Chapter 17 Victory or Defeat? Confession?

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After I took care of the guards and had calmed down I ran over to Asuna as fast as I could. I leant down and put both of my arms around her.
"Asuna, Asuna, please wake up." I cried holding her in my arms. The next thing I heard was a miracle.
"Don't worry Kirito, I'm alright." Asuna was alive. When I heard her voice it was such a big relief to me. She was alive, oh thank you god, thank you. I hugged her so very tight.
"Thank goodness you're alive Asuna." I said great full She was still alive.
"Oww, um Kirito I think you're squishing me." Asuna said. Due to her response I let go of her and was now sitting on both of my knees.
"Oh sorry about that Asuna."
"Don't worry about it Kirito."
Asuna's POV
"So anyway Asuna what were you saying earlier?" Kirito asked bewildered.
"Oh I said not to worry about it, why?" I replied.
"No not then. What did you say before you blacked out?"
"Oh that I said nothing, you idiot." I said as I got up and knocked the stuffing out of him. I felt my face grow red as I just stood there thinking about what I said. Wait why did his eyes widen when I said that then.
"I swear Kirito you're becoming more and more like that big goofy ouf."
"What do you mean 'ouf' Asuna."
"Nothing, just thinking out loud." Kirito just looked at me like I was crazy or something. I instinctively giggled and found that a smile slowly curled up my lips.
"Now what is it Asuna."
"Nothing of you're concern Kirito."
"I swear, I don't get girls at all." Kirito commented.
"Hey what's so bad about girls."I said putting on my annoyed face and looking at Kirito. Before Kirito could respond though we ran into four figures.
Aspara POV
Me, Goku, Bardock, and Gine had caught up with each other and were running through the halls, when we suddenly noticed two figures ahead. We were about to get into a fighting stance, but then we saw they were Kirito and Asuna.
"Hey guys, glad we could catch up with you." I said running toward them happily.
"So have you guys seen Vegeta, Bulma, or Hit?" Goku asked confused.
"Come to think of it, no we haven't seen them." Asuna replied.
"That's because I've been lurking in the shadows." A mysterious voice said as he came out of the shadows reveling the one and only Hit.
"There you are Hit." Goku pointed out childishly.
"Hey Hit do you have any idea where Bulma and Vegeta are?" Kirito asked. Before Hit could answer though,
"Hmm I'm right here guys." Vegeta said a smirk making its way upon his face.
"Yay were all here." Gine and I shouted happily. But then we realized Bulma was missing.
"Wait where's Bulma?" Asuna asked bewildered.
"Oh she plans to stay back and ambush any guards that are left." Vegeta explained.
"Alright then, we ready for this?" I asked everyone confidently.
"Hmm I was born ready to take this guy down." Vegeta said getting amped.
"I hear you Vegeta I'm real excited to fight this guy too." Goku added.
"Alright here goes Nothing." I yelled confidently as I kicked down the door.
"Hmm I've been waiting for you're arrival, Princess Aspara." King Aizen commented. A smirk making its way to his face. I saw the guards get into position.
"Hmm I've been waiting for this to, you bastard." I said running toward him. One of his guards got in the way, but I easily took him down. I saw Asuna take a couple down. Goku took the three on the right and had them on the floor in no time. Then I finally made it to the King's thrown. I threw that hook punch that I've been waiting to at him for so long. He blocked it and pulled out a knife. I quickly transformed taking the knife from him and crushing it in the process. I crushed it in front of his face. At the site of this his eyes widened in realization. He was done. Not wasting anytime I pulled out my sword and was about to stab him when......
"How could this be." I said shocked. I felt a knife make its way into my gut. It was that stupid evil bastard Jean.
"Damn you." Those were the last words I said before I fell into an eternal pit of blackness.
Goku's POV
Me and Vegeta we're taking down a few of the King's soldiers. Then suddenly I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. It was Aspara, except she looked lifeless.
"Aspara!" I screamed in worry running over to her leaning down to lift her in my arms. There was blood running from her gut. My eyes widened. I felt something deep inside me snap, but except this time it was not just pure anger, it was a mixture of rage, sadness, and love. I felt like I was going insane. How could I live without her, Without Aspara, without the one I love. The pain was so much. I felt like my heart was being stabbed by an eternal blade of sorrow.
"How could you do this." I mumbled quietly.
"If your that sad you'd probably be just as happy to join her down in hell." When He said that I felt as if I had lost all sense of myself.
"How could you do this to her, I'll never forgive you, never ever ever!" I shouted rage taking over me. I found that my voice got deeper and my aura became a blazing fiery red. My eyes and hair, pure red. I felt my power level dramatically rise, but I didn't care. The only thing I could think about was her. Out of grief I swiftly moved behind the guards and took them all out in one swift blow. Then I turned to my next targets, the King and Prince Jean. In realization the King an Jean tried running for the door, but I wouldn't let them get away. Not after what they did, what they did is unforgivable. I quickly came from behind them and hit King Aizen and Prince Jean with one fatal blow. They both fell to the ground coughing blood. The last move I did put em out cold. After they were no longer a threat my transformation faded and out of sorrow I ran over to Aspara. I saw everyone fall to there knees in sorrow as tears fell down there cheeks. Except for hit of course, but you could still tell he was grieving by the look on his face.
"Aspara, I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you, so very sorry." I confessed guiltily as endless rivers of tears ran off my cheeks.
"Aspara why you, why the one I fell in love with, now that you're gone I'll never get to be with you!" I screamed out of pure grief.
"I wanted to live the rest of my life with you, have a family with y...." Before I could finish my grieving I felt a tear drop fall to my chest, out of hope I released her to try and look at her face to see if she was still alive. I found that I couldn't because she pulled me back into the hug. Out of relief I hugged her back even more, now crying tears of joy.
Aspara POV
I heard someone, I slowly opened my eyes as I carefully listened to the voices words.
"Aspara why you, why the one I fell in love with." I listened closer realizing whose voice it was. It was Goku's voice, the voice of the man I fell in love with.
"Now that you're gone I'll never get to be with you!" He screamed out of sorrow. I could feel a never ending river of tears fall down my cheeks as he confessed his love to me.
"I wanted to live the rest of my life with you, have a family with y...." When he said that I felt tears run down my cheeks. Not tears of sorrow, but tears of happiness. Out of joy I hugged him tightly and in his ear I softly said....
"I love you too Goku, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you."
I just pulled back and saw his eyes slowly widen in shock. After he took in the statement he leaned in. I could feel his breath on my skin. Before I knew it we were nose to nose and then I gently closed my eyes waiting to feel his lips on mine. Then it came I felt it his lips on mine. After a second we pulled back and hugged each other and out of the compassion and love we had for each other we kissed one last time.

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