Chapter 7 Rebellion and a New Form?

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We headed to Goku's house right after I explained the situation to Kirito and Asuna.
"Knock Knock!"
"Who is it!"
"It's me mom, Goku." He replied.
"Oh you're finally ho...." she stopped when she saw us, the ones in the wanted posters.
"Why are you with the two most wanted people son?" Goku's mom questioned.
"It's a long story, you see Miss Aspara here is the Princess of Wisteria." He explained.
"Come in we can talk in the living room better." She suggested. We did so and sat down on the couches.
"As we were saying I am the Princess of Wisteria and we'll we never told you, our people that there would be an all out war if there was not a peace proposition made soon. Finally our kingdom and Morgaberry, the neighboring kingdom came to a proposition, except our kingdom was more like forced, the proposition was for me to marry the prince of Morgaberry Jean." I explained to her.
"I don't see how you're wanted, I mean a girl should never be forced to marry another, she should be able to pick who she marries." Goku's mom agreed.
"So you agree with us." I shot up excited.
"You bet I do in fact I'd like to join you're little rebellion!" Goku's mom shot up in confidence.
"What rebellion?" A man asked as he entered the room. The man that entered had spiky hair exactly like Goku's, except he looked a lot more serious and had a scar in the shape of an x on his left cheek.
"Well I was thinking of helping the Princess of Wisteria since she's on the run from the evil King Aizen." She said even more confident then before.
"Does Goku trust her?" He asked sternly.
"Why yes I do father." He explained to his father.
It took a moment of hesitation for him to answer, but when he did it was music to my ears .
"Well if my son trusts her, I don't see why not."
"But what about you father, aren't you gonna follow us."
"Unfortunately i'd just take them to you."
"Were already on the wanted list and can handle ourselves, so you don't have to worry about being on the run." I explained.
"I understand how you're seeing things, but.....
Flashback (3rd person)
"Sir you ordered us to complete a face match on the picture drawn of the man with the Princess." Soldier 1 told.
"Yes, did you find a match to this mystery man?" He asked harshly.
"U'm y-yes sir." The soldier stuttered.
"So who is it!" He shouted in anger.
"A young man, about the same age as the Princess, his name is Son Goku." He told, a hint of nervousness in his voice.
"Well I want you to put guards around his house in case he comes back, you got that!" He ordered.
"Yes sir, right away!" The soldier responded.
Before the soldier took off the king asked a second request.
Oh and one more thing soldier."
"Yes sir?" He asked.
"Put a tracker on the boys father and older brother Raditz." He ordered.
"Yes sir I'll get right to it."
Back to present (Aspara POV)
"So that's why, is it." Goku concluded.
"Yup, that's why son." He told.
"Where did they place the tracker?" I asked.
"It's in the back of my neck, but they stapled it in my neck." He explained.
"Well that's just cruel." I commented.
"No kidding it probably hurt a lot, are you okay dad." Goku asked with a hint of worry in his voice.
"Yea it's gonna take a lot more than some stapler to hurt me." He said confidently. Then what Bulma said lifted my spirits.
"Wait a second I might just know how to disable the tracker." Bulma suggested.
"Really, that would be great Bulma." I said excited.
"Yea id especially be grateful." Goku said back in a happy mood.
'Hm I'm glad he's happy again I don't like seeing him down like th-, Wait what am I even thinking have I started to like this man, nah probably just my compassionate side, right.' I told myself afraid of the truth.
"So what's you're proposal?" Bardock questioned.
"Well I can't take the tracker out, but if I take what should be the main part of the tracker out then it shouldn't be able to track you anymore." Bulma explained.
"Wow you sure are smart Bulma." Asuna, me, Goku, and Kirito commented after her crazy explanation.
"Well we should give it a shot, don't you think Bardock?" Gine reasoned.
"Yea I guess I'll give it a try, but only because my son trusts you." He answered with a compassionate smile.
"Alright then just let me grab my tools out of my bag." Bulma said as she started pulling out all her tools.
"Wow I don't think I've ever seen so many tools in my life, and I even worked as an elite in the saiyan army." Asuna commented.
"Yea same here Asuna." Kirito also commented with a smile.
"Hey we know you're in there, open up brats!" A soldier suddenly screamed. The mood in the room suddenly changed from happy and cheerful to utterly serious. The power levels we felt were also higher than the last batch of soldiers. I could feel a hint of fear in the room.
"Oh shoot, wasn't expecting them so early." I said shocked.
"Alright Aspara, Goku, and Kirito, you're with me, Bardock and Gine, go with Bulma and hide in the woods, go out the back. Asuna explained.
"Alright if you guys won't open up we're coming in!" One of the guards threatened.
"Hurry, go!" Asuna yelled. Bulma, Bardock, and Gine ran out the back. Once they ran out the back
BAM!! The door slammed down and there they were the guards.
"You guys are gonna pay for going against the saiyan laws." One soldier shouted.
I didn't respond, but instead took the chance of opening and did a quick hammer fist to his soldier.
Before I knew it he fell to the ground.
But I could feel the others power levels were higher than his.
'Does the king want to get us so bad he's sending some of his elites after us?' I questioned in my mind.
I could tell he did because I looked to my right and Goku was having a problem with one them. Instead of a normal soldiers uniform, this one was wearing the original saiyan armor that only castle guards wear. One of the cams at me and I tried to block the punch, but it was to fast and I fell to the ground I was getting beaten.
Goku's POV
I finished one of the soldiers when I saw a riot of soldiers beating Aspara to a pulp and it made something inside me snap, I had never been so angry in my life.
"Aspara I'm coming!" I said running in her direction but before I could get to her, another group of soldiers got in my way.
"What you gonna do about it huh weakling." They threw a punch at me and I fell to the ground. They were all laughing at me.
"Don't stop it, stop laughing at me." I shouted at the group of boys at school.
"Ha hah what you gonna do about it huh pipsqueak, you're just a good for nothing weakling!" They shouted at me.
"Why does everyone always reject me." I said to myself well crying an endless river of tears.
End of flashback
"I am not a weakling." I mumbled.
"What was that we couldn't hear you."
"I said I'm not a weakling, so let Aspara go!"
I shouted shooting up and shouting in anger. As I shot up I felt something snap and my hair turned yellow and my eyes blue. I felt my power level raise but didn't care, I only cared about weather or not Aspara was safe. I saw the soldiers come at me.
One threw a punch at me, but I took his wrist and broke it before he could even touch me. I moved behind one of the other soldiers at the speed of light and chocked him out before he could even blink.
Aspara's POV
"Do you feel it huh miss princess." One soldier said.
"Do you feel how it is to be weak."
"Oh no Goku's getting beat I have to help." I said using all the strength I had left to get up and walk.
"Where do you think you're going miss princess ha ha." One of the soldiers said kicking me to the ground.
I just grunted in more pain and blood shot out. I was so helpless I couldn't help Goku.
When I thought of how I couldn't protect Goku, keep him safe from evil, I felt something snap inside me and before I knew it, my cloths changed into a pink and white striped scarf, a fiery bikini top, black spiked short shorts and long fiery boots. Not only that changed, but so did my eyes and hair, my eyes turned red, my hair went into a ponytail, and a red aura surrounded my whole body.
"Leave Goku alone." I mumbled.
"Huh what was that it's too loud over here you're royal highness!"
"I said leave Goku alone you Jerks!"
They cowered in fear and tried running away once they felt my power level rise, but before they could they fell on their bottoms and were cowering in fear.
"Not so loud anymore now are we." I talked back moving at the speed of light and knocking all of them out at the same time. I saw Goku had transformed as well and was okay one again. Feeling relieved once more and glad that Goku was safe once again, I returned back to normal and collapsed on the ground, exhausted from the amount of power put on my body. The last thing I saw before I blacked out was Goku, Asuna, and Kirito.

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