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I ran.

I ran and ran and- You get the jist.

And, actually, I didn't actually run that long. Most of the distance was covered by speed-walking. I have no stamina.

I got to Alana's house, and she was sitting on the front stairs. Before I even said anything, she pointed to her right, indicating that was the direction Evan went in.

I nodded and started speed-walking.

"Oh!" I said, turning around to face Alana, so I was speed-walking backwards, "And I'll be your partner in the lab tomorrow." She smiled and i continued my race.

I don't know why I was in such a rush. I mean, maybe Evan just forgot?

But it seemed like there was a voice in my head telling me something urgent was happening.

Or maybe I just wanted to get my workout in for the day. Who knows?

I slowed down. Where was I even headed? It's not like I knew where Evan was. And even if I did, what would I do? Say "hey remember that huge lie? Well the Murphys are expecting more."? I don't wanna be a complete asshole to him after already being an asshole earlier today.

Now I wasn't speed-walking. I was just walking. Hell, I didn't even know where to.

This isn't really cool jungle movie or anything. I can't see his footprints on the sidewalk, or smell his scent in the air.

But I do know Evan.

I looked up and saw the Ellison Park welcome sign. Evan had created that sign early on in the summer. Of course, Evan didn't tell me this. We didn't really keep in touch over the summer. But his mom told my mom told me.

Well, I guess that is how rumors get spread.

But he was a park ranger there. Wasn't he? Maybe this is his cool-off place. Maybe he actually did forget about the Murphys. Or maybe he called them but they didn't pick up. I don't know.

But I had a sneaking suspension that he was here, at Ellison Park.

I stepped through the gate and smiled. I actually haven't been here in a while, despite everything. I'm not exactly sure why I stopped coming. Evan and I used to come here a bunch with our moms as kids. There's a pool that we used since we had a membership. We hiked sometimes too, but we never went on the hard trails as kids. Of course, there was that one time we, "and Connor", hiked up the steep trail. Ah, good times-

My thoughts were interrupted as I heard someone shout. I couldn't figure out exactly what they said, but I knew one thing. It sounded like Evan.

"Evan!" I called, concerned. What was wrong? Obviously something, if he's shouting about it.

I started running toward the direction of the shout. Not speed-walking, but running.

Maybe he's just raging? I thought as I ran. It would make sense, wouldn't it? I mean, everything in his life does seem to be going downhill a bit. In his mind, he's lost both Zoe and me. Of course, both of us are still here for him. Well, at least we're trying to be.

I saw a sign a little while back that said "don't step off the trail." But forget the rules, I needed to find Evan. He could be raging, sure, but he could also be getting kidnapped or mugged or-

I heard a crash.

The same direction where the shout came from.

I slowed, my body not able to run very far without stopping. "E-Evan?" I said nervously. Shoot, I was starting to sound like Evan witb all the stuttering.

Just Another Lie, Right? [Kleinsen]Where stories live. Discover now