Chapter 9 A look into the Past Part 2

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Kirito POV
I was on patrol as a young recruit. Only 14.
I only heard the sounds of the birds and wind sweep past me until...
"Help, Help me!" I heard a young girl scream as if she were holding on for dear life. I quickly got into a fighting stance. I saw the girl run towards me. Her face was devastated, tears covering her scraped face.
"Help me, please." She asked desperately.
"Are you okay, what happened." I asked.
"Th-those men killed my family and n-now their after me." She said between sobs.
They soon came into view and when they did the young girl got behind me. I quickly saw one of them pull out a knife.
"You think you can stop us brat." One of the thief's threatened.
"He's probably so weak his bones will snap in one blow" the other said
"I'm not so sure about that." I said confidently taking out my sword.
"Alright than come at me pip-squeak, prove your idiotic claim.
Before he could even try to stab me I moved behind him and slashed his legs and his throat.
"Those who kill should pay the same penalty." I explained to them with anger in my voice.
"Stay back monster or the bratty girl goes." The other threatened holding the knife to the girls throat. Her eyes were emotionless, she was so devastated she didn't even care about herself anymore. You could see it in her eyes, dead, sorrowful eyes.
"I hate garbage like you, picking on the weak like their some kind of threat. That's why I live on, to stop basters like."
Asuna's POV
When I heard the boy who just stood up for me say that, it made something inside me change. It gave me a reason to live on. I can't die not yet. When this motivation set into me, when I finally had a reason left to live it made something inside me snap. I felt a raging power boil up inside me. Before I knew it my power level raised tremendously and I took the sword with my own two hands and gave it back to the man who killed my parents.
"This is what you get for taking everything away from me you evil bastard!" I screamed rage fully at the man.
End of flashback
"Ever since that day, we've vowed to be friends and help out the weak and innocent. We also vowed to make evil pay for their crimes, but then again I guess that's what drew Asuna to you guys." I explained to him.
"Wow what a story, I do give you my regards for her losses though." Goku replied compassionately.
"Thanks, you don't know how much that would mean to her." I thanked Goku.
"Well we better get back with this firewood." Goku said changing the subject.
"Yea I certainly don't want Bulma getting mad at us for letting her starve." Kirito said dramatically.
"Yea no kidding." Goku agreed sarcastically.
Aspara POV
"So look who's finally back." I said happy they were back. When Goku's gone I don't feel the same for some reason, so I'm glad he's back.
"Finally did you get the firewood because I'm starving to death over here." Bulma dramatically complained.
"Look who's complaining, I've gone without food for three days before." Bardock added which just made Bulma madder.
"Well that's because, uhh I just give up on you people." She said miserably. This caused everyone else to laugh.
"So Kirito you bring enough wood back?" Asuna asked putting her arms out ready to take some of the wood.
"Yup, in fact me and Goku got plenty." Kirito replied.
"That's great, after all the more the better." Asuna said.
"Isn't it the more the merrier."! I said.
"That's when you talk about other saiyans Aspara, not items." She corrected.
"Oh well I'll know that for next time." I said confident.
"You really are something Aspara." Goku commented with that goofy smile of his.
"What do you mean something?" I asked curiously.
"I mean you're not like others, you're unique." He commented yet again, but this time his comment made me quite flustered and made it feel like there were butterflies in my stomach. What was this feeling was I falling for him. All I could do was look at him smile. Although his smile just made it worse you know.
"Aww a Goku and Aspara moment." When Bulma said that it made the embarrassment and dead silence worse.
"I can see you're side of things now Bulma and I totally ship it too." Asuna added which made me and Goku's face get even redder by the second.
"Oh not you too Asuna." I added more flustered.
"What do you mean not you too, I totally support it." She told me.
"Well I don't like him just telling you." I said red as a tomato. That's when I thought of a comeback.
"Hey Bulma." I said.
"Yea, what." She asked.
"If you're gonna girlfriend, boyfriend anyone here do it to Asuna and Kirito, they've known each other since the age of 12." I explained to Bulma.
"Hmm I could see it." Bulma said.
"Hey what me and Kirito aren't a thing, just friends right Kirito." Asuna reasoned as she turned to Kirito for an answer, but all she got was dead silence and a flustered Kirito looking away.
"Told you so." Bulma reasoned.
"Kirito!" Asuna yelled.
"Yup were just friends, and will always be." Kirito said backing up Asuna.
Kirito POV
"Kirito!" Asuna yelled
I didn't like seeing her all worked up so I decided to speak up.
"Yup were just friends, and will always be." I said backing up Asuna.
"See, there you have it." Asuna told proudly. Hmm I like seeing her more lively like this, it sure cal- what am I thinking, could Bulma be right. Could I seriously be falling for her, Asuna my best friend. Nah probably just random thoughts, you know how the brain is sometimes, crazy.

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