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Jared was absolutely dumbfounded.

It was fucking hilarious.

Because his face, plus Evan's mom's face... comedy gold, man.

"Evan..." Jared whispered in a warning tone.

Evan had just told him mom he needed to tell her something.

And I have a sneaking suspension...

That him and Jared are not on the same wavelength with this one.

Evan and his mom sat down on the couch, and Evan started speaking.

"I... lie about a lot of things.."

Jared, meanwhile, was over in the kitchen pacing around while eating gummie snacks. He was going insane over there.

" Uh... like...  What if you do an illegal U-turn and get honked at. Do you turn yourself in and get a fine?"

Evan using driving metaphors is kinda funny, since he never drives.

The answer, no. You don't turn yourself in. That's not really the right thing to do, because then you'd be wasting everyone's time. Your time, your passengers time, the police's time.

That was not a good metaphor.

"You shouldn't have done the U-turn in the first place-"

"But what if it's too late to un-U-turn?"

"I... wouldn't bother, Evan. Are you okay?"

What a question. Are you okay? I bet everyone in this house is asking themselves that question now.

Am I okay? Evan's trying to figure out if he should tell everyone the truth, break hearts, break bonds, and break laws. Fake emails are a crime, didn't you hear? Tell people and possibly ruin his and other's lives just to get this burden of a lie off his back? Isn't that selfish? Yes, extremely selfish. But what if he wanted a life for himself? What if he just wanted to tell the truth for once?

What even is his truth?

Am I okay? Jared, is, somewhat, going through the same thing as Evan. Except his problem isn't a yes or no, it's a black, white, gray, or indigo. He wants to know what he thinks others know, but how can he know if he's never known to begin with? Or has he always? How do you accept who you are if who you are won't accept you?

Who even is he?

Am I okay? Parenting is a hard balance of wants, needs, and gets, and right now, Heidi isn't wanting, needing, or getting anything. Trying to figure her son out when she feels she should've gotten it all working out by now. It has been a whole 17 years, anyway. She wants to know what she knows Evan knows, but she has to respect him as her son in the process.


"I'm President of the Connor Project, Mom."

Jared banged his head on the table, but stopped before it made a sound.

"Wha- No... no your not... Alana..."

"A lie. Though, technically, not a lie. She's the co-president, Mom. I've done so many things wrong -"

"Honey slow down." Heidi said, "So your part of a project for a guy's memory you don't even know?"

Evan shook his head, and Jared was sitting now, scrolling through his phone while pulling his own hair in stress.

"I knew him." Evan said, "But I wasn't his best friend, and everyone thinks I was and I didn't mean to-"

He didn't mean to hurt anyone. He didn't mean to make shit up. He didn't want to be Connor's best friend. He didn't want to rob people of their money. You know what he did want to do?

"Help the Murphys." Jared mumbled mockingly under his breath.

Help the Murphys.

"And Mom," Evan continued, "I want to tell them, everyone, that I messed up."

He did mess up, didn't he?

"But that'll hurt them more, wouldn't it?"

Heidi sighed, and wrapped her arm around Evan. He continued, "And I haven't been telling you this because... because you never seem to understand."

She shook her head, "I still don't, but I'll be here for you."

She went on to tell Evan about the time his dad moved out. I don't think I have to reiterate it to you all. There's a whole song about it, and I have a sneaking suspension you all know what I'm referring to.

The only difference is, this time, Jared was in the kitchen to hear it.


Yes, Connor is fully aware that this is an alternate universe.

Published: 4/5/20
Word Count: 729

Just Another Lie, Right? [Kleinsen]Where stories live. Discover now