26. So Many Questions.

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In the five years Harry had been at Hogwarts he had gotten used to staring-the whispers that crawled behind him as he walked the halls of the old castle. This year however the crawl had grown to a sprint as it relentlessly chased after him, trying to grab him into the depth of misery. Hermione had done everything in her power to keep his mind off of the not-so-quiet conversations that concerned him however it didn't work. The only thing that was talked about more than the Chosen One was the Victor of the Wizarding Tournament.

Gossip spread around Hogwarts the way a plague attacked the weak, absorbing into every fiber of the student body as speculation and stories made from conspiracies erupted. Everyone saying different things about him was nothing new but he had never had someone die. The death didn't seem to go away and if anything festered. Harry watched Charlotte with a small part of him hoping she would do something but she remained silent as she had for months prior. He wanted her to be as miserable as him because she had eyes following her everyone just the same. He became wildly frustrated to see she appeared unfazed by the side commentary of the death of their friend-she ignored it. Ignored the questions, ignored the interrogations, and ignored the truth.

She simply didn't dignify the question with a response as she wiped her hands on her new Slytherin robes and picked up another conversation. Harry searched for her in every hallway-every meal in hopes that maybe just maybe he would see his feelings project through her. On the occasion they would make eye contact he couldn't find the words, they got lost as her grey eyes met his and they looked through him never at him.

They had spent so little time together over the summer. Avoiding the same issue that woke him in cold sweats night after night. All to be ignored as Charlotte would carry a conversation with anyone but him.

It wasn't until Ron pulled Harry from his thoughts that he looked up from absently staring at his hands to the paper bird soaring through the DADA classroom.

"Patil made another really good one."

The small paper brought a smile to Harry's face as the amusement filled the room around him. Unaware of the depression that had routed itself into his mind the anger the little pink lady kept bringing him. Quickly as the laughter had started it came to silence as the bird was snatched from the air above their hands before the woman could burn it to a char.

"Good afternoon class," Umbridge stated with her sick little smile but no one gave her the satisfaction of a response. Any joy they may have had in their lives would be stripped until the classes could escape through the wooden door into the fresh, perfumed free air.

"Today you will be reading on the uses of levitation spells." Harry looked at Ron with utter disdain. "now remember these are all theoretical uses for these spells and we will not be trying them because you are much too young to need to know how to use them. The only classman who can practice spells must pass their OWLS."

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