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And before you knew it... Monday.

Despite the talk with Heidi, I still expected something to be off. Surely, Zoe would've told her closest friends, right? Maybe just a "Don't trust those boys." or something, right? Something should be off.

But nothing was.

I drove to school like I always did. I saw Evan walking at one point and he smiled at me. Didn't ask for a ride and didn't break down crying. Just as if it was two months ago.

But it wasn't two months ago. It was today. The 31st.


We weren't allowed to wear costumes to school, but that didn't stop me from wearing my oh-so-clever costume.

"Hey Ms. H," I said as I passed her classroom in the way to my locker, "Like my costume?"

She raised an eyebrow, before deciding I was just a nitwit and saying, "Sure Jared."

Little did she know of the pom poms that were in my backpack.

I got to my locker and Alana appeared beside me. "Do you know where Evan is?" She asked, "I need to tell him-"

"His mom told us everything last night." I said as I got some of my books out, "He already knows."

Alana stopped and stared at me for a second, "Everything?"

I shrugged, "I'd assume so."

She studied my face and nodded. "Ok, well-"

"Thanks, by the way." I said before I could stop myself, "Evan's probably glad to be disassociated from the Connor Project."

Alana smiled and nodded, "I just didn't want anything else to spiral because of media, yknow?"

I nodded and turned to face her, backpack now packed up. "Yeah. Thanks." I said, and she nodded.

"See you tonight?"

I nodded, smiling a genuine smile at her before going to class.


Zoe is at the lunch table. Zoe is at the lunch table. The Zoe Murphy is at our lunch table.

"Hey, sis." I said casually as I walked up to the table. Our lunch table, where Zoe Murphy sat. "What brings you here? To... here... where we usually sit."

She smiled, confused, at me and said, "Thought I'd talk with Evan." She took a bite of her peanut butter sandwich before adding, with her mouth full, "You can join too, I guess."

"Sure." I mumbled under my breath. In all honesty, I wanted to eat with Evan alone today. See how he was doing, and all that cheesy shit.

I took out my phone and played Subway Surfers, so I could ignore whatever conversation they were gonna have. Funny enough, I didn't really feel like talking to Zoe right now. I didn't really feel like talking to anyone right now, except Evan and maybe Alana.

I see Evan walk in, and once he spots Zoe, he seems to have the same sort of reaction I had.

"Hi, Evan." Zoe speaks first, because she knows Evan won't.


"So about yesterday..."

"I'msorry I'msorryZoe Ididn'twanttomake it such a messplease don't file aclaimagainst us-"

"Chill dude." I said, despite the fact that I just said I was gonna ignore the conversation. Jake ran into a train, too, since I took my focus off the game.

Just Another Lie, Right? [Kleinsen]Where stories live. Discover now