Chapter 9: Gossip and Trouble

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Reader's PoV

The next morning, Yuna arrived home late and the boys are disappointed about the girls leaving at night for the party... They didn't talk to each other this morning until RM's phone ring.

Namjoon answered the call and Manager-PD nim shouted "RM! TELL THE GIRLS TO COME TO THE BUILDING AFTER SCHOOL!! WE NEED DICUSS THIS ISSUE IMMEDIATELY!!" And RM replied "Yes sir, I gonna tell them and see you later!" And RM took a deep breath and faced everyone. "Girls you need to go to Bighit after school and no hanging out with anyone, Understood?!?"RM asked and they nodded and left the house and Jin looked down and sighed. And responses "Namjoon, There's something I need to tell you." And RM nodded and Jin whispers to RM and he looked shocked after.

Jean's PoV

We arrived at school,once we went inside people started whispering about me and Win-Win, we saw Yuna and Catherine smirked at us and sa "Have fun for 1st day back from the party" and left laughing at us.

We went to our class and We were really silent,Unti Jeu and Haneul came to us and sit down with discuss the issue. "We're kinda shocked what happened but Catherine is the one behind this!" Haneul whispered and Win-Win explained everything to them about Catherine and the party along the conflict between us with Yuna.

At lunch they sat with us and Yuna is seating with Catherine, Until they come to our table. "You losers need a new looked" Yuna said and Catherine and Yuna throw their Soup at us, and laughed at us along with everyone until Jeune and Hanuel stood up and said "Leave them alone, if don't leave them alone I tell everyone about the party that you pushed them in the pool!" Haneul said and everyone was shocked and Catherine sighed and looked At Haneul "Look! It's not my fault, maybe you should sit with us instead with them" she said sweetly and high pitch, and Haneul declines and Win-Win poured Ice tea on Yuna.

Everyone was laughing at Yuna and they groaned and leaves the canteen.

Hannah's PoV

Today was the worst the ever, everyone was laughing at me and Jazelle along with Jenny, until we have a text.

Have a bad day, I have a better day to see you humiliated, After school go the mall and buy something for me and I text you for list.

If not I will give you liars a punishment


And we're shocked and we're not supposed to be somewhere after school and chatted the girls ASAP.

Girls GC

Min Yuna left the group 3:00pm

ActorWin- Ugh!
PufiHannah- Guys meet me at the Seoul mall after school and buy thing for 'D'.
Cherry blossom- Were supposed not to go out
Gamer🎮- And PD-Nim will have to speak to us.
ActorWin- Free period pwede?
JellyJenny- It's kinda good idea.
PufiHannah- Ok then see you all then in feee period.

~End of Convo~

(Time skip)

It's free period and Jazelle,Jenny and I left the school and went to Seoul mall, and D texted us .

Team B
(Hannah,Win-Win,And Jenny)

Buys these

1.) Lip gloss
2.) BTS Wings album
3.) BTS Map of the soul: Persona Album
4.) Yuna's Diary

Ok then and What! Yuna's Diary And Jenny to steal it. And the albums are EXPENSIVE..

And bought a lip gloss along the albums, and wore our digested masks and hat, and went back to the school.

Win-Win's PoV

We made it back successfully and took us like long time and the list was so short, Yuna went home early as Haneul told me and I texted to Jenny as she went back home early as well.

I hear many people whisper about me and the girls from last night, I need a break from all of this.

"Ok class, you're dismissed!" The teacher announced and get our things and waiting for the ride for Bighit.

Jenny's PoV

I went home early and Yuna was there, Dang it! Until she went to the washroom and I saw her dairy and shoved it my bag before 2 mins she's out and I left the room and went to the living room.

I got another text

I see it's easy for you to steal Yuna's Diary but she knows sooner

- D

*Groans* as I watch tv, until the driver arrived to pick us up and left the dorms.

(Time skip)

RM's PoV

We're in the meeting room with the girls and Manager PD-nim give the girls disappointed look, and replied "Why did you girls came to the party?" Jean and girls didn't response and Mi-Young spoke up "I didn't go the party" and PD-nim smiled and we explained that she's asleeped the whole time and he understands and dismissing Mi-Young in the meeting,
and looked back at them until Yuna spoke up "Catherine invited me to the party, and-" She been cut off by Manager Pd-nim "Who's Catherine?" He asked and Win-Win responded "Miss lie face" and Jimin looked up and said "PARK WIN-WIN!" Yelled.

"mian, appa." She responded and Jean responded "We-" Manager Pd-Nim cut her of and said "I had enough and return to the dorms, I handle this situation and LEAVE NOW!" And the girls left.

Reader's PoV

Manager scolded the boys and also give the girls the punishment, Catherine heard everything and laughed.

"Phase 1 completed and Phase 2 Starts now! *Evil laughs*. This is just good to see them in trouble" as she laughed again and again, finally left the room with a lock as she left her house with a suitcase.

What secrets that we all hide is going to break you down in the hole.

Hello guys and here's another chapter for all of you and hope you all enjoyed and gonna published another chapter tomorrow.

Anneyong Chingu!!

-Author Winniefanfiction2345

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