping Black Pearl. The crew had celebrated their historical victory, drinking and singing until it put them all into a deep sleep. Evelyn was the only one who didn't consume any alcohol. So, she she stood there awake, absorbing the scenery around her: the nearly black ocean water, the glowing night sky, and the stars that shines so bright you could see their reflection in the still water. It was beautiful, truly it was. But it's beauty could shake the blue feeling that swarmed deep inside Evelyn.

While she was happy they had won and made it out alive, she had realized that now it was all over that it was time to go home. Part of her wanted to say on the Pearl and sail out the rest of her days but the other part of her knew it was time to go home. She was over-joyed to see her parents again and to start her life with the man she loved but deep down, Evelyn knew herself. She was going to miss the pirate life, the adventures, and the exploring. She'd miss Jack and the other pirates, she'd even miss the monkey.

Evelyn pulled herself from her thoughts, dropping her gaze down to her hands fiddling with each other. The wind softly began to blow around her, gently swaying her strawberry blonde hair side to side. It was a sweet, chilling feeling to her, almost like a breath of fresh air.

"What are you doing up this late, love?" Jack's voice appeared behind Evelyn. She craned her head over her shoulder, resting her chin on her bare shoulder. A soft smile curled up on her lips as she looked to her friend.

Jack, smiling back as well, began walking over to Evelyn as she replied back to him. "I've just been soaking in the last bit of time left I have on the Pearl." She slowly turned her head back forward and Jack mimicked her stance.

"Got a lot on your mind?" Jack questioned, giving a little shrug as he stared out into the ocean.

A hint of pink washed up on Evelyn's cheeks. She looked down at her hands bashfully. "Part of it." She replied, looking back up at him.

"I know you well enough by now to know when something is wrong." Jack spoke coolly, casually even. He turned his head just enough to look down at her, the corners of his mouth turning up. "What is it?'

Walking forward, Evelyn pushed herself off the railing to stand straight. A little sigh slipped through her noes. She stared back down at the water. "It's just..." She glanced back up to Jack. "I'm just going to miss you and all of this." Using her hands, she gestured around herself, her eyes following as she did so. "I hate going home after being on such a glorious voyage." With her gaze falling, Evelyn dropped her hands on the railing right in front of her chest. "Almost all of my life I spent it in Port Royal. Always watching the sea from a far and being too scared to ever leave and also never being allowed to leave or even breath in any direction my mother didn't find proper." Evelyn pointed out, eyes widening before shaking her head. She relaxed her face, a little smile growing on her pink lips. "And then you came along," she looked up to Jack meeting his grin. "And you take Will and I on this incredible adventure even if it was to save the girl who I grew up hating. I felt that taste of freedom and excitement and adventure. It was the greatest thing I could ever hope for." Jack fully turned himself to face her, listening to every word. "Then I went home, ended up being with Will. Stayed home for a few months then left for an even longer adventure. Really, I have to thank you, Jack. Everything you do always ends up working one way or another. Luckily, it was always good for me. Except when we were to hang for helping you and my mother pretended to be me and took my hanging. Besides that, things worked out okay." Grinning, Evelyn turned to face him as well.

"Oh, well, you're welcome then." Jack grinned, resting and arm on the railing. There was a pause in between the two for a moment. Neither one of them broke each others stare. "You know, Evelyn, you don't have to go home. You could stay here." Jack gestured to the Pearl. "Spend the rest of your days sailing the seas with me and the crew." His lifted his hands, tracing waves in the air.

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