1 | Chaos In the Cafeteria

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Before we start, I wanted to explain the name of the book, just in case someone doesn't understand. It's a play off of "Written In the Stars" but I made it "Bitten" because it's a zombie apocalypse scenario. Hope that explains it a bit!

☆Warning, these chapters contain gruesome content and may be uncomfortable for some readers☆


"Y/N?" Your teacher called out, his eyes still glued to the clipboard in his hands. "Here," you said, as you slightly raise your hand into the air out of habit. It was your usual, regular Monday. Seemingly normal, seemingly perfect. Nothing was out of the ordinary, no alarms or warnings were going off, the world was completely normal. The class had finally started and you were doing the usual of taking notes and yawning ever so often, it was boring. However, you wouldn't have your life in any other way. No drama, no problems with school, your family didn't seem to be upset with you doing a mediocre job with life, everything was good.

As you grew even more bored with the class, you strayed your eyes off of the board and down to your paper where your chicken-scratch of handwriting lingered on the page on very few lines. In truth, you hadn't been paying attention too much to what the teacher was saying, Hell, you weren't even sure what class you were in exactly. Your black pen darted for the corner of your paper and soon enough, you had doodled nearly all up and down the paper. "Now that I've explained all of that, you should be able to do the work on your own," your teacher mumbled as he adjusted his glasses on his face and walked back over to his own desk. You shot your head up to the board in shock, not realizing you now had multiple problems to work on in your book. What class were you in again? Right, Math.

You groaned internally as you tried not to slam your head onto your desk in protest. Not only had you stopped paying attention, but your teacher also erased the notes off of the board which meant you had nothing to base your problems off of. This is great, you thought as you stared the book down with a glare, oh how you loathed math homework. Deciding that the best decision here was to just simply... Not do the homework... You continued your doodles and spaced out for the rest of the period. It wasn't like one missed assignment would completely ruin your grade, so with a shrug, you decided not to think about it too much.

Soon enough the bell rang and everyone gathered their things, it was finally lunch. "The one thing you can never fail," you had whispered out to yourself as you made your way out of the classroom and down to the cafeteria on the first level. Along the way, you met up with the usual group of kids you'd sit with at lunch and you all chatted idly away about complete nonsense, like the shows and anime you were all trying to catch up on. "So, would you rather kiss Sero or Fumikage from My Hero Academia?" Two of the girls in the group got into a debate as to who they'd rather kiss. "Could you even kiss Fumikage normally? I mean... He's part bird after all..?" The other girl chimed in with a pondering look on her face. You decided to pay no mind to what the other girl had just said and made your way over to the lunchline, man you were hungry.

Everything was normal. Everything was fine. Seemingly perfect, you could even say. Up until the blood-curdling scream erupting from one of the female students startled everyone. You froze up in place and felt your blood run cold in a split second, what had happened? You turned and whipped around to face where the scream had come from, but as soon as you did, more screams roared around you. Students were running and pushing, some even shoving others to get away from something you couldn't see just yet. Panic was rising inside you, why aren't any of the teachers doing anything? What exactly was happening? Why were people running and screaming? You stood in place while you waited out a wave of students running away, which was truly a terrible decision because once you saw what exactly was going on, you grew nauseous and felt dizzy.

A bloodied figure was hunched over a student. The said figure looks pale, grotesque, it's own skin seemingly peeling off and a strange dark substance oozed out of its open wounds. It didn't take you very long to connect the fact that the thing is- no- it used to be human as it squelched its fingers into the stomach of the downed student. Blood was pooling everywhere and the sound, oh God the sound, it filled your head and all you could see was red. It wasn't until a frightful student had bumped into your shoulder did you snap out of the trance from watching the thing tear into the now, assumingly, dead student. You forced yourself to turn away from the scene as you ran along with everyone else rushing and bumping to escape the school, the previous scene now haunting you as you dashed out to the front doors.

It didn't take long for more of those things to show up, as you run through the halls you noticed out of the corner of your eyes you'd see more and more downed students, all bloodied and torn into. Fear rushed through your veins as you pushed your way out of the school, just what exactly was happening? Why was your seemingly normal, seemingly perfect day, suddenly turning horribly horrifying? Why exactly was this happening to you? You hadn't done anything to deserve this, so why?

The moment you made it outside you stopped yourself to catch your breath, and to let out all the nauseous feelings you had in your stomach. You hunched over and puked, your eyes tightly shut as you felt another wave rush out of your stomach and out into the grass of the front of the school. However, once you knew your stomach was empty, you pushed yourself to run. If things like this were happening right here in your school, surly shit just like this was happening elsewhere, perhaps even all around the world. You didn't want to just sit around and wait to see if that were true, so, you ran. You ran and ran all the way home, to the one place you thought you could finally catch yourself up to speed as what exactly was happening. You hoped you could give yourself the chance to catch your breath, you hoped that you could see your parents and book it out of this hell hole, you thought...

You thought they'd still be alive, but the moment you stepped toward your front door, you knew something was wrong and that they were probably dead. Blood lined up and down the walls of your entryway and your door was opened in the slightest, you couldn't push yourself to go inside. You didn't want to know what was behind those doors, you wouldn't be able to handle it. So, you backed away and swallowed hard. Just what were you to do?

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