Chapter 2 Runnaway?

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"Dammit the festival is in a month, what the hell am I going to do I can't just leave, but I don't want to marry that idiotic moron either." I said to myself. I thought as I looked at one of my family pics when suddenly I was startled by someone stepping in my room.
"What do you want intruder." I said as I got into a fighting stance ready for anything.
"Relax Miss Aspara it's just me Chise." Reassured Chise as she walked through the door.
"Oh it's just you, you sure scared me for a second there, let me guess, bedtime." I asked her playfully.
"Yup, well i'll see you in the morning princess." She said to me.
Right when she left I took my sketchbook, sword, and some snacks I had stashed in my droors.
"This is my only choice, i'm running away." I whispered, a tear rolling down my face.
"I'll miss you guys, but i'll come back even stronger and i'll even build my own army, you just wait." I said to myself confident as I leaped out of my window and swiftly landed on the ground.
'Flying sure comes in handy'. I thought. I started running quietly through the green grass like naruto. 'What saiyans can watch anime. Well back to the story.' I was running, but then I thought,'Where am I even running to?' I just sat by a tree and tried to think. That's when it hit me, "How about that little town on the other side of the planet, no one would think to look there for me, especially since only the poor live there.' I thought as I began my long journey to the other side of planet Vegeta.
"Wait before I start my journey I should probably rest, but where, hmm." I said to myself as I tried to think of a place I could hide out for the night.
"I know, there's a place no one knows about but me." I whispered to myself as I ran over the green glimmering grass.
Time skip to morning.........
Goku's POV...
"I'll see you around noon son, bring us back a big catch!" My father dismissed me from the house to go hunt. Everytime we are low on food, my father sends me to go hunt for more, I really like it though it gives me a time to ventilate and be at peace. I can't wait till I can start fighting though, my father has already taught me some cool techniques like..... My thoughts were interrupted when I walked through a little bush area and saw a girl sleeping on a tree. She's kinda pretty, oh what are you thinking Goku get yourself together, the poor things probably homeless.
"Hello there." I tried saying something to her so she would wake up, but she didn't, so I had to resort to the loud wake up call.
"Wake Up!" I shouted in her ear, and she shot up so fast it made me fall flat on my butt. Before I knew it the sword she had beside her sleeping form a second ago was now inches from touching my face.
Narrator's (Aspara's )POV
"Who are you, were you sent here by my father to retrieve me!" I shot up not letting my guard down for even a second.
"Father, sent, what!" He went haywire as he just sat there on his bottom panicking.
"Nevermind just go back to what you were doing." I decided to let this one go since he seemed innocent of the situation.I drew my sword back into its sheath and walked away. Except my plan didn't work he just followed me.
"Is there anyway I could help?" He offered.
"No I don't want to drag other people into my situation." I told him sternly.
"Aww come on, there has to be something I can do?" This time he made a puppy eyed face when he said it, and i'm not gonna lie it was kinda cute.
"Fine." I said. "I guess if you won't stop offering i'll just accept." I said instinctively rubbing his spiky hair. It was so very soft that I wanted it as my blanket. When I came back to reality I found the young man who had just offered help frozen and quite flustered. I noticed what I was doing and quickly pulled my hand away.
"Sorry about that." I apologized my face red.
"It's alright, but one question?" He asked.
"Huh?" I responded.
"Why's your face red?" He asked confused.
"NO reason you idiot!" I shouted at him all mad and flustered.
"Sorry I was just curious." He apologized.
"Its okay i've just been through a lot." I explained.
"So what do you need help with and why are you out here by yourself?" He asked me with a bit of a worried face.
"Well you see long story short, I was being forced to marry an idiotic moron and wouldn't stand for it, so I took things into my own hands and ran away, now i'm here." I explained to him.
"Oh, but why were you being forced to marry this man, just out of curiosity?" He asked yet another question.
"Well you see the truth we never told our people is that there would be a war if a peace arrangement was not made." I explained once more.
"But what does that have to do with you?" He asked yet again. (The man of questions).
"You see the peace arrangement was for me to marry the prince and i being the princess was there first target." I explained yet again. (The woman of explanations).
"Oh so your trying to find a way to get away from this prince and bad king." He concluded.
"Yes basically, but I also want to prevent a war from happening." I explained.
"That's complicated, but I think I get the just." He said.
"Hey by the way I never got your name?" I asked him.
"Oh the name's Goku, what about you?" He introduced.
"The names Aspara ." I introduced.

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