Chapter 12 A new Feeling and an unlikely appearance?

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Aspara POV
"Then what am I too you?" Goku asked naively.
As he said that my eyes were opened to the truth. It was simple, I loved him, loved him with every bit of my being, he was everything to me, but why me. Fate perhaps. I don't know. I was pulled back to reality by a curious Goku awaiting my answer. What was I too tell him, I couldn't possibly tell him the truth, or could I.
"Well the truth is Goku..." I stuttered afraid and nervous.
"Yes what is it."
Come on get yourself together Aspara. You've seen the battlefield before. Why is this so much scarier?"
"I, I l-"
"Hey guys I'm back with the firewood!" Kirito shouted happily not knowing he had just interrupted the moment. This left me a hot mess. Due to the anger and rage I had. I leapt up embarrassed more than ever and punched Kirito straight in the face. Asuna did along with me too unexpectedly.
"You idiot, you ruined the moment!" Asuna shouted at the now terrified Kirito that was on the floor.
"Sorry Asuna, Aspara, I had no idea of what was going on, so please don't kill me." He begged.
"Alright fine." Me and Asuna said in sync. We were always able to do that considering we've always been best pals since children.
"Hey Aspara don't mean to bother you, but what were you going to say?" Goku asked me obviously oblivious to the situation. I swear sometimes he really did make me angry acting like a little innocent boy oblivious to everything going on in the world. Then again that's probably why he's such a happy boy. I was snapped back to reality in embarrassment realizing what he just asked.
"Nothing!" I panicked as I scratched the back of my neck.
Vegeta POV
Seeing the chance to get back at my sister, Aspara for earlier's humiliation I added a comment that would make her jump through the roof. "Oh nothing was it sister, I thought you were about to confess you're undying lo-"
"Shut up Vegeta or I will kill you!" Asuna threatened saving me from certain doom.
'Phew that was close thanks for saving me Asuna I owe ya big time.' I though with a sigh of relief.
"Hey have you guys seen Bardock and Gine?" I asked swiftly changing the topic.
"Yea they went to go catch some wild beast for dinner." Kirito mentioned.
"Oh okay good because I'm hungry!" I said excited.
"Same here, I can't wait to eat!" Goku said licking his lips. He's so cute when he does that. I couldn't help but think such a thing while watching him be his childish self. I'm glad he was feeling better, for a second ago he sure had me worried.
Assassin(Hits POV)
It was dark and I had been hired to get rid of two most wanted fugitives. Aspara and Goku. Although I was surprised that the king would even think to hire me. Doesn't he have well trained assassins of his own. As I thought this I snuck through the bushes, looking for a spot my target would most likely hide out when all of a sudden I saw a young boy. He had black hair and wore the uniform of a high class elite soldier.
'What is a high class soldier from the palace doing out here.' I thought until I examined the boy more clearly and noticed he was one of the elites on the most wanted list.
'Could he possibly be with my two targets?'
With this new informational development, I decided to follow him.
1 hour later
I followed the young elite to what looked to be his resting spot. Just to be sure I wouldn't get caught I lowered my ki and waited till they had their meal and fell asleep. Once they had fell asleep, I snuck carefully into the cave and saw them, my two targets.
Goku and Aspara. So how should I do this? I thought carefully. I was only an assassin with a few years of experience, so it's kinda hard to kill them without causing a panic around this many people.
Kirito POV
I was on scouting duty to make sure no one snuck into the cave. I tried staying awake, but noticed my eyes began to sink and were soon closed. After a while of drowsiness. I noticed I had unconsciously fell asleep standing up. Before I knew it, a few hours had past, everyone else was asleep and I was the only one awake. I wen't inside the cave to check on the rest of my group, but found an assassin. He must've been a newbie considering he would leave himself open to being spotted.
Hits POV
I decided to make it fast by just slitting their throats, but someone interrupted me.
"Guys wake up, there's an intruder!" The elite yelled warning everyone else to get ready to fight. He himself got into a fighting stance as well. I did not attack him. He was not my target, they were.
Aspara POV
"Huh what's happening?" I asked confused as I opened my eyes groggily.
"We're under attack Aspara, get ready to fight!" Goku explained well getting into a fighting stance. I got up into a fighting stance as well, but before I could get up, the assassin quickly made a move and me or Goku wouldn't have been able to stop it. In that moment it felt as if time itself had stopped. I was punched into the gut. If I was not as tough as I was, the blow could've easily been lethal. I felt the pain spread throughout my body like a shock wave of electricity but worse.
"Ahhhhhhhh!" I screamed from the unbearable pain spreading throughout my body. Due to the pain I quickly fell to the ground and was knocked unconscious. I should've transformed, but instead I waited around like a dumb idiot.
Goku's POV
"Ahhhhhh!" I heard Aspara scream from behind me as I saw her fall to the ground falling unconscious. What just happened. Out of grief I ran over to Aspara. Was she dead or alive? How could this happen. Why Aspara, why the one I love? He, he took her from me. Out of rage and anger.
"How could you do this, you took her from me. The one I hold most dear and you will pay!" Goku screamed. The aura of anger and sadness literally filled the room.
"Ahhhhhhhh!" I screamed unknowingly transforming into what was known as a super saiyan 3. I saw the assassin make a move on me. The same move on Aspara. That made me angry seeing such a thing again. He unexpectedly scratched me in the arm, but I was just able to scrape his face as I caught his punch with my left hand and tried to punch his face with my other. After that I fell back for a second, but quickly went back in, landing a perfect shot on him this time. When I hit him this time he looked at me shocked.
Hits POV
I was getting ready to use my time skip move on the now yellow saiyan, when all of a sudden, he somehow resisted my time skip and landed a clear menacing blow to my gut. I spit blood and before he could land another blow I retreated back for a second. Wiping the blood from my mouth quickly as I dodged toward the saiyan once more. Once I reached him I tried using my time skip again, but faster. But even this wasn't enough. The saiyan barely resisted. I thought his little bit of resistance would not be a problem, but me and him were equal. Before I knew it we were both punching each other in the face.

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