Chapter 3 Guards

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Once we introduced ourselves I was about to bring up that we form a plan, but before I could....
"Quick in the bushes." He grabbed me at the speed of light and dragged me in the bush with him.
"Hey what's the deal man." I whisper shouted to him. Not knowing that a group of soldiers were on their way for me.
"Shh, look." He pointed to a little peep hole in the bush and there I saw them, men sent by my father and that evil king Aizen with his idiotic son. I suddenly kept quiet.
"They're coming this way." I whispered to him.
"I know, come here." I crawled over to him and he hugged me close to him. I couldn't help but move a bit due to the nervousness.
"Relax i'm trying to keep us hidden." He told me as I just tried to look down to hide my tomato of a face.
"We should check over here." one of the guards said well walking in our direction.
"Their coming this way, what do we do?" I said conflicted.
"We fight them." He suggested.
"Not a bad suggestion, if they find us we attack, alright." I told him.
"Alright, I'll take the three on the left and you take the three on the right, kay." He explained.
"Kay." I agreed.
"I found them sir, over here!" One of the guards shouted as he parted the bushes. As he did the others rushed over and surrounded us. I got into a fighting stance, as Goku did. One decided to make a move which triggered the rest. One of them threw a punch at me and I blocked and followed with a knee to the groin and a wedge block to the back of the neck, which put him out cold. Goku wasn't doing so bad himself, if I didn't know any better i'd say he was a natural born warrior. One of the soldiers tried to stab him with a sword, and he trapped it and broke the guys arm. Two more came at me with swords, so I decided to pull out my sword.
"You messed with the wrong girl fellas!" I said as I took my sword out and easily unarmed the two who tried to take me down. Me and Goku had took each and everyone out, except for one that we had no idea even got away.

Sometime later at the palace of King Aizen
"Sir she got away and took down all our men." The soldier reported with anxiety.
"So your telling me that you let her get away!" He shouted angrily at his soldier.
"Yes sir, but I have come back with new information." The soldier replied.
"And what is this new information Klein?" He asked his soldier now curious.
"She is with someone else, a young man, before I came here I did a sketch of him." The soldier told.
"Let me see this sketch." He ordered rather harshly. He looked over the sketch with great detail.
"I want you to take this and run it through the computer. I want you to find out who this is, So I suggest you start right away Klein, unless you would rather be killed." He threatened,
"No sir, I'll get right on it." He said, fear hinted in his voice.
Back to Goku and the Princess....
"Hey Aspara, before we continue our quest in the morning, can I tell my parents I'll be gone for a while?"Goku asked me.
"Sure, I don't see why not." I replied with a warm smile.
"Thanks." If I didn't know any better I'd say he had a hint of pink on his cheek, but the feeling of water hitting my skin made me just forget about it.
"Oh great, now it's raining." I complained.
"You can stay at my house." He suggested naively.
"With the way we pulled a fighting stunt on the royal guards earlier." I reminded him.
"I guess that's true were probably wanted, aww man and here I was looking forward to becoming an elite." He complained.

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