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Evan and I walked down the sidewalk, looking at the ground with our hands in our pockets.

"Can we just... not speak?" Evan said, in almost a whisper. After what happened just a few minutes ago, I can understand why he wouldn't want to talk.

I laughed quietly, "Sure."

We walked in silence down the road. We got to my driveway, but I walked passed it, excepting that Evan would probably want to eventually talk to someone about what just happened. I knew that if Evan really wanted me to leave, he'd say something.

When we got to Evan's doorstep, he got out his keys and started fiddling with them, but his hands were shaky and sweaty. I took the keys out of his hands and unlocked the door for him.

He walked in, and went straight to his room, not even taking his coat off. I followed him, not bothering to take mine off either.

We walked into his bedroom and he just flopped face-first onto his pillow. I sat at the rolling chair at his desk, rolling it back and forth.

"I am such a dick." Evan said after a long silence. He flopped around so he was facing the ceiling and said, "I just broke up with her! As she was telling me she wanting to get closer to me!"

I shrugged, "You were just doing what I told you to do. You would've been a dick to your own heart if you continued putting it through the heartache that was Zoe."

"See that's the thing!" He said rolling on his side so he was facing my direction, though not looking me in the eye, "She didn't give me a heartache!"

Ok now Evan's just being plain confusing. "Elaborate."

He sighed. "I mean... she never hurt me. She was herself; kind, cute, and caring. I liked having her around..."

There was a brief moment of silence before I said, "Then... Then why did you break up with her?"

He rolled over, facing the ceiling again, and spoke quickly, "I don't know she just didn't feel right, Jared!"

I shrugged, and the room went silent for a long while

"Sometimes you just know when something isn't right. Sometimes you don't know why." He said, breaking the silence.

"Want to order pizza?" I said in response.

"Yeah..." He said admittedly.

I grabbed my phone and tried to dial the local pizza place's number.

"Hello, this is Great Clips-"

"Godamnit" I muttered, before hanging up. "

"What?" Evan asked.

"I called the freaking hair salon on accident."

Evan started laughing and I looked at him, smiling. Evan's laugh on a sad day is only the best way to lift my spirits. He didn't really laugh often, but when he did, it made me so happy.

I called again, making sure I had the number right.

"Hi, this is Pizza Plant-Palace-Hut, how may I help?" Said the worker, and I squinted. The voice sounded oddly familiar...

"Hi," I said, "Who is this?"

I heard a gasp and then a laugh on the other end of the line. "Jared?" She asked, still laughing like a maniac.

"Alana do you seriously work at Pizza Planet-Palace-Hut?" I said. This wasn't really a good time to talk to Alana. We just needed pizza!

"Do you seriously order pizza from here?" Alana was still laughing, and it took her a while to get the whole sentence out without laughing inbetween.

Just Another Lie, Right? [Kleinsen]Where stories live. Discover now