Chapter 8 A look into the Past

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Aspara POV
"Aspara, Aspara." I heard a familiar voice call my name, was it Goku?
I slowly opened my eyes to find Goku. I could feel the soft grass under my skin, I could feel strong arms around me and quickly noticed that Goku was holding me in his arms.
"Aspara what happened are you okay?" He asked me anxiously his face all full of tears.
"Hey I'm okay so save those tears." I faintly said to him.
"Thank goodness I thought you were really gone." Goku told me with a soft smile. For some reason his smile really soothes me, it brought great peace to me.
"Don't worry it's gonna take a lot more than some knockout to stop me." I told him confidently with a smile. We noticed we were both hugging each other and both released and stood up quickly in embarrassment. The silence in the room was cut short by Asuna coming in with a catch of food with Kirito behind her.
"Oh thank goodness you're awake Aspara, I'm so glad you're okay." Asuna said with tears of joy hugging me tightly.
"Hey don't cry Asuna, I'm okay aren't I?" I said positively.
"Yea I guess you are, but next time don't collapse like that you had us all worried." Asuna responded rubbing the tears from her eyes.
"Bye the way wh-"
My sentence was got off by Bulma coming in.
"We were looking all over for you guys." Bulma said complaining.
"Well you found us didn't you." Kirito responded.
"Yea I guess that's true."Bulma replied calming down.
"Ohh did you disable the tracker on Bardock Bulma." I asked.
"Yes she did and I'm very grateful for it." Bardock said as he came in with Gine next to him.
"Well I'm glad we could help Bardock and Gine." Asuna and me said politely.
"Thanks for helping out my dad Bulma, you're the best." Goku thanked Bulma shaking her hand rapidly with a smile.
"No prob Goku, happy to help anytime." She said a smile on her face. She must have noticed my face because she commented on it.
"Worried about me stealing you're boyfriend Aspara."
When she said that my face lid bright red, so did Goku's.
"Son, you never told us you had a girlfriend." His mother said as her face lit up.
"Congrats son." Bardock said calmly.
"Were not an item. Bulma here just thinks we are." Goku panicked.
"Well you guys sure act like an item." She commented again. This time making everyone around us laugh.
"Again Bulma were not an item, just friends, right Aspara?" He tried explain. Due to the embarrassment and aggravation I hit Goku on the head.
"Hey what was that for?" He pouted.
"For letting Bulma say we're an item." I told him, looking away due to all the embarrassment.
"Hey guys, don't mean to interrupt the moment but dinners not gonna cook itself." Asuna explained.
"Wh-what moment we were just talking." I said flushed with embarrassment and anxiety.
"Oh okay than me and Kirito wi-"
"Hey Asuna, how are we gonna cook if we don't even have a fire." Kirito brought up.
"Oh yea I totally forgot about that." Asuna mentioned.
"What are we gonna do now, I'll starve to death." Bulma panicked running around the rock she was sitting on like crazy.
"We're not gonna starve because I'm gonna go get some fire wood." When Kirito said that it gave reassurance to us all.
"Thanks Kirito, I was really worried for a second there." Asuna thanked with a warm smile.
Kirito POV
"Thanks Kirito, I was really worried for a second there." Asuna thanked me with a warm smile. Her smile really motivates me to do the impossible for some reason, you know that. When I saw her panicking a second ago it made me feel I needed to calm her down.
"No prob Asuna. I'll be right back with some wood." I replied.
"In that case I'll come too." Goku offered as he started walking toward me.
"Why not, I guess I could use an extra hand." I agreed walking towards the woods with Goku.
"So anyway how'd you two meet." I asked Goku.
"Who, me and Aspara?"
"Well it was any ordinary day for me, little did I know I would find her in those bushes alone and scared. The first time I met she thought I was sent by the king, but she later saw I was just an innocent boy unaware of her problem. I asked to help her and boy was she stubborn. Took me a few times before she let me help her, but she finally did and now here we are." Goku told me.
"What about you and Asuna, how'd you meet?" Goku asked me curious.
Asuna POV
It was any other day. I got up, changed, and was gonna go eat breakfast, but before I could reach the door and turn that knob to see my family smile warmly at me, my older sister suddenly barged through the door.
"Get out of here Asuna, run far far away!"She shouted anxiously at me.
"Why I don't want to leave you big sis." I said feeling the soft liquid roll down my right cheek. A liquid I haven't felt for years.
"Just g-!" Before she could finish two men opened the door and, she was gone, forever. I just stood there shocked, my face soaked in an endless river of tears. I turned the corner of the door and saw her
"Sister!" I shouted out of sadness and fear.
"Get out of here I don't want to lose you too." When She said that I felt as if my heart was being stabbed. Stabbed a million times over. Was this the end, we're they really all dead. Was I really the only one left. Conflicted thoughts ran through my head.
"Sister, don't go." I cried reaching for her, but before I could a man grabbed my wrist. I struggled for a second, but finally got out. When my wrist was finally released, I took off and ran, ran, and ran.
I ran for my life in fear of being taken from this world at such a young age, the age of twelve.

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