Chapter 11 Still Onto the other side of Planet Vegeta or is it a new Plan?

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Aspara POV
After meeting my brother, we decided to continue our quest to the other side of planet Vegeta, but as we walked on and on, I thought about whether it was still necessary to flee to the other side of planet Vegeta.
"Hey guys do you think we should still be heading to the other side of planet Vegeta?" I asked wanting the opinion of others to help me feel better.
"Hmm, now that you bring it up Aspara, I think we are a big enough army to defy the King." Asuna explained.
I thought about it for a second and was about to speak up, but then....
"Yea I agree with Asuna, we may not win in numbers, but we sure do out power most of the Kings soldiers." Kirito added.
"Hmm Yea I guess you guys are right." I replied.
"Then how about we start forming a plan to defy the king." Goku said confidently turning his head to look at me straight in my eyes. It's as if, as if he was waiting for my approval. Why would he care if I approved. Does he possibly li-, no that's not possible, probably just wants another's opinion in favor of his to feel better.
"I agree with Goku, shouldn't we come up with a plan and a few back up plans to defy the king." I agreed backing up Goku.
"I agree as well." Bulma said as she shook her head.
"You Alright with it Bardock, Gine?" Asuna asked making sure everyone was comfortable with the change of plan.
"Yea, it sounds more reasonable to strike now, then to keep going into hiding." Gine agreed overconfident.
"I have to agree as well, it would be wise to strike now and catch them when they least expect us." Bardock said.
"Alright then w-"
"Did you forget about me woman." Vegeta interrupted clearly angry.
"Oh yes, sorry I guess I just forgot about you because your unimportant in this discussion." Asuna sassed at Vegeta making him 10 times angrier.
"Oh if I'm not so important woman then why am I part of a royal fa-" Before Vegeta could finish his sentence Bulma walked up to him and.....
Bulma POV
I was tired of hearing those two fight like an unhappy couple and decided to shut them up by cutting down the source. I walked over to Vegeta and put a finger over his mouth before he could continue.
"What do you think you are doing woman!" He said obviously mad.
"I'm trying to shut you up moron, so shut up or next time it'll be a punch to your face." I threatened.
"I doubt any punch of yours would hurt me woman." He sassed back.
"Why don't we experiment then." I said throwing a punch toward him as fast and as hard as I could. I hit him straight in the face, a perfect shot.
"Hmm what were you saying?" I said confident my punch did some damage.
"Not a scratch." Vegeta said overconfident. I could tell he was lying and started laughing. I knew he was lying because there was a scratch on his face which made me laugh even harder.
"Damn you woman!" He said stubbornly turning in the other direction. I swear I saw a tint of red, but heh whatever.
Aspara POV
Taking an opportunity of the moment to get back a Bulma for all those embarrassing moments I.....
"Hey brother I don't mean to ruin you're very first romantic moment with you're girlfriend, but we should probably get moving if we want to find shelter for tonight." I said with extra emphasis in my voice.
I got so many reactions from my comment. Vegeta, red as a tomato looking away from Bulma. Bulma, finally had a tomato face and was looking at me with an evil grin that said,'I'll get back at you for this Aspara!' Everyone else was laughing. So I couldn't help but laugh myself.
"Why she's not my girlfriend sister, just a weird woman." He said in embarrassment.
"Yea and he's way to hot headed to be my boyfriend." Bulma said rage full at me.
"Okay, okay you two, could we just get a move on now." Goku said dropping the subject.
"Alright fine." Bulma agreed.
I sent Goku a little thank you for stopping the drama by putting my hands into the shape of a circle.(Like Chile if you've seen the new Dragon Ball Super Broly movie)
He shot back a your welcome by putting one hand up and smiling. After that we kept walking when suddenly.
"Hey guys I found a place over here." Kirito said as he pointed to a big cave.
"Nice find Kirito, we can always count on you to find the best resting spots." Asuna praised as we walked over to the cave.
"I know right, Kirito sure has a knack for those things." I added.
Goku's POV
"I know right, Kirito sure has a knack for those things." Aspara said smiling lightly. 'Me and Kirito were good friends, but I couldn't help but feel a little jealous, her praising him instead of me. For peat sake she's mine! Wait did I just say, could I love Aspara. I thought as I walked inside of the cave and sat down. I felt the feeling grow more and more, it made me feel sad and angry at the same time, it tore at my heart and I felt hurt. The sensation just grew.
"Hey Goku, you look sad are you okay?" Aspara asked me, a concerned look on her face. It was the same look of concern that she had on her face when she was afraid I would die. Why would she care that much. Snapping back to reality,
"Yea, I'm okay now." I replied reassuringly.
Aspara POV
Yea, I'm okay now." Goku replied reassuringly.
"What do you mean now, what was wrong?" I asked even more worried. 'Could he feel sick or even worse have a disease, could he be hurt?'And have not told me about it.
"If there's something wrong you can tell me, if you're sick or going through something you should be able to ask me for help, for guidance." I said tears starting to form in my eyes.
"It's not like that I just have a little wound on my shoulder." I said telling a half lie - half truth, not wanting to bring the jealousy situation up.
"Why didn't you tell me, I could've fixed it up?!" I shouted mad that he didn't let me know he was hurt.
Asuna's POV
"Aww Som-"
"Shut up Bulma, don't ruin the moment." I said indulging myself into the situation. I didn't want Bulma to ruin this moment. This moment of complete sweetness. After all, nothing's more beautiful then the blooming of love. I would know. I've loved Kirito for years now, ever since the day he rescued me.
Aspara POV
"Hey relax Aspara, you don't have to get all worried over a little cut." He panicked with a noticeable tomato face.
"It is not just a little cut and plus I have a right to be worried. After all your my best friend and best warrior." I explained trying to sound reasonable. I didn't notice it but at this point my face was as red as a tomato, probably even redder.
"Does this mean I'm only a pawn to you Aspara?" The young onyx-eyed saiyan asked innocently.
"No it doesn't mean that at all." I said back.
"Then what am I too you?" Goku asked naively.

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