28. Gas Fire.

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This entire thing was a mess. Nearly the entire student body stood outside as we watched Trelawney shake as Filch set her bag down. Right before lunch hour rumors that Umbridge had fired Trawney reached us. At first, I thought it was a joke but Fred was persistent that Umbridge had been after Trelawney from the start. I had heard she wasn't the best teacher but to fire her in the middle of the year, in front of the children she taught was just to humiliate the poor woman.

Odd as she was, I was flabbergasted when I saw her standing in the courtyard. Fred had wanted to rush out when we were dismissed from Herbology. The initial plan to meet Lee for a blunt was dismissed. We stood behind some third years as we watched Trelawney shake in front of the student body.

I stood beside Charlotte and Lee as I looked around for where Fred had disappeared off to. I saw George making his way through the students towards us once more. Fred close behind.

"Umbridge is coming," George said as he kneeled in front of Charlie to look over the stone siding.

Fred grabbed my shoulder and leaned in before he could say anything to doors opened. Students parted for the shot woman in pink as she made her way into the empty courtyard. I could hear Umbridge clearly as the student body remained silent. Trelawney cocooned herself in McGonagall as she began to speak to the short monster of a teacher. As much as I had wanted McGonagall to speak her mind the doors opened once more showing Dumbledore.

He froze for a moment, more than likely taking in the situation before swiftly making his way towards the three adults alone in the center of the courtyard.

"Is Dumbledore going to yell at her?" Lee whispered but no one responded to him.

"Professor McGonagall," His voice was sharp, clean as he called to his colleague. "Might I ask that you escort Sivel back inside?"

"Dumbledore," I huffed as her high-pitched voice rose an octave as she addressed the headmaster. "May I remind you that under the terms of Educational Decree Number 23 as an acted by the Minister-"
"You have the right to dismiss my teacher. You do not have the right nor authority to banish them from school grounds. That right lies within the Headmaster."

Charlie glanced up at me and I could only offer the same look. This entire situation had gotten out of hand.

"For now." No one spoke. We all knew that had been a threat.

"DON'T YOU ALL HAVE STUDYING TO DO?" Dumbledore called to the collective student body.

George popped up quickly. "That was fucking ridiculous."
"Umbridge needs to fall in the Lake and die," Lee commented in a very monotoned voice. "I need a bowl."

As we filled through back into the castle everyone whispered. The news would quickly travel through the school and everyone was going to know. Umbridge was trying to take control of the school.

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