24. Stupid Hoggy Hogwarts.

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Remus Lupin with Charlotte

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.Remus Lupin with Charlotte.

"I'm not going back?" Charlotte looked at the older man at the end of the table. Professor Dumbledore sat there with his glasses perched on the end of his nose as he watched her.


She held her hand out to silence Sirius. "Shut up." The grown man was taken back by her assertiveness. She had been quiet since she had entered. Choosing to stand rather than sit at the table. "Professor Dumbledore with all due respect Goldlight is a wonderful school. I would be relearning subjects."

"I understand but it is safer for you at Hogwarts."

"How?" Charlotte could feel the gears in her head spinning, metal grinding against metal to keep up with the speed of her thoughts. "From what I've heard Harry had nearly died every year he's attended. I had never had a near-death experience at school until the tournament."


"Sirius shut it." She couldn't look at him, this was his idea, he was the one that had suggested this horrible idea. "Goldlight is my home."

Remus leaned back in his chair to gently take her hand. "Charlie." the teen looked at him, her eyes swarming with emotion, she looked like she was going to explode. "breath."

before Charlotte could calm herself down Dumbledore began speaking again. "I understand you are frustrated, Miss Evans." he calm voice, and the authoritative tone only pissing her off more. She knew he was not trying to anger her but right now it only added fuel to the fire.  "It is understandable however you would be safer because you were closer to the Order."

"No, I have worked too hard to get sent to some shitty castle in the middle of nowhere!"

"Charlotte! Be respectful."

"No!" Charlotte ripped her hand from Remus's soothing touch, aiming her pointer finger to the frizzy-haired man. "Hogwarts maybe your school Sirius but it's not mine!" She flung her arms as she spoke trying to plead with anyone who would see her point. "I'm fine with the institutions but I don't agree with the class structure."

"It is the best-"

"No, it's not!" Why were they so set on moving her? After everything she had done did they not trust her? "Goldlight is above Hogwarts in academical ranking for a reason, no offense Professor Dumbledore but I don't want to go to your school."

Dumbledore nodded softly, understanding the girls growing anger. They all felt it, the pleading look in her eyes, the rage in her fist as she tried to contain herself.

"Miss Evans, what is so wrong with Hogwarts? You would thrive."

Charlotte looked at Alastor Moody, where he sat in his usual seat between Molly Wesley and Kingly Shacklebolt. She still felt a shiver of fear every time she made eye contact with the Hunter, the scary stories still in the back of her mind from her childhood. " Mr. Moody I've been going to Goldlight for 7 years, I am not about to throw my education down the drain for the bullshit reasons."

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