Chapter 1 Proposition

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Wake up Princess Aspara , did you forget you have a meeting today with the other royal saiyan kingdoms." Spoke a familiar voice.
"You don't have to be so formal Chise." I replied as I sat up from my peach cream sheets.
"You're too kind Princess, now you've got a meeting to get to." She told me once more.
"Oh no I'm late for my meeting and the worst part is I totally forgot about it!" I panicked as I slid my white gown on as quick as lightning and put my gold crown on.
"Thanks Chise, well i'll see ya!" I waved back to her as I ran out my door and slid down the stairs of the staircase.
'I may be the heir to the throne, but I sure don't act like it. I act more like a tomboyish commoner.' I thought to myself as I ran to the meeting room.
"Just in time, like always daughter of mine." My father commented as I quickly sat in my chair beside my mother. I was about to talk back to my father, but
"So what is your proposition for staying at peace King Aizen?" My father asked seriously. My kingdom (Wisteria) and our neighboring kingdom (Morgaberry) had been thinking of going to war for sometime now and we had held this little meeting to come to an agreement of peace.
"Well i've been thinking King Vegeta, my son, Jean the second has been thinking of your daughter lately." He explained. As soon as he said that my face went from cheerful to utterly serious and kinda disgusted.
"What does that have to do with your proposition?" My father asked staring him straight in the eye, and if looks could kill he'd be 6 feet under about now.
"Well I was wondering if we could hold an arranged marriage, your daughter marries my son and we will be at peace, an eye for an eye, what do you say?" He proposed, and as he proposed such a proposition my face went rage and I mean maximum rage, 'no way in hell was I marrying someone so stupid and ugly. 'Dad refuse it' I thought in my head as the conversation went on.
"Is that the only way to gain peace in our country or is there any other way?" I could tell the reason my father asked was simple. He didn't want me marrying that fony, but a part of me also didn't agree with him because I could tell he was also considering this proposition.
"No, there is no other way to settle this, give or take." When he said that we had no choice but to agree.
"Alright then I guess we have a deal, your son will be married to my daughter on the night of the festival." My father agreed, you could tell he was sad when he agreed because his eyes were closed and he looked down to the ground. Although his expression quickly changed and became serious.
"Good, I will be seeing you soon King Vegeta." He said right before the attendant yelled dismissed and we all left the room. I left the room quickly running to my room. I shut the door behind me and leaped on my bed.

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