5. Damn Reporters.

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Charlotte woke the next morning as she had for the last week, it was friday and she was thrilled.

      "Good morning Miss Champion of Goldlight Academy." Steph said as she stretched out.
       "I feel extremely worthy seeing it I get to see the powerful champion with her wonderful bed head." Maria said as she stood.
       "Oh is Maria gracing us with her presents this morning?" Charlotte asked with a smile.

She had this odd relationship with her dorm mates. They were acquaintances; it was harder to make friends with the girls her age than the boys. Jasmine always said boys were easy to lure in and trusted you easier than girls did. Though Charlotte had learned at an early age not to be surprised when they betrayed you and left.

Running around the world made it quite hard to make friends, Matt was her long term friend. He had lived in a small village in Germany where his family was richer than the town's people and he was considered weird. It was nice to meet a wizard his own age, Victor Krum quickly became friends with the set. He lived with them for a year and a half in Germany while his parents sorted out their long divorce.

Charlotte dressed in a skirt today showing off her toned legs from playing Quidditch for years. The high waisted skirt had three button before flaring out to her knee.

        "Hoot hoot."

Their was a tap on the door.

        "How did a bloody owl get down here?" Maria asked opening the door.

The dark black owl flew towards Charlotte and landed on her desk to the right of her bed. Charlotte undid the letter on its leg and it immediately flew out the door.

Miss Charlotte Evans;
Please make your way to the Trophy Room at 7 oclock instead of attending to your first hour. Please dress in your full school uniform, and look your best. The Daily Profit would like to meet you.
Represent your school well.

        "What is it?" Steph asked as she began to apply her own make up.
        "Telling me not to go to class." Charlotte said as she sat at her  desk deciding to do a more natural look today.
      "Ohh are you going to do your makeup differently?" Maria asked as she gathered her towel.
      "Yes I believe I am."

Charlotte did, putting on light brown eye shadow and pink lipstick after applying foundation, she asked Steph to help her pull her hair into a crown braid before deciding she was ready. She left at 6:45 though so she could ask for directions the the Trophy Room. Charlotte readjusted the small chain that held her ceremonial cloak in place. The silver cloak had fine white weaving through it. She saw Cedric Diggory waiting at the staircase.

        "Cedric." She called speeding up to catch him. "Good morning."
         "Good morning Charlotte." He smiled. "How are you?"
         "I'm well and yourself?"
         "I am tired actually. I am a perfect and had to lecture few third years last night."
      "It's Friday though. Just think we can sleep in on the weekends." Charlotte laughed as the staircase clicked.

Behind them Fluer was making her way towards them in her short blue heels. Charlotte looked at the black ankle boots she had chosen to wear the two or three inch heel looked better.

       "i do not 'meber 'ow to get to 'a Room." Fluer said in broken english.
          "Your welcome to walk with us." Cedric said as he descended down the staircase.
        "How are you Fluer?" Charlotte asked as she looked at the pretty blonde. "You look pretty."
        "O' thank you." Fluer smiled. "I am good."
         "Excited for the weekend, Cedric said he was tired." Charlotte asked trying to keep the pleasant conversation so it didn't get awkward.

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