Chapter 10 I have a Brother?

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Aspara POV
I opened my eyes slowly to reveal shining grass. That wasn't the only thing I saw when I woke up. I looked to my left and became flustered by what I saw before me. Goku was sleeping next to me. Not just next to me though, but on my shoulder. I couldn't help but stare at his face. I stared at it for so long I noticed his features. He was cute, but handsome at the same time, and his face itself was peaceful. I just had to draw it. I'm an artist, I can't help myself.
"Well looks like no one else is awake yet." I said quietly to myself as I took my sketchbook out of my little carrier bag.
I started with his face.
1 hour later
"I finished." I said happily, but also flustered by what I had just drawn.
"Boo!" Asuna shouted from behind me.
"Huh, who's there." I said looking behind me in shock closing my book at the speed of light.
"Hey what's that book, it looks like a sketchbook."
"It's nothing." I said pulling it to closely to my chest.
"Awe I wanted to see it." Asuna pouted.
"What's up Asuna." Kirito greeted.
"Oh good morning Kirito." Asuna said.
"Hey who shouted Boo!" Goku said softly waking up.
I couldn't help but blush, his face looked like heaven. 'So cute.' I thought to myself.
"Oh that was me sneaking up on Aspara." Asuna said cheekily.
"Oh that's what that wa-"before Goku could finish his sentence.
"What's happening and why didn't anyone wake us up!" Bulma, Gine, and Bardock shouted.
"Get away from me, I don't know who this princess Aspara person is you're looking for, for god sake I don't even know who she is." A young man about my age shouted.
He was running from King Aizen's guards. When I saw King Aizen's guards torturing an innocent person it made me take the guys side.
"There you are you persistent bastard and princess."
"Oh so that's who you're talking about." The young man said.
"In that case I think I'll join their side." He concluded.
The guards came at us all at once but me and Goku got into a fighting stance next to each other. Two came at me and I unexpectedly powered up. I struck the two before they even attacked me. The last one took out a sword and came at me with it, but I swiftly blocked it.
Goku's POV
I was getting ready to block the guys punch but out of nowhere I powered up and blocked his punch so hard I sent the guy flying through the trees. The next two came at me with swords, but I easily broke them and sent them flying threw the rocks and trees through the forest.
Mystery mans POV
I swear I've seen that girl from somewhere, but I can't remember who she is. My thoughts were interrupted by a soldier who decided to come at me with a sword. I quickly dodged it and shifted my stance inside with a sun-fist to the stomach and an elbow to the face.
"Hmm weakling saiyans make me wanna puke." I said to the soldier as I looked at him on the ground with disgust.
Aspara POV
Asuna and Kirito finished up their batch of soldiers and we tied um all up to a tree just like before. Once we made sure they were all taken care of we started moving. We couldn't stay in the same spot for long due to us being on the run. Well we were running through the woods, I noticed the mysterious young man was still following us. I decided to stop running and turn around to question him.
"Who are you and why are you following us?" I asked him simply.
"Hmm good senses." He scoffed.
Due to his reaction, I got into a fighting stance ready for anything.
"Don't worry I'm not here for you." He reassured.
"Than why are you here?" I asked not trusting him a bit.
"Well you see I can't put my finger on it, but for some reason you remind me of someone I used to know long ago, you look just like them too." He said with a bewildered face.
"Hmm me." I said confused.
That's when Asuna stepped in.
"Hang on Aspara, your last name is Vegeta, correct." Asuna asked, clearly on to something.
"Um ye-" before I could continue...
"Hey my name's Vegeta." Vegeta added with a shocked face realizing what this could mean.
"That would make you relatives or even siblings of the same royal family." Bulma said indulging herself into the conversation.
"Exactly." Asuna said smartly taking the moment to shine.
"Wait what, but why was i never aware of the fact I had a brother?" I asked full of shock and confusion.
"I knew I'd see you someday, but I never thought here, younger sister."
"So you're Aspara's brother?" Goku asked breaking the silence.
"Guess so, She does look like her after all." He replied to Goku.
"Wow, but you don't even have light brown hair like her." He said confused and fascinated at the same time.
"Stupid idiot my hair doesn't have to be the same color for me to be her brother." He told back angry.
I couldn't help but chuckle at the two.
"Hey what's so funny Aspara?" Goku asked confused again.
"Nothing it's just you two crack me up for some reason." I told a light smile on my face.
I opened my eyes and saw Goku smile too. It was a calming smile and it made me have that same butterfly feeling as before.

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