Chapter 15 The assassin joins the team?

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Asuna POV
I looked at Goku and Aspara with a compassionate smile. Sometimes you just have to let people fall in love on their own. They'll get the truth eventually Bulma, you just have to let it blossom on it's own. I thought until.....
"Hey Asuna, what's with that smile?" I asked suspicious of her thoughts on me and Goku.
"Oh nothing, just thinking about what a wonderful couple you two would make." I commented turning Aspara into a hot mess.
"What were not even a couple Asuna, just friends." Aspara tried explaining clearly embarrassed by my comment. I decided to let her win and reasoned with her explanation.
"Well, if you say so Aspara, afterall I trust your statements." I told her a pinch of sarcastic ness in my voice.
"Hey guys can we please get back to the plan." Bardock asked turning the fun-loving mood in the room to a serious one. I could literally feel the seriousness radiating from him.
"Oh yeah thanks for reminding us." I replied. It was silent for a while until Kirito spoke, breaking the awkward silence in the room.
"So I think we should send two spies out right now. Who here is good with stealth?" Kirito asked. You could tell he was serious when he asked the question. He was right to be serious though, this mission could cost us our lives. If we were not even the least bit careful we would be done. That's why this plan has to be perfect. I thought looking around waiting for someone to speak up.
The room fell silent. I was about to speak up and volunteer, but then an unknown and mysterious voice beat me to it.
"You guys need someone who can sneak in the shadows and take their opponents down easily without being heard. Am I correct."
"Who are you, show yourself!" Vegeta yelled at the mysterious voice.
"Very well." The mysterious voice replied slowly getting louder. When the form of the mysterious voice finally showed itself, it was a familiar face.
"It's you, the assassin." Vegeta said in shock.
Kirito POV
"Hey you're an assassin right." I asked having an idea.
"Correct." The assassin said calmly.
"Would you mind helping us get into the castle?" I asked. If we had this assassin to help us then we might just be able to pull off our plan.
"Why not." The assassin replied.
"Before we go over the plan, how do we know we can trust you?" Asuna asked still suspicious of him.
"Hey Asuna come on, he let us go." Goku tried reasoning.
"Yea, he gave us a second chance." Aspara added to Goku's reasoning.
"Fine I guess I can trust him." Asuna said in defeat sitting back down on the log.
"Oh hey by the way, we never got your name Mr. Assassin dude." Goku said clearly curious of his name.
"The names Hit." Hit simply replied.
"Well it's nice to have you on the team Hit." Goku welcomed.
"Yea it sure is." Aspara added with a warm smile.
"Well than are we gonna get to the plan or what?" Vegeta brought up.
"Oh yeah, so Hit would you be willing to scout the perimeter around where the King is located?" I asked seriously. This one answer would decide our very fates. If it was yes, we'd have a chance, but if it were no. I don't even wanna think about it. I saw everyone else in the room get nervous. Silence built up, then.....
"Yea, why not." Hit replied. When he said that the nervousness that was once spread throughout the room faded and turned into relief. At his answer I gave a quick sigh of relief.
"Thanks a lot man, I don't know what we would've done if you said no." I thanked kindly.
"Yeah no kidding, thanks Hit." Goku added with that goofy grin of his. I saw Aspara smile at the result.
"No need to thank me, I just thought I'd do something right for a change." Hit replied a soft smile making its way to his lips.
"So shall we get back to our plan." Asuna brought up.
"Yeah I was just about to say the same thing Asuna." After replying to her I quickly turned to Hit.
"Alright, so Hit your role is to....."
"I heard the role I play in this plan already, you want me to use my time skip to scout the area of the castle that the king is in. This way you can see the number of guards and soldiers that are guarding the King." Hit smartly explained. No one in the room was really shocked, except for Bulma of course.
"How did you know all of that?" Bulma asked confused.
"He's an assassin Bulma, thats what there specialty is." Aspara explained to Bulma.
"Oh yea that's right I forgot assassin's were good at being sneaky." Bulma replied.
"No wonder we couldn't sense you're energy." Goku pointed out.
"Very well deducted, as an assassin I can hide my energy so my targets don't sense my presence." Hit explained.
"Also I already have the information you need on the number of soldiers that are guarding the King that is after you." Hit added. Everyone suddenly became shocked.
"Why didn't you tell us this earlier?" I asked confused as to why he didn't bring this information up earlier.
"I had to see if you would trust me first. Think of it as a test." Hit replied.
Aspara POV
"Oh, I see why you did that, after all if I were in your shoes I'd probably do the same thing." I said backing the assassin up.
"Yeah I guess any regular person wouldn't trust valuable info with strangers." Kirito added to my explanation. Our explanation seemed to work because everyone else around us suddenly calmed down and were no longer in shock. They showed the faces of someone who understands. This was a huge relief to me and Kirito considering that trust issues between everyone on our team would surely lead to failure.

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