Chapter 13 Super Saiyan Vegeta and a new Ally?

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Vegeta POV
"Ahhhhhh!" I heard a scream, it sounded like. My sister, no I promised that day, I promised my mother she would be safe. That I would be there to always protect her.
"Son promise me you'll never ever leave you're
"But mom I cant ju-"
"Just promise me."
"I promise."
"Good, now go son before it's too late!"she ordered me as I ran crying, my baby sister in my arms. My mother was behind me. That day I never looked back, terrified of the sight behind me.
End of flashback
I clenched my first in anger not knowing what to do. I'm tired of running. My whole life I've ran and never fought. I was snapped from my thoughts by the screaming of Goku.
"Ahhhhh!" I saw his hair grow to his feet and he was surrounded by a yellow aura. I looked back at my sister and knew she needed help. I ran over to Bulma, Gine, and Bardock.
"Hey you there woman go help my sister, Aspara she's in critical condition and barely holding on." I ordered.
"Huh I didn't even notice, poor thing, I'm on it." She replied. I decided to grab the woman's arm. I wouldn't usually do something like this, but something in my heart told me too.
"Bulma was it."
"Yes why."
"Thank you for helping my sister, it means a lot to me." I thanked.
Bulma's POV
"Bulma was it." He actually said my name, for the very first time. For some reason that made me feel at ease in this chaotic situation.
"Yes why." I asked back bewildered by his question. The next thing he said had me in shock.
"Thank you for helping my sister, it means a lot to me." He actually thanked me. Hearing him say that made me smile.
"Aww look who's a big softy." I commented on purpose wanting a reaction from him.
"Who me I'm no softy, just a grateful man." He explained a hint of red on him.
"If you say so." I replied.
"Alright Gine I need you to help hand me the bandages and Bardock I need you to put pressure on the wound. Got it." I ordered quickly getting back to the situation at hand.
"Yes Bulma." They said quickly getting to the task.
Vegeta POV
After getting that done I saw Goku had been hurt pretty bad and decided to go help him fight. I wasn't running away like all those times before. No this time I was going to fight, fight for what I think is right.
"Hey Goku, need a little help?" I asked getting in a fighting stance.
"Yea I could use some help, hows Aspara, is she better?" He asked. I detected a hint of worry in his voice as he said it.
"Don't worry she's okay Goku, so you can focus on the fight now." I reassured him.
"Thank goodness, I thought she was gone." I saw him look over at her to double check. The assassin leapt at me throwing a punch to my face. I listened to my instincts and blocked it and then at the speed of light threw an uppercut to the jaw.
"Bam!" I heard my fist collide with his jaw.
"Damn you!" He shouted using that
time skip he always uses to take out his targets.
Before he could hit me I resisted his time skip and landed an elbow to his face. I didn't retreat back fast enough though because he came at me with a counter attack to my gut. I felt the shock travel through my body, but something inside me just snapped at the pain I felt. I felt my power level rise and saw my aura change from white to yellow. With this new power I decided to try and end it in one blast.
"Hey Vegeta how about we combine our blasts for an ultimate attack?" Goku reasoned with me before I tried anything.
"Fine, but only because it'll finally get rid of this annoying assassin." I replied full of pride. I've always had a lot of pride, but in this moment my pride strengthened and I felt like I could do anything.
Goku's POV
"Fine, but only because it'll finally get rid of this annoying assassin." Vegeta replied, pride filling his ego.
"Alright lets end it." I said confidently getting ready to throw my blast towards the assassin.
"Ka me ha-"
The assassin threw a blast of his own and we finally released our combined blasts toward him.
"Me ha!"
Our blasts quickly overwhelmed him and the assassin was overtaken by our combined force.
Assassin(Hit POV)
Both of their blasts shot out towards mine and my blast was quickly overtaken. I stood there in shock of the event that had just happened. No one has ever beat me in a fight before. You have my respect saiyans. Snapping back to the situation I was able to partly dodge the blast. Due to the blast hitting part of me, I was left utterly weakened and could no longer fight any longer.
Goku POV
I was confident that me and Vegeta had gotten rid of that assassin and would all be safe, but I was wrong.
I saw him grunt as he slowly got up weakly. I instinctively got into a fighting stance next to Vegeta.
"Relax you guys won, plus it's probably better you kill me considering the king who hired me is one evil bastard. I think I'd much rather die by your hands then his." He said giving up in defeat.
"So the king hired you huh."I asked dumbfounded.
"Shouldn't that have been obvious by now." Kirito added.
"Yes it should've, but this clown over here is too thick-headed to figure out anything." Vegeta said annoyed by my question.
"So you guys aren't gonna finish me?" The assassin asked confused by their choice.
"Hmm lets see, nope." I told mercifully with a light smile.
"What but Goku, he hurt Aspara." Vegeta said trying to raise my anger.
"I know, but for some reason I feel like he was forced to do this." I replied to Vegeta with my good old goofy smile.
"I guess he could've been forced to do this." Kirito replied siding with Goku.
"But, how do we know we can trust him?" Asuna jumped in.
"I don't know I just feel like we can." Kirito and I said in sync.
"I swear you two are getting more and more alike as this journey go's on you know that." Asuna said irritated.
"Sorry we cant help it were just-"
"Best." Kirito started.
"Buds". I ended.
"Stop finishing each other's sentences, it's so annoying." Asuna complained on.
"Hey did you guys forget about the assassin?" Vegeta asked looking at us like we were dumb little children. This really pissed off Asuna considering she knocked him on the head and said,"Of corse we didn't you idiot!"
"What did you call me!" Vegeta talked back angrily.
"Hey guys can you calm down?" Kirito asked nervously.
"Why should we!" They said in sync to Kirito obviously angry.
"Oh yea by the way guys the assassin's leaving guys." I said stopping the fight and grabbing the attention of them.
"Thanks Goku, I owe you one." Kirito thanked.
"No prob, anytime pal."
"I'll leave you guys for now." The assassin said mercifully.
"Why would you do that?" I asked curiously.
"I'll give you guys a chance to get away from that evil king bastard." He explained.
"But why would you help us, won't the king have you prosecuted?" Kirito asked confused by his decision.
"I'm not going back, but going into hiding myself." He explained as he quickly vanished into the wilderness.
"Boy he's a weird one." I commented.
"Sure is." Kirito added.
"Why'd you guys let him get away!?" Vegeta complained utterly disappointed in us.
"He paid you back, when you showed him mercy by not finishing him off for good, he paid that same mercy back by letting us go." Aspara simply explained. Her knees looked as if they were about to collapse.
"Aspara I told you to let the two men do the job and rest." Bulma ordered her. Was she okay? I saw her knees give out and she was gonna fall, but that didn't happen. Not on my watch. I moved quickly catching her in my arms.
"Aspara next time listen to Bulma and just rest, I don't want you getting hurt." I said with a hint of worry in my voice. But it was the truth after all. I was worried about her. My Aspara. I wasn't denying it anymore, I clearly fell in love ywith the girl. Who wouldn't though she's so pretty, kind, and can stick up for herself. My thoughts were interrupted by Aspara's response.
"I'm fine relax Goku." She said. A reassuring smile on her face that said everything was alright.
"You really should be more careful next time Aspara." I scolded. Which I usually never do.

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