Chapter 4 New Friend

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His pouty face made feel kinda down, I don't know why, but for some reason it just did, so I decided to cheer him up.
"Oh if you help me with this you'll definitely become an elite, in fact if you keep helping me you'll become my personal bodyguard." I reassured him.
"Really you mean it!" He said excited by the thought.
"Yea, plus you seem like a great and trustworthy guy." I complimented.
"Thanks." He thanked.
"Well the rains not gonna stop anytime soon." I said as I sat under a tree shivering. My clothes were soaked, it was windy, and it felt as if I was being chilled to the bone. That's when I felt a pair of warm, strong arms wrap around me.
"Hey, what are you doing?" I asked with a flustered face.
"You looked cold." He simply told me, he had that goofy smile of his on when he said it. 'It was kinda cute. Wait what am I thinking, and why is my heart melting, stop it heart. 'He pulled me in closer and I just let him shelter me in his warmness. I slowly began to calm down and later fell asleep.
Goku's POV......
'Her sleeping face is so cute, it really puts me at peace, why am I saying these things when I know it's forbidden for one of royal blood and one of commoner blood to be together.' I thought as I looked at her sleeping face,'But at the same time I feel something inside me, a force greater than laws that says it doesn't matter as long as i'm with her.' As I thought these final thoughts I fell asleep.
Thief's(Bulma's) POV......
It was pouring outside, dark, and no one was around, the perfect time to steal food, or so I thought. Once I was by the food market I opened my bag and threw as much fruit as I could in it. "Boom!" Just my luck. An apple had fell, and someone heard it because they spotted me and called the city guards.
"Thief, come back with my fruit!" He yelled as he chased me along with the guards.
"Stop there thief!" One of the officers yelled as he ran after me. That guy must've really cared about his fruit because he had the guards chase me all the way through the woods, but that's when I got lucky. I saw a bushy area that I would be able to lose them in, so I sprinted ahead and hopped in the bushes. It worked because they just ran past me like a bunch of dum dums. Satisfied with my catch, I started to crawl through the bush, that's when I came upon two strangers, the girl had a sword that looked like it was worth some value. One problem she had a solid grip on it. I kept pulling at it, but it wouldn't budge.
"Well, better safe than sorry I guess." I told myself as I tried to sneak away, but like always I made some sort of mistake.
Oh shoot, did I seriously just step on a twig." I whisper shouted to myself.
I could see the young man's eyes start to open.
"Hey, who's there?" He questioned as I swiftly hid in the bushes, but sadly for me he could sense ki.

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