23. Happy Birthday.

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Charlie and Harry

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.Charlie and Harry.

June turned to July and before the kids knew it, the school would start in five weeks. Charlotte had received her letter from Goldlight and Knitter had collected Matt's from his home. The summer had been crazy, as a large number of people filled their time with loud games of Quidditch and silly card games.

Charlotte and Matt let Hermione learn about Spirits and Demonology with them. They spent a lot of time in the library or the Grand study on the second floor. The twins had claimed the Minor study as a test room for their joke shop. It had kept the explosions and putrid smells out of the rest of the house, that window was left open quite frequently. Ginny found great interest in Charlotte's spellbooks, the array of spells that Hogwarts did not have access to was astounding. To Sirius's horror, Grimmauld Place had spirits. They were not dangerous but parts of their souls had clung to certain objects that they held dear. By August both the Goldlight students received O's on their summer assignment overjoyed to return to their wonderful school.

There had been hushed conversations with the Order, the four seventh years had been eavesdropping more than they should. They feared the four younger teenagers would hear something they wouldn't like or shouldn't know. There transpired a debate about Goldlight, whether or not Charlotte was safer in England. It was infuriating for Charlotte, to say the least. One of the only place she could call home happened to be on the edge of being ripped from her.

There was an awkward silence at dinner as Matt and Charlotte kept eyeing each other. Silent conversation between them as they did not speak, it scared them. Matt would be alone without Charlotte in a huge school where people came and went as they pleased. Charlotte would be in an environment riddled with tension and lies, Goldlight made it easier for Charlotte to separate herself.

As the sun began to set Charlotte swung her bat hitting the Quaffle across the back yard towards the Veggie garden. It landed in the same spot it had been, after a moment it rose from the ground and flew towards her. Once again Charlotte whacked the charmed ball across the yard. She was trying to hit the emotions she was feeling away but it wasn't working.

"You seem agitated."

Charlotte looked over her shoulder to see Severus Snape standing in the doorway. His black robe had been abandoned probably due to the warm temperature. Charlotte swung at the ball again with a sharp, "I'm fine."

Severus did not believe her. A small group of adults had been watching her from the Dinning room windows as she sent to ball flying. Something was pestering the young witches' mind. He moved to sit in one of the chairs on the patio watching as she cracked at the ball. "I know when I am being lied to."

She looked over her shoulder with a deadpanned expression. "Do you now?" She swung her bat again, a loud crack hit the stick as the ball flew away. "I'm not lying Severus. I am fine."

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