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Evan and I had planned to go to the Murphys today for supper to make up for what happened yesterday. Part of me was wondering if Evan would even go, yknow, after that whole balooza that just happened. And the whole balooza that's been happening since yesterday.

I didn't mean to hurt Evan's feelings. If anything, I was trying not to. But the boy's fragile. Like a light bulb, kinda. He's either shimmering or dull. There's no in between.

But Evan's not a sour puss. He keeps his promises. He promised Mrs. Murphy he'd come to dinner unless there was a good reason.

And I'm sure as hell that a little fight isn't a "good reason".

Besides, it's not like it was really a fight. I didn't yell at him, he yelled at me! I didn't say anything like "haha gaiiiii". He shouldn't be mad!

I was just trying to help him come to terms with himself.

Evan told me during school today that he'd get to the Murphy's a little earlier, to try to patch things up with Zoe and such.

So I was on the Murphy's porch, alone.

I knocked, and almost a split second later, the door was opened by Mrs. Murphy.

"Oh thank goodness you're here!" She said as she opened the door. She looked at me, smiling, before her gaze shifted onwards, her smile dropping.

"Evan isn't with you... Is he?" Zoe said from inside the room, her voice filled with concern.

"No..? He wasn't supposed to be, remember? He was coming early..?" I said, confused. Evan doesn't break promises.

Mrs. Murphy and Zoe exchanged worried glances before she shook her head. 

"He's not here... Is he?" I said, disappointingly.

"Come inside, though." Mrs. Murphy said, stepping back so I could come in.

She walked over to the couch where Mr. Murphy was also seated.

Everyone was in the same place they were yesterday. Which meant the chair Evan sat in was empty.

I sat on the floor, regardless.

"Can you call him? Please?" Zoe said, desperate.

I huffed, "Why can't you?" I really didn't feel like having to face an angry/sad Evan just an hour after what happened.

"He broke up with me for a reason..." She said quietly. I felt a little bad. I still wasn't 100% sure exactly why Evan broke up witb Zoe, but it probably had to do with me.

Besides, the Murphys don't know what just happened between me and Evan.

I sighed and took my phone out of my pocket, clicking on Evan's contact.

"You want it on speaker, right?" I said bluntly as the phone dialed. Everyone nodded in sync.

I put the phone on speaker and continued to let it ring.

"Hi." Said Evan from the other end.

"Evan!" Mrs. Murphy and Zoe shouted at once.

"Sorry I couldn't reach you right now, probably doing some dumb shit for my mom. Leave a message and try calling back later or something. Love you all." He added a quick, "No homo" at the end before the phone beeped, indicating that we should leave a message.

I looked around. Everyone's face dropped, including my own. Of course, Evan has ignored my calls before, so I knew that that was his answering machine, but it still disappointed me that he didn't pick up.

"Don't bother." Mr. Murphy said, regarding leaving a voicemail.

"No, Ima leave one." I said, slightly irritated.

"Evan, look. We're sorry. Zoe's sorry for flipping out yesterday, and I'm sorry for flipping out today. I'm here at the Murphy's, and they're sincerely worried about you. So get your ass over here please. We can talk about this later." I said before hanging up, and sending the voicemail.

"You flipped out on him today?" Zoe said curiously.

"Good fences make good neighbors." I mumbled, not really wanting to go into
specifics with the Murphys.

Zoe sighed, and I could tell that she wanted to press for more, but she was restraining herself, and I was happy for that.

We sat there in silence, praying that Evan would call back sooner rather than later.

I started playing with my shoelaces. Evan definitely wasn't here because of me and only me. It's not Zoe's fault. If it was, then Evan would never plan to come back.

I shouldn't have been so harsh on him. I should've been softer or chosen my words better. I should've waited until we were out of school or securely alone so he wouldn't get embarrassed by other people being around. I should've-

My phone rang.

I shot up and answered it without even checking the ID.

"Evan! Thank goodness I was starting to worry-"

"I'm not Evan." Said the voice on the other end of the phone. A voice that was very female .

"Check the caller ID next time." Alana said.

I flopped on the floor, giving up hope. "You always pop up at the most inconvenient times!" I said.

"Well excuse me." She said before giggling. "You're never getting rid of me, Jared."

"Just... Tell my why you're calling."

"Remember that pick-your-partner lab we're doing tomorrow in science. Well- oh sorry Evan-" she said before mumbling, "Jeez he's in a hurry.- Anyway! We should-"

"Wait Evan's there?" I said quickly, cutting her off. "Where are you?"

"Jeez, first you say I'm inconvenient and now you're trying to stalk me?" Alana said teasingly.

"I'm at the Murphy's." I said bluntly, "Evan was supposed to be here 20 minutes ago."

"OOOH!" She said, realization setting in. "I'd presume he's on his way now, then." She said before adding a quick, " Though my house isn't really on the path to the Murphys. "

"You're at your house! Ok, thanks, bye!" I said before hanging up and turning to the Murphys.

"Is he-" Mr. Murphy said before I cut him off.

"He passed Alana's just now. He's in a hurry, but he's heading the opposite direction. I'll go find him and tell him to pick up the damn phone." I said.

Zoe smiled, "Thanks."

I shrugged, "Gotta be tough when the storm gets rough." I said cockily before heading out the door.


Published: 7/17/19
Word Count: 1033

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