Chapter 16 Super saiyan Kirito?

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Aspara POV
Me and Kirito were relieved to know that everyone on our team could trust Hit.
"So Hit what is this information you have." Asuna asked.
"There are a total of 74 soldiers guarding the King. Two at the front door, 12 by his throne, 30 at the east wing, and 30 at the west wing."
"Wait but why'd you leave out the North and South wing?"I asked curiously.
"The King is nearest to those two wings." Hit simply answered.
"Ahh I see."
"So are we just gonna stand here all day, or are we gonna go teach that King a lesson." Vegeta said, a smirk making its way up his lips.
"I think I agree with Vegeta, let's take down this guy." Goku said confidently punching his fist into his hand.
"Alright then if your all ready, follow me." Kirito ordered signaling for everyone to start following him.
Everyone got up and walked towards Kirito. Some were confident, some worried, and some full of excitement. We followed Kirito till we came several feet away from the kingdoms East entrance.
"Alright well this is it you guys." I commented. This was it. The moment King Aizen would finally pay. Pay for all the terrible things he's done to this poor kingdom. The kingdom of Morgaberry. We already knew the plan we went over. Hit would use his time skip to get us in, but his time skip would only last a minute or two, so we had to be fast. After that we would take it from there. We equally divided the number of soldiers we would each have to take down. I watched closely as Hit swiftly gave the signal. At his signal time itself froze and we ran threw that gate at the speed of light. We were able to make it inside the hallway, but we weren't safe in the castle. Time unfroze and the guards panicked and started attacking us. Two came at me. I swiftly transformed to my red form and took the down with one move. They were so weak compared to me that I didn't even really have to flinch that much. I saw Goku was having it easy as well considering he was able to transform to a super saiyan 2. Kirito and Asuna went another way. We split up in pairs of two  to get rid of most of the guards, this way when we barged in to take down the king. He wouldn't have soldiers to protect him. More came at me and Goku. This one was stronger and I had to use at least 50% of my power. He threw a punch at me, but I swiftly blocked it, but I didn't see the knife that he pulled out from his pocket. I saw the knife and he was about to stab me when.
"Bam!" He suddenly fell to the ground blood escaping his soldier. He had been shot. Oh yea I totally forgot about Bulma.
"Thanks, I owe you one Bulma." I praised Bulma thankful she saved me from that fatal blow. (Fun fact: weapons made on planet Vegeta such as knives and swords are made of a hard metal that can pierce the skin of even saiyans. Just in my story.)
"No prob." She said getting back to work as our sniper. I saw two more come straight at me as me and Goku went further into the castle. The first one tried coming at me with a hook punch. I quickly blocked with my left arm, then I quickly took my right arm and went around his arm. Next I twirled and aligned myself with him, then before I knew it I was in a perfect position to throw him. I threw him to the floor on top of the other soldier that tried coming at me. I knocked them out cold. Once Goku had swiftly finished his opponents.....
"Nice job Aspara."
"Thanks Goku, you're doing great too." I complimented back.
"Well we better keep going. Goku said getting back to the mission at hand.
"You're right we should." I replied as I followed Goku down the hallway.
Gine's POV
Me and Bardock had just finished taking down the three out of six guards that had come at us. I honestly thought life wouldn't get exciting again, but boy is this awesome.
"Hey Bardock, honey, this reminds me of the old days don't you think so." I commented well looking at my next opponent.
"Hmm, it sure does and it feels great." Bardock replied back smiling at me as he got into a fighting stance ready to take down the two opponents in front of him.
Asuna's POV
Me and Kirito had just finished taking down eight soldiers and were running to were the King was located. It was quite. It was as if nobody even lived here. That's when I realized.
"Kirito look out it's a trap!" I yelled to Kirito, but it was too late he stepped into the trap. He stepped on that one tile, the tile that triggered two knives to come from opposing directions. I quickly got in the way and took the impact of the knives in my arms. Kirito looked at me in shock.
"Asuna, but why?" He asked looking at me shocked and saddened.
"Because Kirito, you mean the world to me." I thoughtlessly confessed. At this statement his eyes widened and he became rageful. I fell to the ground and the last thing I saw before passing out cold were the soldiers running towards Kirito and me.
'You've got this Kirito.'
Kirito POV
"That's it I tried having mercy, but you hurt her, the one I care most for!" I screamed out of anger. All five of them came at me. Out of rage and anger I screamed transforming into a super saiyan. My hair turned gold and instead of blue my eyes turned into a glowing yellow that had the word rage written all over them. Out of anger I took them all down with one move. More came at me and I swiftly made rag dolls out of them. Throwing them around till they were out cold. After I let all my anger out and had taken all the soldiers out, I had calmed down a bit and my transformation left me and once again my eyes turned to the soft onyx color they were before.

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