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School's a bastard. That is all.


"Jared!" Before I even stepped in to the gym, I saw Evan's head snap up to my direction.

"The cheerleader has returned." Alana said, laughing.

"Hey," I said warningly, holding up a finger, "I am not a cheerleader." I spat the word as if it disgusted me more than anything else, "I am a ceiling fan!"

Alana laughed, Evan smiled, and I went to join them at the concession stand, where they seemed to be 'working'. By working, of course, I mean chatting off and on as they chucked bottles of off-brand Pepsi and Cola to everyone who threw money back at them.

"We were just about to switch shifts, too." Alana said as I approached them. "Olivia said she'd be fine taking over concessions as long as it was the later shift."

"Perfect!" I said smiling, "That means less work for me!"

"And more for me..." Olivia mumbled as she walked behind the concession stand.I

I stuck my tongue out at her and walked away, Alana and Evan behind me.

"Oh Alana!" I pipped, suddenly remembering Rebecca. "What shit did you tell Rebecca about me? She was avoiding my eyes as if I was Medusa!"

Alana shrugged, "All I said was that Evan was interested in someone else."

Evan went beet red and looked away, while I felt my ears heat up on the tips.

"Well she hates me now." Evan and I both said in unison, which only made Evan's face redder (if that was even possible).

Alana laughed, "You are like so synced up! Why aren't you together-"

"OH WOULD YOU LOOK AT THE TIME!" Evan said loudly, looking at his wrist. He doesn't wear a watch. "It's bAthRoOm break time."

Before either of us could object, Evan made a dead sprint toward the boys' bathroom.

Alana and I stared at the closed door for a second.

"Drama Queen." Alana said, smiling at me.

"Uhm, excuse me? I think I reserved that title a long time ago!" I retorted. Alana smiled.

"Really though," She said, "Why aren't you and Evan together?"

I shrugged. "Seems kinda gay, dontcha think?"

Alana looked taken aback, "What? Is that a bad thing?"

"No. No!" I said, backing up and putting my hands in front of me to emphasize the point. "No not at all just-"

"You're not gay. I understand. Some people just don't swing that way." She sat down on a nearby bench and I sat beside her, not wanted to look like one of the awkward people who stand.

She was wrong though. I was gay. Obviously she saw nothing wrong with that, but still, after I told her, how long would it take for word to get round? I doubt a whole night. I did not want any people above me on the popularity scale to find out I was gay. Homosexuality doesn't have a positive connotation in the average teenager dictionary.

But Alana and I have grown closer throughout this entire lying process. And, there was a lot of things she didn't know. A lot. Maybe she deserved to know a little more about me.

"Not... exactly." I said after a moment or maybe 7.

Her head snapped up in curiosity. "Do we have a bisexual babi here?" She said, smirking.

When I didn't respond, she got more excited, "OOOH a bisexual boii!"


"Yknow?" Alana said excitingly, grabbing my hands. "That's actually better!"

" W-what? "

"This may seemed far fetched, but maybe Evan and you are only friends." She said, her voice dropping in excitement, but it was still there. "Maybe I know the reason you and Evan aren't together."

I was mega curious. "Wh-"

"Maybe..." She said, in almost a whisper, "Maybe it's because this bisexual boi wanted something else." And with that, she yanked my hands behind her back and kissed me.

I pulled away immediately. "WHAT THE HELL?" I shouted. "I LOVE EVAN!"

Alana pulled a way and smiled with satisfaction, and I looked at her extremely offended and confused.

"I got a confession out of you!" Alana chanted like a child. "And I got a recording of it!"

"You what?" I said, still extremely confused and taken aback by the whole event.

"Ok so I'm like super sorry for that, Jared" she started, "But I knew you loved Evan like that somewhere in that tiny heart of yours. I just had to hear it for myself."

I sat there, shocked, and Alana added, "By the way if you plan on kissing him anytime soon you might wanna take this." She handed me a breath mint.

"Wow... Thanks." I said sarcastically.

My brain was still trying to process everything that had just happened. "Wait so you didn't mean any of that, right?"

She laughed, "No of course not! Who would want to kis- Oh my god that's not what I meant-"

I laughed. "Ha, no, it's fine." I swallowed the mint.

"To be honest, I wanna forget that too. Just needed the recording, really."

"Wait... Recording?" Shoot, if Alana got a recording of that, the entire school will definitely know about my little "crush" by morning.

She smiled proudly, "Yep! Just to replay it, yknow?"

"No, I don't know." I said bluntly. "Look, you better not-"

"Relax!" She said, shifting so she was sitting criss-cross on the bench. "I'm not gonna reveal your biggest secrets. That's more like a Jewel thing."


" Yeah! Have you meant Jewel? "

"No I mean-"

Evan appeared from the boys' bathroom and sat in the large gap separating Alana and I. "Hey guys I'm back." He said, still sounding a bit nervous. "I didn't miss anything did I?" He laughed awkwardly.

Alana smirked and me and I shook my head immediately. "No, definitely not."


The fuuuuu-

Basically i stole the plot for this chapter from a TomTord fic out there and i have.no regrets. Alana is sneaky snek.

Published: much later than intended (8/31/19)
Word Count: 999

Just Another Lie, Right? [Kleinsen]Where stories live. Discover now