Chapter 18 A Happy Ending After All!

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Aspara POV
"I always knew you'd guys end up together." Bulma shouted excitedly fan girling at the couple in front of her.
"Well Thanks for the compliment Bulma." I replied nervously, a blush making its way to my cheeks.
Asuna POV
"I knew those two would've ended up together sooner or later." Kirito commented.
"I know there such a great couple don't you think Kirito." I added looking at Kirito happily.
"You bet, I just can't believe the kingdom's great King Vegeta is rewarding us with the noble saiyan prize." Kirito said a bit nervous about getting a reward.
"Well I for one am excited!"Bulma shouted happily.
"Same here it's the first time people will finally except me!"Vegeta shouted confidently and excited.
Aspara POV
"What about you Hit, you excited at all?"Me and Goku asked curious of Hit's opinion.
"I could care less." Hit replied boringly.
"Oh come on Hit you have to be at least a bit excited." I complained.
"But I suppose it's a nice little ceremony." Hit replied.
"See we knew you were excited too Hit." Me and Goku replied enthusiastically.
"It sure feels nice, us parents getting a reward." Gine said excitedly.
"It sure does." Bardock said with a look written on his face that said he was proud of himself.
"Hey guys quiet down, the King of Wisteria is coming." Vegeta said nervously as he bowed.
"Hi daddy!" I said enthusiastically waving at my father. Maybe I'm a teenager, but I sure do love my father.
"Oh wait you're the princess of Wisteria." Asuna said suddenly remembering.
"That would make Vegeta his...." Goku intervened.
"Yup, my son."My father said happily looking down at Vegeta.
"Son why do you bow, stand straight and look at you're father, you are of royal Wisterian blood."
"Well then it's nice to finally see you again father." Vegeta said awkwardly.
"Hi Asuna, I appreciate you helping my daughter." My father praised.
"No problem, happy to help anytime. After all we are childhood friends." Asuna said looking at me and winking. In response I winked back playfully. After making an acquaintance with Asuna he turned to Goku.
"I'm guessing this is the next King of Wisteria." My father said making me and Goku a hot mess.
"If that's okay father." I said red as a tomato.
"Why of course it is, my daughter will marry the man she loves, not some evil Prince." He claimed making us even redder.
"Your Majesty, shall we start handing out their medals sir?" His assistant brought up.
"Why yes thank you for reminding me Akane." He said happily looking at her for a moment.
"Then without further ado a I declare these medals to the 9 brave souls who stood up to King Aizen's rathe. He was tearing this nation apart and by taking him down you have United it again. These medals shall show as our gratitude to you for taking him down."
"First up the brave assassin Hit who decided to go against King Aizen's orders and stand for good rather than evil." Father announced giving him a medal.
"Next up, the brave soldier Kirito for being fearless in the face of battle."
"Next, the compassionate friend Asuna who risked her life to protect her fellow alleys."
"Next, my brave and persistent son Vegeta, who kept fighting even when things seemed impossible."
"Next, the skilled archer Bulma who used her brains to strategize for her team."
"Next, the brave couple Bardock and Gine who even when put in the face of danger fought on."
"And finally Aspara, the daughter I am so proud to have who withstood every challenge that came in her way and the young man who dearly cares for her, the young man who fought for her when she couldn't and the man I am proud to call the next heir to the throne." My father announced making us all feelk proud, but others a little nervous. That was the end of it, the end of our quest, but not of our other adventures to come. There were many more adventures ahead that would later come our way, but that's a different story.

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