24 | Plans

318 18 10

☆ Warning these chapters contain gruesome content and may be uncomfortable for some readers ☆


After the long patrol, you and Lawrence had finally made your way back to classroom 1-C. Upon opening the door, you saw that everyone was already waiting, and expectant faces found yours. Harry seemed less stressed, but that look of worry still etched his features. Eugene and Zion stood side by side, both watching as you stepped into the room in silence, Lawrence trailing right behind. Ethan, upon seeing you enter the room, seemingly relaxed in the slightest. Judy, Sue, and Hailey sat in a corner to themselves, their eyes watching carefully as the two of you entered the room. Haily was still trembling, but she didn't seem so afraid anymore. 

"So, I think we can all at least agree to go check this place out," Lawrence simply stated, his hands resting carefully on the desk that sat right in the middle of the room. It felt like he was almost his old self again, but some part of you still told you to watch your back around him.

Mostly everyone nodded in agreement, excluding Hailey of course, and because of this, you felt a weight lift off your shoulders. It was almost exciting, knowing that there was a possibility of a new, and more safe home. But first things first, making sure this place was legit. You knew it was going to take some planning to make sure you'd get there undetected, that way you and whoever else would see this place for what it is. Then there was that, who was going to go scope the place out? You wanted to go, and you were going to make sure that you were.

"So... I think we should decide who is going then," You crossed your arms and looked at Lawrence carefully. He looked back, his kind brown eyes meeting yours with a nod.

It was odd, very odd, how he suddenly seemed to be so agreeable. But you wanted to believe it was because he was worried for everyone's safety, but could you really believe that? After what happened in the mall... Jay's death, all of that still didn't sit right with you. You wanted to finally get past all these doubtful thoughts, but your gut was yelling at you to still be careful.

"I want to go," Ethan pushed himself off the wall he was leaning on and looked at you, his eyes meeting yours in worry. He knew you wanted to go so badly, and he wasn't going to let you go by yourself.

"Me too!" Eugene said next, his arm raising up as he volunteered himself for this trip.

"I'll be going to, I have to," You said next, nodding at Eugene and Ethan as thanks.

"That settles it then, I'm going too," Zion sighed out, his eyes closed as he leaned against the wall he and Eugene stood in front of.

Larence stared at each one of you, nodding his head as he thought deeply," Harry, why don't you go too." Harry startled at this, his eyes meeting Lawrence's gaze.

"Me? You know I'm not that good of a runner, but... If you really think I need to be out there, I'll go," Harry shook his head and shrugged, unsure of Larence's decision.

Lawrence simply nodded his head, his shaggy brown hair falling across his face. He pushed his hair away from his eyes and smiled a kind, but chilling, smile. Eventually, he got together with Ethan and they started to plan out a path to the stadium, and everyone else started to clear out of the room. Deciding to leave yourself, and realizing you were nowhere near tired, you decided to make your way to the roof of the school. Before you reached the staircase, you heard someone yell out to you.

"Yo, Y/N. Where are you going?" Eugene trailed behind you, his hands reaching up and pulling down his facial mask ever so in the slightest.

"I don't think I can sleep just yet, and I wanted to get some fresh air," You gestured up the stairs and trailed off for a moment, but then turned and faced him, "Would you like to join me?"

He seemed surprised as his eyes grew wide, but without a word, he nodded his head and followed up the steps beside you. The silence, when with anyone but Lawrence, it was comforting. Plus, being with Eugene brought a different kind of comfort to you. He was a bit abrasive at first when you first met, being one of the first people to want you to leave, but after some time he warmed up to you. And, you'd almost never admit, but you warmed up to him as well. Something about him brought out a childish side in you, one that wanted to throw fits and pout, one that made you want to be loud and scream. He was usually always so energetic but in his own way of course.

Finally reaching the roof, you stepped into the center and looked up into the sky. The sun was almost completely set, which left you to see some stars peaking out in the darkening sky. Eugene stood next to you, his eyes searching the sky as well, mostly just to mimic you. After a few moments of silence, he finally sighed and sat on the ground. Looking down at him and laughing quietly, you sat next to him and looked at his face.

"How have you been holding up?" You asked him, your hand reaching out and brushing against his in hopes of comforting him.

"I- It's been..." He fumbled with his words upon feeling your hand against his own, "I want to say I've been fine, but so much has happened in so little time."

Sparing a glance his way, you could see him pulling his facial mask further up in a weak attempt to hide his blushing face. Eugene couldn't meet your gaze, but he could certainly feel you looking at him. He felt so exposed whenever it was just the two of you, not that he hated it, but more like he felt skeptical. Eugene wanted to feel safe with you, and he wanted you to feel safe with him, but he was doubtful of himself that he made you feel that way. In his mind he was desperately trying to put it into words, and just by looking at him, you could tell he was thinking too much.

"Eugene," You started, finally facing your body towards his. Grabbing the sleeve of his hoodie, you tugged him into a hug and rested your head on his shoulder, "Thank you, for everything. You've been so brave and you've brought me so much courage... And thank you for trying to comfort me."

"O-Of Course! I- I mean, I just... I want you to feel safe, and I want to let you know... I'm going to try to do whatever I can to help... With that," He shakily hugged you back, his face turning an even brighter red.

Eugene relished the moment, his eyes closing as he breathed in the fresh air around the two of you. It was quiet, and he was nothing but grateful to be having this moment with you. Finally calming down, and with a bit of hesitation, he pulled away from the hug first. He still did his best to hide some of his face away with his mask, but you could see that he was smiling with his eyes. It made you laugh a little, and it was nice to share a moment with him as the sun set. It also brought you some reassurance knowing that he had your back.

Knowing that he, and the others, are by your side brought you hope. You wanted nothing more than for this stadium to be real, a place for new starts. And you wanted all these people to have that chance to live normal lives once again. And you hoped to finally have a chance to relax, with all of your new friends by your side.

As the sky grew darker, the two of you decided to call it the night. After going down the steps and reaching your room, you smoothed out the blanket on the floor and stared up into the ceiling. Many thoughts went through your head, many were worries about the future, but you weren't going to let yourself fret about it right now. It was late, and you were finally growing tired.

And after some time, you finally drifted off into a silent, dreamless sleep.


Please let me know of any mistakes! <3

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