Chapter 14 A new plan and a new realization?

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Aspara POV
"You really should be more careful next time Aspara." Goku scolded. This was surprising, he usually never scolded anybody.
"Okay I'll try to, but I just can't help driving myself to my maximum limit and reaching new heights." I said enthusiastically.
"Oh you sure are something Aspara." Goku said now picking me up in his arms. His arms made me feel secure and safe. I felt that as long as I was in his arms I'd be okay. He walked me over by where the fire originally was and set me down. I couldn't help but blush at this, and I just barely noticed it, but he also had a tint of pink on each of his cheeks. Did he like me too? No that's ridiculous, was probably my imagination. Snapping back to the situation at hand, I noticed it was now dawn and we would have to get a move on soon, but before we would head out we had to come up with a plan to take down the king.
"So guys what's the plan?" Asuna asked trying to get ideas for a good formulated plan.
"Well it's not much, but I think if we split up into groups of 2 and cover different parts of the castle we could get in real easily and take down most of the guards." I brought up.
"Good idea, but what if instead, two of us go under disguise as spies and scout the perimeter." Kirito added.
"That's brilliant Kirito, that way we know how many soldiers they're are around the perimeter of the castle the king is in." Asuna added praising Kirito.
"Who knew Kirito was such a genius." I added with a smile.
I saw Goku made a pouty face at the comment I added so I decided to humor him.
"But then again Goku is pretty smart too." I added looking in his direction. I found a gentle smile curled up my lips as I slowly lowered my eyelids.
Goku's POV
"Who knew Kirito was such a genius." Aspara added with a smile. I couldn't help but feel that wretched feeling of jealousy come at me once again. My emotional response was a pouty face. I didn't notice it, but apparently Aspara had somehow noticed because she added a comment.
"But then again Goku is pretty smart too." She added looking straight in my direction. For a split second her eyes and mine met, my heart pounded noticeably faster and my nerves spiked up rapidly causing me to stare at her speechless. The next thing she did made my heart rate spike up even higher. I watched her look at me with now gently shut eyes and I couldn't help but notice a gentle smile curled up her lips. Snapping back to reality I noticed I left her without a response and quickly answered.
"Th-Thanks." I said, my heart still a little love-shocked.
"Don't say thanks, it is true after all." She said not noticing that every comment she said to me had caused the feeling of butterfly's to grow in my stomach even more rapidly than before.
Aspara POV
"Aww shucks, th-thanks Aspara." He stuttered with a hint of nervousness in his voice. I quickly noticed the nervousness in his voice. At that moment I realized what had caused it. He liked me. No he doesn't like you. Why would he like you.
"Hey Aspara, Goku, world to Aspara and Goku." I was snapped from my thoughts by Bulma asking me and Goku for an opinion on their now finished plan.
"Oh, yes, what." Me and Goku said responding to Bulma.
"Alright, did you guys hear any of that or were you two too busy focused on each other to hear it?" Bulma asked seeing the chance to get back at me.
"No we were just thinking of more ideas to add to our plan." I explained.
"Oh really Aspara?" Bulma asked once again. She acted as if we were criminals and she was the police interrogating us.
"Yes Bulma, and I have Goku as a witness." I said playing along with her little interrogation.
"Oh really, Mr.Goku can you tell us why you were blushing while you were thinking of ideas for our plan?" Bulma asked.
"Um no reason." Goku said trying to avoid the truth.
"Oh so you're saying people blush randomly for no reason?" Bulma said, a smirk on her face. I knew why that smirk was there. She knew that the truth was clear. At that moment, that moment in time. I realized the answer she was trying to get out of Goku. We were in love with each other. At this new realization my heart pace sped up rapidly and it was as if time itself froze for a second in time. I was in my own fantasy, I didn't hear Bulma interrogating Goku anymore. I just sat there in shock of the truth, the truth I didn't want to admit. The truth I'd been hiding for so long.
"Hey, hello there, Aspara, you okay." Asuna said worried trying to wake me from my racing thoughts. Snapping back to the real world I replied to Asuna.
"Yea i'm alright. All this interrogation is just getting me kinda stressed." I said to Asuna reassuring her. She looked at me gently, but that smile quickly changed to an angry face as she looked towards Bulma. Getting up, she walked over to Bulma and put her in her place.
"Hey Bulma is this how you treat comrades?" Asuna yelled at her angry.
"No, you know what whatever, I give up. You people are hopeless." She sassed at Asuna. I saw Asuna look at her angrily and then back at Goku and I with a very different emotion. A compassionate smile that said something. I knew that that smile meant something, but what.

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