22 | Salvation

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☆ Warning, these chapters contain gruesome content and may be uncomfortable for some readers ☆

Because of my long absence, I decided to make this a long chapter as an apology to you all! I'm also trying a new writing style, please let me know what you think!


Surprisingly, sleep was peaceful and you didn't recall having any nightmares. Though you woke up stiff and sore in some places, you didn't mind it as much because you were thankful to have a full night's sleep for once. Finally convincing yourself to get up, you walked out of your room and headed down the hall to the main classroom. Upon entering, you saw Harry and Ethan standing next to one another talking softly. Once they saw you, they stopped and Harry smiled at you, whereas Ethan simply nodded his head.

"Morning, Y/N. How are you feeling?" Harry asked, his soft eyes gazed at you carefully as you slowly approached the two boys. "I'm okay," you said quietly as you looked away from his kind eyes.

You could feel the two of them staring at you so you turned and walked over to the window in the room to avoid any more questioning, plus you could feel the tension building in the air. As you stared outside, you ignored the sounds of the door opening and closing ever so often as more people entered the room. Without saying a word, Ethan stepped up beside you and leaned over and wrapped an arm around your shoulders.

As he pulled you into a hug, you wrapped your arms around his torso and buried your face into his chest. Comfort, something you hadn't been seeking, was freely given to you without needing to ask. You felt the need to cry at this, but you held back your tears and swallowed down any sobs that had wanted to escape. Inhaling deep, you finally let go of Ethan and smiled up at him, you were extremely thankful to have someone like him in your life during these difficult times. He returned your smile and patted your head, and as he backed away you noted that everyone else was inside the room now.

"Eugene, help me with the food?" Harry asked, his soft smile never faltering as he looked to the short boy.

Eugene simply nodded and followed Harry out of the door while the rest of you stood or sat around the room, complete silence engulfing the space. It didn't take too long for the duo to return with arms full of packets of food, Harry even had a couple of bottles of water. They sat the bottles down and handed out the food, and as Harry reached you, he opened his mouth to say something but then quickly shut it. Deciding better of it, he left you alone for the moment to your thoughts in hopes that maybe you'll reach out to him yourself.

You appreciated that he respected your space, seeing how he seemed to want to say something to you but didn't. Taking the plastic bag that contained a couple of rolls, you opened it hastily and chewed away at your food. Not realizing how hungry you had become, you ate your food quickly without paying attention to the flavor. After scarfing down the food and taking a few sips of water, you leaned back towards the window and scanned the outdoors.

Everything was still, the world almost seemed at peace. Perhaps this was the Earth's way of cleaning out the pests, people were killing it after all. But the stillness of it all was bothered when your eyes caught onto movement by the front gate of the school, and as you snapped to look at just what was there, you saw people. A group of people, and because they were far away, you could only make out that they were walking in a formation, perhaps military style. With your mouth falling open, you attempted to make words, but your voice fell as soon as you saw the group continue down the road.

Finally turning, you said, "There's a group of people marching down the road."

Everyone looked at you, and then rushed to the window. All eyes were staring after the uniformed group as they just passed by, seemingly unaware of all the looks and gawks they were receiving. Harry peeled away from the windowsill first, looking wide-eyed and shocked. The rest finally pulled away from the window, some looking scared and some looking elated. Turning, you looked to Lawrence for directions. However, what you saw is not what you expected.

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