Part One: It's a Tad Bit Complicated.

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Charlotte Potter, the oldest Potter child, has to face a secret she's been keeping all her life.

After Voldemorte was defeated she was left behind with her mothers dead corpse. Sirius Black found his Niece curled up in blankets in the closet, swearing to protect her from the grips of the worlds eyes he swept her away. For the next eight years Charlotte would grow up moving city to city with Sirius; every time the law came close to catching Sirius he would pack their bags up. The longest she every stayed anywhere was with Victor Krum and Matt Jaehetal, her only friends when Sirius left her to try and clear his name. When the Aurors caught wind he wasn't traveling alone he packed her up and sent her to Remus's house for good.

Sirius left Remus Lupin, his once best friend, and Jasmine Premone, another childhood friend, to pick up the pieces of the little girl. After years of help she was finally on her feet, but she had learned. Learned that her name was dangerous, the name Potter was nothing but bad luck therefore she decided to ignore it. In an attempt to save herself from the loneliness she tried to erase her existence.

But the universe wasn't on her side, the Wizarding tournament has returned and Goldlight, the second best wizarding school in the world, has decided to follow it's tradition of participation. When Charlotte is met face to face with the boy she had tried to avoid she can feel their world colliding. She has to do her best to hid her secret from the only blood family she has left but she finds herself wondering if it's the best decision.

Should she really try to erase her existence or should she show herself after years of hiding in the shadows. 

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