29. The D.A.

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Charlie is a Perfectionist

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.Charlie is a Perfectionist.

   Harry held his hands close to his chest as they walked through the snow. He hated the feeling of helplessness that resonated in him. After the conversation with Sirius in the dorm room, he knew that something had to be done about Umbridge. Hermione had come up with a decent plan. It hadn't been what Harry was expecting nor had he been expecting Hermione to convince Charlotte to help them.

    His jaw clenched at the idea. He had not seen her walking her usual routes to class and when he did catch sight of her in a crowd she would quickly disappear. It supported his growing suspicion that Dumbledore had put her up to the task of babysitting him. In his mind pieces were beginning to come together, she shows up the year Voldemort makes his return. Hovers like an annoying allergy. Charlotte had a better standing in the Order than any of the other kids with more connection to the adults that were in Harry's life. So why did she avoid him?

     Why wouldn't Dumbledore just tell him? Harry could not think of any other reason Charlotte stuck around. Who was Charlotte really? For Dumbledore to entrust her with such a task? Why would she be willing to risk her life for him if she had nothing to protect. If the rumors about her life were even true. Yet here he was walking through the cold to a pub farther off the trail of Hogsmeade to enlist students that wanted to learn how to protect themselves with none other than her help.

     "Whatcha thinking about mate?" Harry looked over to Ron who now stood beside him. Stumbling a little bit on the narrow path as his boots caught the snow.

Harry looked at Hermione in front of him, staring at her cream hat. "Hermione, how did you convince Charlie to help us?"

She glanced over her shoulder with a shrug. "Fred did. He said that he would talk to her about helping us but I honestly didn't think she would. She's been off since she got here."

Hermione met avoidant, quiet; basically an ornament since Charlie's return to Hogwarts. Though people bussed around her nothing seemed to click in the girl's mind that she was in fact living.

      "This is mad," Harry commented as the trio approached Hogs Head. "Who would want to be taught by me? I'm a nutter, remember? Do they even know Charlie's going to be helping?"
      "I'm not sure," Hermione answered honestly.

     "Look on the bright side," Ron slapped Harry's back with a smile. "You can't be any worse than old Toad-Face."
    "Thanks, Ron."
     "I'm here for you mate."

Harry huffed as he looked at the back of Hermione's head. "Who's supposed to be meeting us then?"

      "Just a couple of people." The tone she used told Harry that was a lie.

As she pushed open the door the trio was met with the smell of cold beer and a goat trotting around the bottom floor of the bar.

      "Lovely spot," Ron remarked as he slid past Hermione to get out of the cold.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2023 ⏰

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