13 | Sweet Moment

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☆Warning, these chapters contain gruesome content and may be uncomfortable for some readers☆

Hhhh thank you for all the reads and support so far! This chapter is a little shorter than the rest, I hope you all don't mind!


It was dinner time and almost everyone has gathered around in the classroom, all except one. Scarlett, of course, hasn't left her room since the argument in the middle of the hallway. As you sat there, you recalled how fierce her glare had been, how rough she jabbed you with her fingers, and how shaken she had been from the fact her chapstick was supposedly stolen. You blinked away the cloudiness from your eyes as you looked back up to meet someone else's gaze. Lawrence... He had sat across from you, his eyes glued onto you as you quietly ate your food.

How long has he been staring?

As your eyes met, he slowly looked away and continued a conversation he was having with Sue, and it seemed the petite girl hadn't noticed him staring at you. Taking another bite of your food, you couldn't help but shiver right on the spot, things were starting to feel a little weird around here and you couldn't help the suspicion rising within you towards the said leader sitting across from you. That day with Jay- something had happened. You just didn't know the exact details and it was eating away at you. He died so abruptly... I feel horrible about it.

Everyone finished their meals and was given their assigned areas to patrol, you were partnered with Harry, which was a little relieving to you. He has always been, so far, very kind and comforting towards you, and you hoped he would stay that way for whatever remaining time you all had. After grabbing a bottle of water from your room, you headed back toward Harry's and knocked on the door. "Harry, you ready?" It was silent for a moment but then you heard a thud. Slowly, the door opened to reveal the boy looking rather pained and tired.

"S-Sorry, yeah, let's go," He tried to nudge past you but you stopped him with your free hand and stared him down with a concerned look. "You're not, you look like you're in pain!" Trying to stay hushed as possible, you pushed him back into his room and made him sit down on a desk. Opening his mouth, Harry wanted to protest, but he quickly closed his lips once he saw your worried expression. "What's going on, where does it hurt?" You lightly brushed your hands across his body in areas where you thought he might be hurt, but that only earned you a light laugh from the boy. He took your hands in his to stop you, and then made your hands cup his face, "My head hurts really bad." He almost sounded out in a whisper, but his voice was strong and unwavering.

You flushed in the cheeks once you realized how close the two of you were, and you almost pulled you hands away, but Harry's hands still sat on top of your own. He held them there and closed his eyes, he was enjoying the proximity and the warmth you were providing from your hands. A small smile played at his lips as he slowly opened his eyes again. "Thank you, you helped me feel better," He released your hands and stood up, "Now let's go, we have a patrol to do." He offered you one of his hands to take, his warm smile never fading as you felt even more flushed as you took his hand into your own. Since when did he become so smooth and so adorable?!

Harry had held your hand up until you made it to the area the two of you were meant to patrol, the front gate. It was dark and chilly, but the sky looked so beautiful and the silence was rather blissful. Plus, fresh air? Who doesn't love fresh air on a chilly and calm night? Inhaling deeply, you closed your eyes and let your arms hang loosely by your sides, you wanted to cherish this moment you had, you never knew when you'd experience something so blissful ever again or anytime soon. Opening your eyes, you saw Harry standing near you and staring. "What is it? There something on my face?" You questioned as you pat your cheeks and rubbed your lips, you didn't look weird, did you?

"No, no! I was- it was just that- you looked- err," Harry fumbled with his words as he looked away from you suddenly, his cheeks red and eyes frantic, "you look really pretty." You barely heard him for he whispered and turned away from you, and with his back facing you, you weren't sure if he was redder in the face than you. "T-Thank you," You felt like you choked on your words as you managed to stammer out a reply, this boy is a super sweetheart. Shortly after shaking off all the awkwardness, the two of you continued the patrol around the front gate in silence. Though you went and tried to start up another conversation, you found that you froze up any time you looked back over to Harry. His compliment echoed in your head which would cause you to flush again and freeze up on your words.

After finishing the patrol, the two of you made it back into the school in continued silence. Though you still felt a little flustered, you didn't feel uncomfortable at all in Harry's presence. He does know how to make everything feel as though everything is going to be all right, you thought to yourself as you approached your classroom. Harry approached his own which was a little further down the hall from your own and paused outside his door, he turned to look at you and opened his mouth to say something, but instead, he shook his head and gave you a soft, small smile. With a curt wave, you entered your classroom and released a breath you didn't know you were holding in, had he been wanting to say something too?

You settled down on top of the blanket in your room laying on your back, you were too busy with your thoughts to calm down and relax, and you knew that tomorrow you were going to be exhausted. But, you didn't mind. You felt as though tonight was worth the exhaustion, Harry had made it worth it. As you rolled over onto your side and slightly curled up, you closed your eyes in an attempt to block out your thoughts to help you fall asleep. Though something continued to nag in the back of your mind, it felt as though you were forgetting something important. A flash of crimson color crossed your eyelids as you drifted off in sleep, but you were already too far into your slumber to pay too much attention to it. 

Maybe you'll remember in the morning, after all, it's not like something bad was going to happen tonight since it was such a lovely evening.

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