be kind || tim

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〈𝙘𝙧𝙚𝙙𝙞𝙩𝙨 𝙩𝙤 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙤𝙪𝙩𝙨𝙞𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙨-𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨 𝙤𝙣 𝙩𝙪𝙢𝙗𝙡𝙧 🖤〉

A/N: IM BACK BITCHES!!!! ITS ALL BECAUSE OF SCHOOL AND AHHH IM SO GLAD TO BE BACK AND guys i'm soooo sorry i've been SOOOO BUSY!! i have bad service at school or i keep forgetting about wattpad again i'm sorry! anyway enjoy this story which is NOT MINE!!

   You were a Curtis sister and because of that a lot of potential suitors avoided you. They didn't want to cause trouble in gangs or in friend groups. For example Tim Shepard. You desperately wanted him and you had a feeling he wanted you as well but whenever you would flirt with him he would shut you down. It wasn't love but lust and you knew that. You had never thought about dating Tim. You just wanted to be friends with benefits. Even if it may make things awkward, you found him sexy which countered all the worries. You were the type to fuck around with guys and leave the next morning, maybe even afternoon.
     It was currently very early in the morning, just after midnight. You had been out driving around with friends, you knew that if you went home Darry would wake up to the noise of you coming in and lecture you about sneaking out. To you he was overprotective, to him he was acting normally. That was why you decided to go to Tim's apartment instead. You knew where it was. The only worry really was if he was awake or busy banging some chick. Either way you decided to take your chances. You told your friends to drop you off at his apartment instead of at home. They didn't question it, you often spent the night at guys places. It's not like they could say shit considering they were the same way. Sometimes there would be sex, sometimes not. If sex did occur you always made sure the guy wore a condom though. You didn't want to end up pregnant or with STD's. You may have liked to fuck but you knew to be safe about it.
      Walking into the building, the lock on the main door was broken so you didn't have to worry about keys, made you excited. Tim had recently moved into the apartment and needed help moving in. You were one of the people that helped which gave you the knowledge as to where his specific apartment room was. You found his door and knocked. After hearing a bunch of stumbling around you heard his muffled voice through the door.
     "Who is it?" A gruff voice asked. Tim's voice was deep and soothing. He may have tried to sound intimidating but to you it was just another turn on.
     "It's me." You grin a little out of excitement. "Y/n."
     If he weren't awake you would have to walk to Dally's place. You had never fucked him before but you wouldn't be against it, as long as he was cool with it. Walking wouldn't be a good idea anyway. You were glad Tim was up. Really, Tim should have given you a key by now.
     He opened the door quickly and scanned you up and down with his eyes to make sure you weren't hurt. You were glad you had worn your best dress. It flattered your curves and really brought out the colour of your eyes. The key to seduction is the eyes.
     "Why are you here and not at your house this fucking time?" He inquired, moving aside to let you in despite the angry manner to his words. Tim was like that, he would act like that but you saw right through him.
     "I didn't think Darry would be impressed with me being out this late." You sit on his couch as if you were in your own home. In a way you were, you had spent a few nights at his place for similar reasons before.
     You grabbed a beer bottle that was on the coffee table and downed it before he could stop you. He shut and locked his door before sitting down next to you right on the edge of the couch. You wanted him but he always avoided you if possible.
     "You shouldn't be drinking, Y/n. You know how you get when you drink." He stated, eyebrows furrowed together.
     He was probably referring to one of the times you showed up at his apartment tipsy. You were extra handsy with him. It frustrated you that he didn't reciprocate your actions. He didn't stop or object though. At least not until it got too far. Last time that happened you had grabbed his dick through his pants and you were about to go further when he pushed you away.
     Tim grabbed another bottle from the floor and sipped on it, he seemed to have a collection of alcohol on the ground beside the couch. You wondered if he would let you go any farther this time. Being around him drove you crazy with desire. This time you would let him lead. If he wanted to fuck you then that's what would happen.
    "It's fine." You shake off his concerns and lay down on the couch with your head in his lap.
    "I assume you want to stay the night."
     "Yeah, if not I'll probably go to Dally's." You disclose.
    "No, no, you can stay." He declares suddenly.
    You laugh. It was a good sign that he didn't want you going to Dally's. It meant he didn't want Dallas fucking you. Now you needed to figure out why that was.
    "Don't trust Dallas with me?" You tease, trying to get the truth out of him.
    He doesn't say anything. You steal his beer out of his hands and sit up. Tim wraps his arm just below your breasts as he takes the bottle back, holding it out of reach. Out of retaliation you sit on his lap and reach for it. Your tits were right in his line of sight, he couldn't help but stare for a second before looking away with an annoyed look on his face. He was so lost in his thoughts that he forgot to hold the bottle out of your reach. You grabbed it and sat back on his lap as you took a swig.
    "This is what I mean. Dallas would have his way with you." Tim finally replied. "I know how your kind acts."
    Tim grabbed the bottle back again and took a few sips. You remained on his lap.
"The fuck do you mean by my kind?"
    Your balance was a little off and you started to fall but he grabbed a hold of your waist and pulled you closer towards his body. You felt a tingle move up your spine as he did. Having him take control like that really did it for you even if you felt insulted.
    "Put this on the table." He orders, handing you the bottle. You finish it off before placing it on the table. "You flirt with any guy you can and fuck 'em."
    "So? You do the same just with girls."
    "Touché ." He still held you close and sighed, changing the subject. "You owe me for the beer."
    "My body is how I'll pay you back, Babe." You say as you embrace him.
    "Don't say things like that. You're gonna cause trouble."
    "I like causing trouble." He looks deeply into your eyes, weighing the pros and cons. "Aw, are you shy?" You tease yet again, poking his cheek.
    "Believe me, Babe. I'm not shy." He voices defensively as he grabs your hand that you had just used to poke him.
     His tone sent a shiver throughout your body. "Prove it." You retort. "That is unless you are too shy to." There's a moment of silence before he grabs your ass and tugs on your hair.
    "Would a shy guy do this?" He questions as he makes intense eye contact.
    You moan loudly before smirking. "No. You should act like this more often." You flirt casually. For you it was casual.
    He pushed you down onto the couch, climbing on top of you. Tim grabbed a fistful of your hair while his other hand gently caressed your face. He kept looking from your eyes to your lips but he made no move. For a second you thought he was going to kiss you.
    "Why do you have to make me feel this way?" He asks but it was more to himself than to you. He gets up off of you and puts the leftover beer in the fridge. You look at him, eager to see what he would do next but nothing significant happened. "You can sleep in my room, I'll sleep on the couch. I'm tired so I'm gonna go to bed."
    "But I don't want to sleep alone. We can sleep together in your bed." You suggest. "I don't like sleeping alone."
    Tim didn't respond for a moment. He looked like he was seriously thinking over how everything would play out. You hated the hesitation he held when it came to you, you wished he'd just let go of his apprehension.
    "Do you promise not to pull anything over me?" He gave you a serious look.
    You sighed. "Yes."
    You wouldn't try to anyway. However if something were to happen let's just say it wouldn't break the promise. He walked to his room and you trailed behind him like a puppy, turning off the lights behind you. Tim took off his shirt so that all that remained was his sweats before he lie on the bed. You started unzipping your dress because it was difficult to sleep in but he stopped you, eyes as wide as golf balls. You were very used to getting naked around men, it no longer fazed you.
    "What did I say about trying anything?" He said in a stern tone, grabbing your shoulders.
     "I don't want to sleep in a dress, it's not comfy." You explain. None the less you kept the dress on, half way zipped up.
     Tim took the shirt he had previously been wearing and threw it in your direction. "Then at least put this on. What would your brothers think if they knew you were taking your clothes off in front of me."
     He looked away as you took your dress off and replaced it with the shirt. "I don't care what they think, it's my life. Fuck 'em."
     It bugged you that he didn't even look once. You wanted him to crave your body. Once you had finished you lay down beside him on the bed and wrapped your arms around him. You were like a koala bear hanging onto its tree.
      The thing that confused you the most about Tim was that he would let you do certain things like cuddling or hugging but whenever you tried to kiss him or talk sexually with him he would turn you down. He wasn't living up to his reputation at all.
     Tim gave you and Dally a ride to the movies. Seeing as neither of you had your own vehicle just yet. Being at the movies with Dally and Tim could be nice. That is if they were acting properly. Dallas alone was trouble. Both of them in a bad mood was also trouble though. So far they were both in good moods, lucky you. You were sitting in between them so some little prank wouldn't end up happening, causing things to go too far. Not like it would be very serious anyway. They always made up.
     You however were feeling mischievous. Poking Tim got his attention. You winked and moved your hand to his lap. He was wearing sweat pants which made it almost irresistible. It was so easy to see the outline of his cock every time he moved his legs you just had to touch him. Your hand was not in an innocent place, it was directly on the tip of his dick. You managed to keep an innocent face while you palmed him through his pants. He squirmed a little but made no move to stop you. You felt him grow in his pants. His breathing sped up and to you it was noticeably different. This went on for a good five minutes before you felt his hand ever so slowly guide your hand to the places he desired to be touched the most. You were so happy you had finally broken his shell that you didn't notice your own pace on his dick increase. He let out a loud groan as he came. His groan was noticed by Dally. Considering it was a good part of the movie there was no need to let out a groan like that. You stopped what you were doing and kept on staring at the movie.
    "Why did you gro- oh."
    You looked over and saw a visibly wet spot near his noticeably still erect cock. There was a little bit of white that you could spot. You felt bad for making him cum in a theater but also proud. Tim covered his crotch with his leather jacket and stood up, grabbing your arm to drag you along with him.
     "Wait, are you two a thing?" Dally exclaims as he stays seated. "Right beside me too? Are you not gonna answer?"
     He called out to the two of you but in your case you had no choice but to follow Tim. It wasn't like you didn't want to anyway. He didn't say a word until the two of you were in his car but he was fuming.
    "I'm going to get you back for that." He growls as he starts driving. "You made me cum in public, in front of Dallas!"
    "You didn't try to stop me though." You add.
     He was silent for a moment. "I didn't expect to cum that fast."
    "With me it's like that. Now that you have seen what I can do, how about it?" You ask.
    "What do you mean?"
    "We can become fuck-buddies." You say as if it was obvious.
    He slams on the breaks for a stop sign. Tim turns to you so quick you thought be gave himself whiplash. "What the fuck did you just say?!"
    "Do you want me to drive?" You ask, more concerned about if he would be able to drive safely.
    "No." He starts going.
    "Okay. Anyway. I'm not super innocent, you know that. And I find you sexy as fuck too. I've wanted you to fuck me or let me suck you off for so fucking long. It's been torture. And no matter what I did you would always turn me down. The thing that was the worst is I wasn't sure why but I think I know now. It's because you don't want it to be awkward."
    "Y/n, could you shut the fuck up for now? I'm not in a mood to talk."
    "Well then why did you bring me along with you?" You question frustratingly.
    "Why do you think?"
     "I don't know what to think with you. In case you haven't noticed you are a very confusing man."
     "Do I really have to spell it out? Are you actually innocent?"
    You blush out of anger. "Does that mean we are gonna-"
     You felt fire deep inside of you. Waiting seemed like torture so you took matters into your own hands. You moved your dress out of the way and spread your legs. After taking off your panties you began playing with yourself.
     "Hey, what are you doing?" Tim said, looking over at you for a second. "I didn't give you permission to touch yourself." He growled out.
     "What are you gonna do about it?" You tease.
    "Fuck it." He stated as he parked the car outside his apartment. "You want me to fuck you I'll give you the complete experience. Maybe then you'll be satisfied."
     Tim got out of the car and was by your door before you could blink. He opened your door and picked you up over his shoulder, slapping your ass. You moaned quietly out of embarrassment. Tim had left his leather jacket in the car. He had abandoned trying to cover up the fact that he had cum in his pants. They would be off soon enough anyway.
    He made it to his apartment in seconds flat. With his foot he shut the door, not bothering with the lock. Tim threw you down onto his bed before going to his closet. You took off your dress and bra while he looked through his closet for an unknown item.
    "Hurry up and fuck me already." You plead.
     He returns to the bed with rope.
    "I told you I'm giving you the complete experience not a quick fuck."
     He tied your arms and legs to each corner of the bed, making sure your legs were spread apart. He slapped your thigh before taking off his clothes. His cock was getting hard again.
     "You've wanted this for a while haven't you?" You remark.
     "And you haven't?" He says as he gets on top of you.
    Tim starts kissing you as he rubs your slit. You were surprised with the rope. Sure, you had heard he was rough but now you beginning to question just how rough he would actually be. Without warning, using your juices as lube, he started fingering you at a fast pace.
    "Holy shit!" You moaned. He knew how to use those fingers but did he know how to use his tongue. "Use your tongue too."
    He started sucking on your clit. It didn't take long for your horny ass to orgasm but he kept fingering you after it had ended.
    "I, ah, orgasmed."
    "I know."
    He was ruthless. He stopped to untie your legs so he could push them farther apart. Tim pulled his pants down and pulled out his cock, putting a condom on, before thrusting deeply into you. You wanted to touch him, wrap your arms around him. This was what you had waited for and he wasn't going to let you touch him.
    Through moans you spoke. "Let me touch you. I am begging you."
    "I like seeing you struggle and beg. This is what you signed up for." He smirked.
    "Fuck you."
   He laughed. You moved your hips in rhythm to his. Tim grabbed your left breast while he sucked on your right nipple. Somehow you managed to get your hands out of the rope, you wrapped one arm around his back and the other gripped onto his hair. At that point he didn't even care. You pushed him down and began riding him. He groped your breasts and ass as he watched your facial expressions. He came, his thrusts up in to you picking up speed out of seemingly nowhere. You orgasm again, his thrusts causing you to unfold. You lay on his chest, his dick still inside of you.
"You're a good fuck." Tim laughs.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐒𝐌𝐔𝐓 🦋Where stories live. Discover now