7. Dragons You're Bluffing.

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The crisp November air was refreshing for Fred Weasley as he sat in the window seal of the Gryffindor dormitory

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The crisp November air was refreshing for Fred Weasley as he sat in the window seal of the Gryffindor dormitory. Winter was rolling in and before to long the ground would be covered in a thick sheet of white. Fred tapped his wand against the wall as he watched the trees sway back and forth as he waited for Charlie's owl for a reply.

He thought about all that had happen in the last four months. The crazy competition that had turned the school into a 'war' zone or how a girl had worked her way under his skin so easily. Charlotte Evans was not like any girl Fred had ever met; cheesy as it sounded it was quite true. She was calm and confident, had this aura of pride around her that made her very attractive. It drew people in, many wished to speak to the bright witch but the same aura that attracted people pushed them away. She was extremely intimidating the way she held herself warned she was not to be messed with. Not that the first trial had helped any with her situation. She was strong but you just couldn't touch her. Some how she had taking a liking to the Weasley twins and had inserted her self into their private circle, dragging the German boy with her.

No-one had ever gotten into Fred and Georges circle, it was what had set them apart from everyone else. People didn't try to get to know them on a personal level, they were just Fred and George. They we one, yet the foreign exchange student had scaled the wall that had been meticulously placed to separate them from everyone else when they were young. She had quickly become Fred's best friend aside from his brother. She seemed to absorb everything and to Fred the attention was a blessing. Being the 4 child out of 7 made it difficult to get any type of attention if it wasn't bad.

George entered his dorm room to his brother sitting on by the window, staring into the distance with a thoughtful face.

"Freddy." Fred turned to see his twin lying his sweater onto his bed. "What re you thinking about?"

"Nothing much." Fred turned back out to the window. "Waiting for Charlie to send a letter back."

George eyed his twin. "lier." Fred turned around with a smirk. "Rude."

George shook his head.

"Why are you writing Charlie?"
"To see when the best time to sneak out would be."

George raised an eyebrow at his older brother. "We could skip Snape like normal."

Fred groaned and looked at his brother. "No you idiot. If it was just us going to see Charlie Snape would be out of the question but if we bring Charlotte then it has to be planned."

"Why would we bring Charlotte?" George asked as he moved towards the window.
"To help her with the second challange. WE know something she doesn't."

Lunch rolled around and the twins had a plan. Charlotte walked with Hermione as the hour and half started.

"You had a book that bit you?" Charrlotte questioned as the pair walked towards the Great Hall.
"Yes, the Monster Book of Monsters was the ugliest thing. It had teeth and hair." Hermione recalled as he flipped through a version of Newt Scamanders Magical Creature Encyclopidia. "These are so much better."
"Newt Scamander is a wonderful writter. I heard he fought Grinderwald in New York."

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