5 | Home Sweet Home

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☆Warning, these chapters contain gruesome content and may be uncomfortable for some readers☆


"You look tired," Harry walked into a room and dug around in some boxes, his eyes lighting up once he found what he was looking for. He handed you a pair of sweats to change into and turned around, his hands covering his eyes too just so you'd know he really wasn't going to peek. "I am, I'm exhausted," You could help but admit as you quickly changed, the softness of the sweats relaxing you, "I'm done." He turned around and gave you a soft smile, his eyes showing concern as he made you sit down in a chair in front of him, "Been through a lot?" He asked, his fingers working carefully to roll up the pant legs as he made sure not to touch your wounds. Without saying anything, you simply nodded your head and looked away. It was evident you didn't want to talk about it, at least, not yet. He nodded his head in reply, "Me too."

He had pulled out a small box filled with emergency aid items and quickly got to work to tend to your wounds, his brows furrowing once he realized your bruise had truly gone all the way up to your right side. "How'd this happen?" He questioned as his fingers lightly brushed against your skin which sent a shiver up your spine. "I barged into the gates, they weren't open and if I hadn't done it, we would have been pinned against them by those monsters..." You stared at Harry as he frowned, his eyes now glossy as he glanced up at you. Confusion took over you, why had this boy, whom you just met, cared so deeply about you suddenly? You didn't know him, and he didn't know you, and yet, there he was. "This might sting a little," He quickly shook his head as he dabbed a cotton ball onto your kneecaps, the painful sensation slightly familiar to yourself. "It's not so bad!" You said as you breathed in a breath through clenched teeth. Harry laughed, his smile returning to his lips. You relaxed, he looks better when he smiles.

The two of you managed to keep an idle conversation as he dressed your wounds, and for the second time ever, you felt as though nothing has actually happened to the world. Harry was completely normal and comforting, his eyes and smiles offered a safe place where you felt you could hide, and you were thankful for that distraction. As soon as he was done, he pulled your pant legs back down and offered a hand for you to take, and this time, you gratefully took it and smiled, "Thanks, it doesn't hurt as much anymore." He nodded as he pulled the two of you out of the room and back down the hall, back to the same room everyone had been in. But once you reached the said room, the door flew open and angry red eyes met yours.

"Fucking finally, you're back. We need your vote on something," Scarlett took Harry's hand and yanked him inside the room which caused his hand to release your hand in shock. Your eyes widened as you slowly walked inside, everyone's eyes once again on you. "So, Eugene, Hailey, Jay, and I are against this chick staying and Lawrence, Sue, Zion, and Ethan say she should stay, Judy is staying out of it," Scarlett pointed to each person as she said their names, her lips slightly frowning as she met Zion's gaze. "I say she stays," Harry immediately said, his arms crossing against his chest as he turned back around to look at you. His eyes showed kindness as he said those words, his lips also turning upwards into a small smile. Scarlett scoffed.

You watched her storm out of the room suddenly, a scowl on her lips as her shoulder purposely bumped into your own. A 'tsk' passed your lips as pain shot up your shoulder, she hit your bruised side. "You okay?" Harry asked quickly, his hand finding your left shoulder in concern as he looked you over. "I'm fine, just my bruise," You pulled your shirt down to your shoulder, the bruise was colored purple and green in some parts, but mostly it looked blue-ish. Ethan's and Harry's brows etched into concern as they saw how dark it looked. "That doesn't look right, does it?" Lawrence suddenly said as he looked over your shoulder, his hand lightly placing itself in the area of your joint. You hissed out in pain and swatted his hand away, "Dude!" Lawrence chuckled a bit but frowned, "I think it's dislocated."

If you had been paying attention, you would have noticed Zion, Jay, Judy, Hailey, and Eugene leaving the room. Zion mumbled something about looking for Scarlett, but none of you were really listening. The realization of how much it was going to hurt to relocate your arm settled on your shoulders, literally and metaphorically, and you let out a defeated sigh, "Let's just get it over with. Do any of you know how to do this?" You looked around to see some people had left, but Sue, Ethan, Harry, and Lawrence stood nearby. Ethan raised his hand, "I saw it in a show once?" Everyone turned to face him. It was better than nothing, right?

Ethan had you lay down across the rows of desks and handed you something heavy to hold in your hand, "It's going to hurt." You heard his voice quietly say near your ear, and you nodded. Without missing a single beat, he shoved his hand up and pushed your arm back into place, a gross snap and pop could be heard but you could feel your shoulder back in place. "God-!" You yelled out, your whole body turning towards Ethan as the pain shot through you in a rush. You nearly fell off of the table, but Ethan's hands were quick to catch you. "Fu- My God- That- I don't want to do that again!" You hissed and gasped out as you felt tears rush into your eyes. "It looks to be back in place, at least!" Lawrence said as he and Ethan helped you sit upright, and once you heard Lawrence's words, you looked over to your shoulder.

He was right, it didn't look as weird anymore, but you knew that bruise was going to hurt for a long time. "Just so you know, the rest will warm up to you eventually, so don't worry about not feeling welcome here," Lawrence continued to explain as he looked over the people that were in the room at the moment. Sue nodded her head as she walked closer, her hand jutting out for a handshake, "I'm sure we'll all get along eventually." With teary eyes and a shaky smile, you took her hand in yours and lightly shook it. "Plus, from what I've heard from the others, you're pretty fast? If you don't mind, I'd like to utilize that when we do our runs," Lawrence's glasses on his nose slipped down slightly and he quickly readjusted them up, his kind smile never leaving his face. "Yeah, but..." You trailed off as you looked out the window to your right, "I don't have to stay here if you guys really don't want me to. It's really fine, I prefer to be alone anyway."

"Don't say that," Harry suddenly said as he walked into view, his brows furrowed and his look stern, "Please, stay." You blinked at him in shock, they really wouldn't mind you staying here? With a nod of your head, you kindly smiled and looked the people over in the room.

Perhaps things could get better from here.

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