22. The House of Black.

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Charlotte sat at the dining room table with Hermione and Ginny. The trio was looking through spell books they had found in the large library. Spells that would hopefully remove any hexed or cursed objects from the house.

"This one might work." Hermione pointed to the little picture at the top of the page.

Charlotte skimmed the page then nodded, she twirled the pen in between her fingers before writing the name of the spell into her spell book.  "it might, I can try it on decorations in the portrait in the foyer."

"Getting rid of pictures of my grandfather?"

Charlotte looked up to see Sirius entering the dining room. Behind him Dumbledore, the older man smiled at the trio of girls huddled on at the table with books around them.

"Studying already." He chuckled as he excused himself from behind Sirius slowly making his way to the head of the table. "I think you will find you are a bit behind Miss Evans, however, I think you will have to problem catching up to her Miss Granger, Miss Wesley."

Ginny rolled her eyes and put the thick fabric bookmark in the spellbook. "I'm assuming we need to vacate?" Molly Wesley opened the doors that lead from the dining room into the ballroom.

"Girls," She pointed at the door. "I know you were doing something but can you go into the living room or upstairs.

"Yes, ma'am." Hermione gathered her things making her way out of the room with Ginny in tow however Charlotte lingered for a moment.

As other adults filtered into the room, most she recognized. The adults in the Order had become very familiar with the Tournament Champion over the last couple of weeks. There were always questions, why did she live with Sirius, why was she important to the order, why was it essential that she and Harry were close?

They were questions that could not be answered, questions that would be left unanswered until the right moment. Acting much older than she appeared to be had earned her a level of respect among the group of Order members.

"Has the group left to extract Harry?" Charlotte asked as she gathered her book and writing utensils. She stepped out of Severus Snape's way, smiling at him as he sat down.

Sirius nodded as he waited for the majority of the Order to find a seat, Arthur Wesley squeezed her arm lightly as he passed her. She had become extremely close with both of the red-headed adults over the break. The Wesley children, excluding Ron, had made it very clear that they adored her. Arthur had taken a liking to her instantly when he saw her using a pen rather than her enchanted quill. Normally people shooed him away from his silly muggle questions but Charlotte craved the one on one attention. She had been an only child for a long time, it wasn't that she did not like sharing the attention but she liked small groups. Having kids her age in the house had been wonderful though. Fred, George, Matt, and herself spend a lot of their time in one of the two small studies on the second floor. Testing out new creations for the joke shop.

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