8. Lazy Days.

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Charlotte sat in Slytherin common Room two days after the dragon task. She had spent the night in the hospital wing with two broken ribs and internal bruising. The painful night with the Skele-grow potion was not one Charlotte was particularly fond of. Fluer had informed her that the egg made this horrible screaming noise and warned her not to open it. Now Charlotte was sitting there examining the stupid thing.

          "Your going to burn a hole through it." Draco stated as he copied down spells onto his Charms homework.

Sitting beside him on the floor; Theo looked at his watch before slamming his Herbology book shut, Blaise jumped from beside Charlotte.

          "What the hell mate?"
          "It's 11:25." Theo said standing up. "I'm going to lunch."
         "Have you finished Professor Binns scrolls yet?" Blaise asked one of the two boys.

          "Nope." Theo answered as he collected his belongings.

            "No; i'm still doing Flitwick' s assigment." Draco said shutting his own spell book.

           "Charlotte why not join us for lunch." Blaise offered.

         "I don't know guys, I really need to figure this out." Charlotte said raising the golden egg in her hand.

Out of no where the golden egg was snatched from her hands. Steph stood with her hand on her hip; the egg in her right hand.

           "You need to stop moping about this damn egg." Steph remarked. "Go eat, they have soup today."

Charlotte huffed and stood; straightening out her black slacks before holding her hand back out to take the egg.

           "Steph can I please have my egg back?"
           "No you may not you obsessed mother hen." Steph replied walking towards the dorms. "Mother these three Padawans around you. I am taking you egg to our dorm."
           "Did she just walk away with your egg?" Blaise asked. 

            "yes she did." Charlotte acknowledged. "She's right. Come on Younglings food is this way."
             "Whats a Padawan?" Theo asked as the small group of four excited the Common Room.

           "Remind me to tell you some other time." Charlotte answered as they walked down the dark corridor. 

        "Hey." Draco said from beside her. "Why do you refer to us as Younglings?"
         "Because I have adopted the three of you and your three siblings." Charlotte joked.

           "It's not Pansy right?" Blaise asked as they climbed up the stair case.

A group of Hufflepuffs coming up the West stair case. Cedric was; as usual the center of attention.

           "Charlotte." He called politely excusing himself from his posy and making his way towards her. "Hi."
        "hello Cedric." She answered with her confidence; it had been one of her more admirable traits.

        "Will you walk with me?"
         "I can. So you need something?"
          "I just want to talk." He smiled.

Charlotte looked at the three Slytherins who had been tailing her.

        "Sorry boys." Charlotte said with a wave. "I'll catch up with you later."
           "Are you ditching us?" Theo asked.

Charlotte smiled at him, patting him on the head.

          "of course not my dear. I will see you at dinner. I'll tell you all about Padawans then okay."

Charlotte turned on her heels and walked towards Cedric.

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