Chapter 6 The Note

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"Yes, I should, but well there was a reason I fled the kingdom." I told Bulma.
"Well tell me?" She asked.
"I fled because of an arranged marriage. I was going to be forced to marry the prince of morgaberry, Jean, to stop an all out war from happening between the two kingdoms, but I refused to marry and idiot moron, and am now gathering a rebellion of strong saiyan warriors to help me take down evil king Aizen and his idiotic son Jean." I explained.
"I don't blame you that prince Jean is one ugly bastard, all he cares about is himself. I'm actually one of the people who lived in morgaberry and all the people there are either messed up or very poor and there is much poverty due to King Aizen's evilness and selfishness." Bulma explained.
"Then what about it you could tag along with me and Aspara, right Aspara."Goku proposed as he looked at me with those irresistible puppy eyes.
"Alright I guess it wouldn't hurt." I agreed.
"Hey Aspara just a reminder can we go tell my parents that I'm gonna be gone for a few months.?" Goku asked me.
"Um yea, but before we do, don't you think we should get some supplies." I explained to the two.
"True that's a good idea since we'll probably be traveling for a while." Explained Bulma.
"Alright, lets get going, just follow me." Goku instructed. We were wanted so we made sure to stay low in the bushes where the guards wouldn't see us.
"Are we almost there?" Whispered Bulma.
"Yea, that's my house right there and as you can see the blacksmith and food court are right next to it." He said as he pointed to his house.
We were about to run over to the food court when we noticed the soldiers standing by Goku's house. 'They'll surely see us if we just hop out into the open." I thought.
"How are we gonna get over there there are guards surrounding your house and they're swarming all over the village." I pointed out.
"True, hmm maybe we could fight them." Goku suggested.
"Bulma do you know how to fight?" I asked her.
"Um I know how to use a bow an arrow, kind of like a sniper." She explained.
"Wow you're a sniper." Goku whisper shouted.
"Yea, but I haven't done it in a while I probably suck." She replied getting herself down.
"Oh come on I bet you're not that bad, you're probably great!" I whisper shouted.
"Alright well I'll try my best, and by the way you guys sound just like a couple, both giving motivational speeches." She said a smirk on her face. The moment she said that my face turned red and I couldn't help but notice that Goku's face was the same.
"We are not a couple!" I accidentally shouted.
Right when I said that the guards parted the bushes and found me and Goku, but Bulma hid just in time. Me and Goku got in a fighting stance ready for anything. Five guards came at me and I just punched one in the face along with a right front snap. After the front snap I did a back flip and heard "PAA!!". When I looked at my target it was a girl from the past, my best friend from my childhood, Asuna.
"Why are you wanted?"she whispered to me while the other guards were distracted with Goku.
"Well you see it's a long story." I told her
Goku's POV
I was punching this one soldier in the face and out of the corner of my eye I saw Aspara talking with a soldier, it was a girl with hazelnut hair and a white uniform, unlike the other guards she wielded a different type of sword.
Back to Aspara's POV
"So that's the story huh."Asuna replied.
"Yea." I responded.
"I don't blame you I mean like who'd want to marry that moron." She sided.
"I'm gonna help you take out these other guys except for Kirito though he's with me, okay." She said.
"That's fine just make sure he doesn't attack us." I told her.
"No prob Kirito's a nice guy I'm pretty sure he'll find you're cause reasonable."
"Alright, well the guards aren't gonna get rid of themselves."
"No kidding I got you're back and you'll have mine just like old times." She said getting into a fighting stance with her sword. Two soldiers came at us and we took them down, but then unexpectedly two more came from behind.
Thank goodness Bulma was in the bushes because she shot them both right on the dot, in the arms.
They both fell to the ground and stayed there.
"Thanks for the help Bulma!" I shouted to her.
"No prob anytime!" She replied back happy she could help.
Goku's POV
A soldier came at me with a blade that I easily dodged, but another came from the side and I couldn't block both, but the best of luck happened, one of the soldiers took my side, he had black hair and jet black eyes. He easily blocked the other guards attack and saved me some trouble.
"I assume you're with the brown-haired girl over there." He asked me.
"Yup I sure am, why." I responded.
"I'm with Asuna the one with the Carmel hair, so if she's with you guys, I'm with you guys." He explained to me while taking down another one of the soldiers.
"I don't see why not, we need more help anyway." I replied as I took down yet another soldier.
Aspara's POV
I finished taking the couple few that were still standing with the help of Asuna and Bulma.
We tied them all to a tree leaving a note that said, "This is war unless you cancel the proposal."
Sincerely Aspara of the royal vegeta family.
Sorry for the slow update readers I'll be updating soon though promise, thanks for waiting.

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