4 | Newbie

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☆Warning, these chapters contain gruesome content and may be uncomfortable for some readers☆


The four of you were silent as you made a mad dash down the street, the only sound heard was all of your ragged breaths and some of the groans from the monsters now swarming the area. Your mind was racing as you all turned down another street, the sounds behind the three of you now growing louder, "Where are we going?!" You yelled out, not caring if you were loud or not, you were already being chased. "The school, there, at the corner!" The black-haired boy pointed the place out. It was maybe a block away from the four of you, and if no one was there to open the gate for you, you would surely get pinned and eaten alive by the shambling creatures chasing the four of you. "Shit," You mumbled again, this time releasing yourself from the red-heads grasp as you dashed ahead of all of them, your legs now burning and aching as you felt them want to give out underneath you. You passed the three boys, all those years training in track finally did you some good, and you slammed your whole upper body against the gate. It didn't budge.

Reeling back this time, you charged into it, the sudden loud thwack of your body hitting the metal gate resonated in the air as it flew open just in time for the three boys to rush inside. Quickly, the short boy slammed the gate shut and huffed, his lungs were clearly having a hard time catching up the breaths his body needed. "Hot damn, that was close," The red-head panted as he hunched over, his hands resting on his knees and he keeled over in the slightest to help catch his breath. The black-haired boy was huffing too, his brows furrowed as he turned to face you, "Are you okay?"

You were standing there silently. Your whole body hurt from that impact, the sound of the ringing metal still sounded in your ear, and your legs had enough of your antics. Collapsing once again, you landed on your injured knees and sighed, "I'm so tired." Your voice was harsh from breathing in so quick and shallow, your lungs and throat burned as you tried to swallow, but your mouth was too dry to do so. You were so thirsty, tired, and now hungry, that you blacked out.


"Jesus, is she okay?" You could hear some muffled voices around you, but you didn't recognize a single one. Your mind was too clouded from the pain your body was in, perhaps stopping and allowing your body to catch up to its current state wasn't such a good idea. That's why you kept moving, you didn't want your body to catch up to everything you've now been through. "Her side is almost entirely covered in a bruise, what happened?" A quiet, feminine voice asked. You still couldn't rock yourself completely into consciousness. "It's a long story," A stoic voice suddenly said, one that you recognized. Black-haired dude, you thought. "Well, we're obviously not going anywhere. Spill," Another voice, it was another one you didn't know. They sounded concerned and stern, like one of a person who is in charge.

A hand rested on your forehead suddenly, "While you guys explain, how about you all leave and allow me and Hailey to inspect her body. Just to make sure she's not bitten?" It was silent for a moment, but then shuffling feet could be heard, and then a door opening and closing. "S-She's not dead, r-right?" A timid, quiet voice asked. "No, she's still breathing," The other female voice said. She sounded stern and confused like she wasn't sure what to think of the situation just yet, "Let's start with taking off her shirt and pants, hopefully, she won't mind..." You felt your mind go into a panic, what?! Why can't I wake up, please, just let me wake up! You pleaded in your mind, but to no avail, you couldn't wake fully.

"Ah, look, her hand is moving!" The intuitive voice said, her hand pulling away from your abdomen, which you could feel. You twitched your hand again, this time your eyes fighting to open, "What the fu-" You groaned and tried to sit up, but your body felt like a million tons. "S-She's awake!" The timid girl's voice yelled out abruptly, her hands covering her mouth in shock. "Of course I am, I've been awake this whole entire time, I just couldn't move!" You managed to exhale all of that in one sentence, your hoarse voice clear to the two other girls in the room. "We still need to check you for anything, is that okay?" The small girl with brown hair and glasses asked, her hand returning to the edge of your shirt. You nodded this time, knowing for sure that the others were gone and out of the room.

Soon enough they were satisfied with their inspection and allowed you to redress yourself. Though you were slow and ached through the whole process, you managed in the end. "I'm Sue, and this is Hailey," The short, cute girl gestured towards the tall, thin girl in the room, "There are two other girls here as well, a blonde named Scarlett and another brunette named Judy," Sue explained, her eyes glancing over to Hailey as she introduced her. "I'm Y/N," You said, your hands inspecting the cuts on your knees as you barely bothered to look up at them at the moment. "Well, Y/N, let's go introduce you to the others," Sue got off of her knees and stood up, her hand offered out to you to grab. You took her hand, but quickly tumbled into her arms as you felt your legs wobble underneath you, "S-Sorry, my legs are still really sore." She simply shook her head dismissively and helped you stand on your own, a small kind smile playing at her lips as she did so.

The three of you walked out of the room and made your way down the hall, and as you did so you looked out one of the windows. You were on the second floor and it was extremely dark outside, had it really gotten that late? Shaking your head, you continued to follow the other girls, the silence slowly starting to get to you. Right as you opened your mouth to say something, the short girl, Sue, opened a classroom door and walked inside. Whatever commotion that had been going on quickly stopped and all eyes were suddenly on you. "You're awake!" A silver-haired boy said, a relieved smile forming on his lips as he saw you. You simply nodded your head and looked back over to Sue who gestured her hand over to you, "Introduce yourself."

"Oh, right," You awkwardly smiled, "I'm Y/N, thanks for, um... Taking me in, I guess?" You shrugged and looked at the floor, all the stares were starting to bother you. "Taking you in? Yeah right, you're not going to stay here!" A girl with blonde hair and crimson eyes exclaimed, her expression firey as she glared you down. Ah, this must be Scarlett? You pondered as you watched her storm behind the red-head that had helped you earlier. "Scarlett, don't be like that!" Another girl in the room hissed, her brows furrowing as she apologetically smiled towards you, "I'm Judy, sorry about that." You nodded your head, you didn't really care how she treated you, you were just glad to be somewhere safe for just a moment. "I'm Zion, that's Ethan, and that's Eugene, the ones you ran with earlier," Zion, the red-head, gestured to each one of the boys you met. Eugene glared and huffed, his arms crossing against his chest as he looked away from you, whereas Ethan offered a small wave. "And I'm Lawrence and this is Harry," The tall boy with glasses gestured, his small smile never faltering as he looked back over to you. Harry smiled, "It's nice to meet you." Another boy in a red sweater glanced over at you and frowned, "Jay." He simply said his name and continued to ignore you, is face obviously showing he didn't like you being here.

It was silent for just a moment before Ethan broke the silence, "You're still bleeding." He pointed down to your jeans and you looked down. He was right, you were still bleeding and, now at this point, it was starting to get concerning. "Oh, you're right!" You looked down in shock as you slightly touched one of the wounds. It stung, and finally, you felt all the pain. "Ah, crap, it hurts now," You mumbled. "Here, let's go get you cleaned up," Harry was the first to step up, his hand offered kindly out to you as he glanced over to Lawrence. The tall boy nodded his head, "Go ahead, I think the rest of us still have a lot to talk about." You swallowed hard, obviously, they're going to talk about me and whether or not if I should stay. As Harry took your hand in his, he slowly drew you out of the room and down to another in the same hall.

Hopefully, they'd let you stay for the night, you didn't even really want to stay long anyways. Whenever you were with people, it seemed things went bad. So, in truth, it didn't bother you.

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