Chapter 5 royalty

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"Hey you I know you're in there, come out, what do you want, if the king sent you, give up already, you won't have her." He told me sternly.
"Alright buster, relax i'm not gonna touch your girlfriend." I simply told him.
"Girlfriend, she's not my girlfriend." He said, red as a tomato which showed how obvious it was that he liked her.
"If you say so." I said trying to avoid the subject and leave.
"Hey you didn't answer my question, why are you here." He asked much calmer than before.
"Well you see, long story short, i'm a thief who stole food from a market, and they chased me to the woods and I hid, but the hiding spot wound up being where you two love birds were napping.' I simply explained.
"Oh that makes sen... again with the girlfriend thing." He complained.
Aspara POV
I slowly opened my eyes to find goku conversing with a girl about my age, but with blue hair and blue eyes. When I saw this I felt a sensation, 'Jealousy' I thought, 'What no, why would I be jealous, I don't even like him.' I screamed at myself as I got up at the speed of light and held my sword up to the girls face.
"Who are you and why are you here." I said giving her a death glare.
"What are the people around here, spazzes." She complained as she put her hands up.
"It's true Aspara, she's not after you, she's just a thief." Goku explained.
"Alright Goku I trust you and if you trust her i'll trust her." I simply said.
"Aww are you sure she's not your girlfriend?" She asked once more.
"No she's not!" Goku said quite flustered.
"You sure." She egged on.
"Yes i'm sure look ask Aspara." He said as he pointed to me.
"Goku what have you been talking about with this girl while I was asleep?" I asked him with a death glare.
"Nothing I swear she just keeps saying your my girlfriend for some reason." He explained.
"Oh really." I said as I waked him on the head causing a bump to rise on his head.
Thief's POV
'I should probably stick with them for right now, it's not like I have anywhere else to go.' I decided to walk over to the young girl and introduce myself.
"So anyway, the names Bulma, what about you." I said as I held my hand out to the brown-haired saiyan.
Aspara's POV
"The names Aspara, Aspara Vegeta and this is Goku." I introduced.
"As in the royal Vegeta family of Wisteria." Bulma asked shocked with her jaw dropped.
"Yes I am the princess." I explained.
"What are you doing out here, shouldn't you be at the castle?" Bulma asked me.

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