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The doorbell rang just as I folded the printed emails into my pocket. I rushed down the stairs to open the door, reveal none other than Evan.

"Hey Hansen." I said.

"Hey Jared." He responded. He backed up a step before dazing off. "Wow.." He said quietly.

"What?" I teased, "Is this view just too charming for you?" I did an imaginary hairflip and smirked at him.

"Yeah." He said, still dazed off. I stumbled back slightly. I was surprised more than anything. Evan responded to a witty remark? About me?

"It's just..." He elaborated, "I haven't been to your house in such a long time. It looks different somehow. Did you repaint the walls?"

Oh. He was talking about my house. Not me. That explains it.

I laughed and said, "Oh yeah we did a couple years ago. I think ninth grade?"

He nodded. "Ok, let's go."

We walked down the sidewalk for a moment before I pulled the letters out of my pocket. "Look what I got!" I waved them in his face like a child.

"Hey stop it!" He said before grabbing one of them and reading it out loud.

"Dear Jared Kleinman,
Long time no speak, am I right? I doubt you remember me. Hi, it's your old family friend, Evan. You know Connor right? Connor Murphy? Him and I are like besties. But you seemed lonely so we were like "let's add another loser to the mix." Lol. "

Evan interrupted the letter reading to say, "Did you really make me say 'Lol'?"

I shrugged, "Seemed like something you'd say. Besides, you can't say you forgot that phase in middle school when you'd always say 'lol' out loud."

He sighed, shaking his head, before continuing.

"So, if you need some friends, him and I are open to you. Just thought I'd let you know.

"Why does it sound like I view you as a loser?" Evan said, folding the email back up.

"Because you do." I responded, shrugging.

"No." He said quietly, shoving the letter back in my hand. His eyes were back on the ground, where they usually are.

I was expecting him to elaborate on the simple response, but he kept quiet.

We continued walking in an awkward silence that I didn't know how to break.

"Don't faint this time please." I said quietly, mostly to myself, but Evan heard.

He stiffled a small laugh and said, "Sure."

Around our walk's halfway mark, my phone rang in my pocket.

"Yes hi okay I don't really care right now I'm in the middle of some important business bye." I said after answering the call.

"Jared. It's Alana." Alana said from the other end of the line

"Yeah I know. I look at the Caller ID before picking up." I responded bluntly.

"Sorry. I was just wondering why you haven't put anything on the Connor Project website about yourself yet."

I shrugged, even though she couldn't see my shrug. "Haven't had time I guess. I'll do it when I get home."

"Wait so where are you right no-" I pressed the end call button and put my phone back in my pocket.

"Alana is frustrating." I said simply.

Evan shrugged, "Sure, but she is helpful."

"For what?" I said looking up at Evan. Jeez, he was so much taller than me. "For getting you noticed around the globe? For lowering your loser status? For getting Zoe?" I kept my tone soft, trying not to hurt Evan too much. I knew Evan. He was fragile. If I raised my voice at him, he'd break, raising his voice back. And, just like that, our friendship would be over.

At the sound of Zoe's name, he perked up.

"I'm not trying to hurt you." I said, putting my hands up as a sort of surrender motion. "I'm just wondering what it's all for for you. For me, it's just for fun. Cuz we all know I'm heartless."

Evan looked at me, unsure what to say. I couldn't read his mind, but I think I still hurt him, despite me trying explicitly not to.

"I-" He said, before inhaling, "I don't think I want Zoe."

I looked back at him. He wasn't looking at me anymore. He was just looking in my general direction.

I laughed awkwardly, "And why are you asking me for love advice?"

He shrugged, "I'm not. Just saying."

We walked the rest of the way in silence.


I  made this chapter extremely long at first, so I cut it in half so it wouldn't be as bad.

Published: 6/16/19
Word Count: 769

Just Another Lie, Right? [Kleinsen]Where stories live. Discover now