good friend || dally

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[credits to theoutsiders-oneshots 🖤]

Dallas told you he would be on his way but you didn't believe him. You thought he would leave soon not at that moment, you were used to people saying they were on their way when in reality that was not the case. In the time you thought it would take him to get there you were showering and then you'd get changed and do your hair and makeup. It was late at night too so you assumed he'd take a little longer to get there. He'd want to walk in a confident casual way. If other gangs see you in a hurry or looking cowardly they see you as an easy target.
The warm relaxing water helped you loosen up. It cascaded down your body in trickles, tickling a little. You sigh in relief. Showers were refreshing. In fact you'd go as far as to say they were the best part of the day. All the stress, anger, sadness and pain could be let go of. It was a time when you could be alone and at peace. You didn't have to worry about what was going on in the world or in your own life. Just you and the water, thoughts coming and going as you cleaned the slate.
You were interrupted from this relaxation by Dallas however. There was a knock on your bathroom door, you had been so lost in your thoughts that you hadn't even heard anyone enter your home. Dally was on time. Damn. "What are you doing in there? I said I was on my way." His muffled voice asked.
"I'm showering." You call out. The door creaks as it's being opened. What the hell did he think he was doing? You knew you should have got a shower with a curtain instead of this stupid glass. Quick as a rabbit you cover your body with your hands before you yelled at him, a glare apparent on your face. "The fuck do you think you're doin'?! Get out, I'm almost done!" You keep your hands on your body until he leaves, closing the door behind himself.
"Fine, fine. Someone's cranky," He paused. "And here I thought you wanted me to join you." His voice held a teasing tone, you could almost hear his smirk.
"Shut up, doofus." You quickly finished showering, put on your gear and opened the door to meet a bored Dally sitting on your bed. He hated waiting, you knew that. Dally was an impatient guy "I'm done, let's go."
He stood up, walking past you towards the door. "It's about time, Y/n." You left the house with Dallas and started walking with no destination in mind. Dallas lit up a smoke and pulled another out for you, handing you his lighter. That's how you knew he cared about you. He gave you a smoke. For Dally he never gave free handouts to people he didn't like or know. He wanted them to himself, you were like that too. You took the cigarette and lit it, returning the lighter to him. Taking a drag you felt relief fill your body.
"I have some spray cans. We could go have some fun with 'em. Or if you'd prefer," He discloses, he slings an arm around your shoulder. "We can go have another kind of fun."
You laugh and push his arm off. "Nice try. I'm gonna have to go with option number one."
"Alright, we can do option number two another time." He smirks.
You roll your eyes in the way you do with those you are close with when they say something you don't like but find amusing none the less. The two of you walked around as you smoked until you stumbled upon a classic graffiti spot. It was an alley that out looked a field on one side and had a building on the other. The field made it easy to run if you were caught, it was an open area and it was dark. It'd be perfect. Dallas pulled out two cans and handed you a black one, he kept the red one. You both went at it on the wall, making art or just writing things. It was all around a good time. You drew funny things and said it was him, he would write flirtatious things to tease you. The two of you were laughing a little too loud.
His arm was around you and both of you were admiring the work you did. You heard a noise like someone was sneaking up towards you, looking up you saw a policeman. He didn't seem like he had adjusted to the darkness yet, he was stumbling a little and was trying to turn on a flashlight so you poked Dallas to show him and ran. Dally picked up the cans and ran with you but the officer had already noticed. He hadn't seen you only Dally. You looked back and noticed how far back he was from you but he made a motion for you to continue running. When you had looked back the officer seemed really close to him. That was the last you saw of him that night.
When you got home you called his apartment phone but there was no answer. You had a restless sleep that night as you lay awake worrying about him. The chances that he was caught were pretty high. If he didn't call you when he got home it wasn't a good sign.
The next day you called again. No answer. You were about to go down to the police station to see if he was there but your phone suddenly rang. As soon as you heard Dallas' tone you knew he was being held and that this was his phone call. "Hey, I'm in jail right now. I'm gonna have to stay here for four months unless I can get enough money." He spoke in a hurried tone. "Tell everyone where I am for me."
"Wait, how much money?" You question, pondering if somehow you could get enough.
"Too much."
"Damn." You felt defeated but decided that you would get him out somehow.
"I want you to know I don't care about the current situation, I had a good time." He reassured you. "I'll be out before you know it."
"There's gotta be a way I can get you out. I'll miss you, you know?" You admit. "Who am I gonna have fun with while you're gone?" You joke.
He chuckles. "And who said you can't come and give me some fun?"
"Even while in police custody you're still as flirty as ever." You laugh and then turn serious. "I'll get you out. It's partly my fault anyway."
"Don't say that. I would've done it anyway." He pauses and you a hear his muffled voice tell someone to mind their own business. "I have to go, somone is on my case." Dally says in a sassy way. "Don't stress too much, bye."
"Bye." As soon as the call ended you were on your way to Tim's place. If anyone knew about this stuff it would be him. You caught him right as he was leaving.
"Hey, I need your help." You called out. "Dally is being held."
Tim turned to look at you. "What is it this time?"
"Vandalism. I need your help to get him out." You walk over to him, looking him right in the eyes so he knew you meant business.
"How am I supposed to help?" He squinted his eyes at you and stood up tall. "You want me to take the blame or somethin'?"
"No. Do you know anyone on the inside that could help? I'm real desperate here, Tim." You sigh.
"He slashed my tires."
"What...?" You started at him for a minute in confusion.
"He owes me, not the other way around." Tim crossed his arms defiantly. "Why do you care so much anyway?"
"He's my friend and he's your best friend. We all know that no matter how much y'all fight you're still gonna be best friends. Do it as a favor for me and I'll pay for your tires." You knew he couldn't resist that.
"You got yourself a deal." He smiled grimly.
"I know this girl who works there as a secretary. I may have fucked her a few times. Needless to say she'll help us out if I do it again." He explains as you stand outside of the station.
"I feel like that was too much information but okay. Let's go." You walk into the station with Tim.
He makes eyes at the secretary and walks over. You stayed where you were for the time being, there was no way you wanted to overhear the dirty shit they were saying. The girl looked at you for a second with a jealous face that quickly disappeared. Tim motioned you over. You walk over and stand beside him.
"This is my distant cousin." He looks at you and then to the girl. "She is engaged to Dallas Winston and their wedding is coming up soon. You mind doing us both a favor and letting him go? Switch the records, hmm?" Tim leaned in and whispered.
First of all you weren't his cousin and second of all no. Like hell you were engaged to Dally. None the less you followed the plan that he seemed to have made up spontaneously. Below the girls view he gave you a ring. You assumed he wanted you to put it on, to make it seem real.
"Is that so?" She asked suspiciously. You held up the ring, trying to hide the fact that it was a little loose. She looked at it and visibly relaxed. "Congratulations but what do I get out of this?" The girl turned to Tim and gave him a seductive look.
Tim whispered in her ear, she seemed satisfied enough. You had no clue what he promised her but then again you didn't want to know either. The girl looked through a pile of papers and pulled one out. You didn't feel like staring so you looked around. The building was pretty empty at the moment. Something must have been going on. It was that or the cops were out getting donuts, the latter being more plausible. She finished and buzzed a cop in and handed him the sheet.
The cop took it and left. Tim took a seat in the seating area as did you. The chairs were wooden and no matter how you sat on it you were in pain. They should've invested in better chairs instead of donuts. You zoned out until you saw Dally being brought to you by the same cop. You stood up and waited for the cop to stop lecturing him before walking over.
"I told you I'd get you out." You smirk and hug him.
"Yeah. I can't believe you bailed me out." He sounded surprised. Looking behind you he saw Tim and immediately changed his train of thought. "How did you get the money?" He sounded a little paniced.
You led him outside, Tim trailing behind. Once you were outside and far enough from the station you spoke. "I got Tim to seduce the secretary."
There was a moment of silence before he laughed. "Why did you do that for me?" He asked Tim. You tried to silently tell Tim not to tell Dallas by shaking your head but Tim didn't seem to notice. Dallas might get angry at you, he might not. Either way you didn't want to find out.
"Y/n here is going to pay for my tires that you slashed." Tim stated.
Dallas turned to you and sighed but held a smile. "Thanks, Y/n. I don't know what I'd do without a good friend like you."

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐒𝐌𝐔𝐓 🦋Where stories live. Discover now