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I woke up with my room pitch black.

I looked over to the window and saw it was pitch black outside too. I grabbed my phone and flipped it on to check the time. 1:36. Great.

This is why I shouldn't fall asleep at 7.

Tomorrow was a Wednesday, or should I say today? I had school to go to in just a few hours. I probably should be well-rested.

But I wasn't tired. I really wasn't. I got like 7 hours of sleep. I didn't want to oversleep either.

This last week has been one hell of a ride. If I knew any better, I shouldn't have made the joke about joining The Connor Friendship™. I should've just wrote Evan's emails as he told me to and I wouldn't be in this state.

I sat up in my bed, going over the events that happened since I decided to be Connor's best friend.

Evan fainting, Klein the bonsai tree, dinner at the Murphys, yesterday...

Oh shit, Evan is definitely gay for me.

He made it so obvious too! Am I really just that oblivious?

He kissed you yesterday, Kleinman. No shit he likes you.

I groaned, rolling over and slamming my face onto my pillow. Evan likes me. What am I supposed to do about that?!

I can't just be like, "ok so Evan I'm gay but we're just friends." I'm not a cold-hearted person! Ok, that's kind of a lie. But still.

Texting! Texting is the easiest solution to any awkward encounter! You don't have to look them in the eye and you don't have to worry about typos! Perfect!

So um

"So um." Great going, self. Who starts a sentence with so um?!

I started to text the next line, but my phone vibrated before I got a chance to.

Why are you up at 1 am?

I stared at my phone for a second in disbelief. If Evan replied that fast, he must've been awake, too, right?

I could ask the same to to you.

Ok can't argue wuth that.
I just couldn't sleep tonight.
Ok now you're turn.

I kinda went to sleep at 7, remember?
You were there?


7 hours of sleep is enough for me I guess.

There was no response for a moment, and I started to wonder if Evan had fallen asleep on me. Just as I was about to give up and put my phone away, I got another message.

Can I come over?

Of course Evan wants to come over again! Didn't he like just come over a few hours ago? He gave this whole heartwarming speech about bisexuality? Does he not remember?

And he still kissed me! He's trying to make it seem like that never happened. But I remember, Evan. I remember.

Dude it's one in the morning.

I'm aware.
My mom just got home
She says I should go to sleep

And I agree with her

Just Another Lie, Right? [Kleinsen]Where stories live. Discover now